VegasCon: Just Weeks Away!

Date: 2/19/2008 1:46:03 PM

Join me, if you will, in picturing a fantastical region. Skyscrapers and golden palaces dot the landscape. Fountains many times the height of a man adorn the walks. A great pyramid of black glass is within walking distance of a lush, tropical resort.

Now add a horde of GemStone players, revelry, and a curiously overpriced hoodie.

This, my friends, is VegasCon '08: Down to Chinatown.

My merry fantasia raises one question: why haven't you signed up yet? Tickets are available at the low early registration price of $51 until February 29th. Registration is required in order to access the suites and the goodies available therein, not to mention the many awesome events planned for this year's convention. VegasCon is your chance to meet your fellow players and GMs and have a great time with old friends.

Even better, we've graduated from the now-defunct New Frontier to a bigger and better residence at the South Point Hotel and Casino, complete with in-house theatre, bowling alley, and BINGO!

Registration is available through the box office:

When booking your rooms at the South Point, don't forget to use the group code of GS4 VEGASCON. (Your room rate should be $75/night Wednesday & Thursday and $110/night Friday and Saturday.) VegasCon takes place from the 19th-23rd of March, 2008.

See you there!


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