Ayanad Crystals Galore

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 2/19/2008 11:29:51 PM

Alchemists of sufficient rank to infuse mana into their solutions (rank 30 general alchemy) will find three new recipes that should help them (and others) progress through general alchemy.

Each of these three recipes effectively takes one type of ayanad crystal and uses it to produce two crystals of the next lower tier through a bit of time and coin.

Each recipe is structured as follows: add crystalline solution, add an essence shard, *, infuse mana.

The asterisk (*) in the recipe is replaced with the dust that is extracted from a given type of ayanad crystal. Faintly shimmering dust has been introduced as an extract of n'ayanad crystals, while faintly radiant and glowing dusts remain extracts of t'ayanad and s'ayanad crystals respectively. Fainly glimmering dust from ayanad crystals yields nothing of use.

To reiterate, the three new recipes are as follows:

ayanad: add crystalline solution, add an essence shard, add faintly glowing dust, infuse mana

s'ayanad: add crystalline solution, add an essence shard, add faintly radiant dust, infuse mana

t'ayanad: add crystalline solution, add an essence shard, add faintly shimmering dust, infuse mana

Again, these recipes yield a cluster of two crystals on tier lower than the crystal used to create them. Clusters may be separated by using either of the following syntaxes:

GET {item} FROM {cluster}


GET {number} {cluster}

As an example, if you create "a cluster of ayanad crystals", you can use either "GET CRYSTAL FROM CRYSTALS" or "GET 1 CRYSTALS" to remove a single crystal from the cluster. Lose crystals cannot be added into existing clusters, or clustered together with other loose crystals.

These recipes are considered rank 30 recipes for training purposes, and can be used as 'tough' recipes. With these recipes in place, the recipe for essence shards has been reduced in effective rank.

Yes, a single n'ayanad crystal can effectively be used for eight (8) 'tough' infuse reps, yeilding a total of eight (8) ayanad crystals.


This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Alchemy Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.
