Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 3/31/2008 7:11:58 PM
Our new servers are up for Testing. Any players who are wanting to have some fun while we're testing out the hardware should log in to the test instance (through the Gemstone Test game link on your login page, or through the GS4 64-bit Prime Test link with the SGE).
Some goodies to make your mayhem more fun:
* the HEALME verb will instantly heal you of all injuries and raise you from the dead
* the Chronomages have been bribed to operate their transporters every minute (instead of every 90 minutes), and are only charging 5 silvers per trip
* All sorts of goodies have been placed around Town Square in Wehnimers Landing. E-bows? Check. Golvern claidhmores? Check. Enhancives? Yeah, we have those, too. Even fixskills potions.
As for bugs and such, you can post them here. We're mostly looking for hardware issues at the moment, but we'll look into coding problems too.
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, 64-Bit Testing Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Prayer of Communion (330) Updated!
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 3/31/2008 4:56:19 PM
The Cleric spell Prayer of Communion (330) has received some updates:
- The COMMUNE verb has been introduced to allow a Cleric to choose to which deity they will be communing. Usage is COMMUNE {deity name|deity number}. COMMUNE LIST will provide a list of all gods to which one can commune. PREP/CAST and INCANT may still be used, but they will default to targeting the god to which the Cleric is CONVERTed.
- Previously, targeting an item with Prayer of Communion resulted in a bonus to success. This was, in spirit, meant to be used as a bonus for casting at holy symbols, however, it was applied to all items. Thus, this bonus has been removed and replaced with more appropriate modifiers.
- A Cleric communing to the god they are CONVERTed to will receive a bonus to success. Communing to a god in the same pantheon as the Cleric's god yields a smaller bonus and communing to a god in a different pantheon than the Cleric's patron will result in a penalty to success.
- A Cleric communing to a god in a shrine dedicated to that god receives a bonus to success.
- Training in Spiritual Lore, Religion now adds 2% per seed 6 summation of lore ranks to the success rate for Prayer of Communion.
- As before, overuse of the Prayer of Communion spell (i.e. frequent use within a short time period) can result in detrimental effects to the caster. These effects have been increased in magnitude a bit, as many previous effects were simply curses which could be removed with Remove Curse (315). A slight increase to failure rate has been introduced in the case of overuse. Overuse of the spell will be plainly indicated via messaging.
The new spell description can be found here:
= - GM Oscuro - =
Cleric/Empath Team
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/31/2008 4:56:19 PM
The Cleric spell Prayer of Communion (330) has received some updates:
- The COMMUNE verb has been introduced to allow a Cleric to choose to which deity they will be communing. Usage is COMMUNE {deity name|deity number}. COMMUNE LIST will provide a list of all gods to which one can commune. PREP/CAST and INCANT may still be used, but they will default to targeting the god to which the Cleric is CONVERTed.
- Previously, targeting an item with Prayer of Communion resulted in a bonus to success. This was, in spirit, meant to be used as a bonus for casting at holy symbols, however, it was applied to all items. Thus, this bonus has been removed and replaced with more appropriate modifiers.
- A Cleric communing to the god they are CONVERTed to will receive a bonus to success. Communing to a god in the same pantheon as the Cleric's god yields a smaller bonus and communing to a god in a different pantheon than the Cleric's patron will result in a penalty to success.
- A Cleric communing to a god in a shrine dedicated to that god receives a bonus to success.
- Training in Spiritual Lore, Religion now adds 2% per seed 6 summation of lore ranks to the success rate for Prayer of Communion.
- As before, overuse of the Prayer of Communion spell (i.e. frequent use within a short time period) can result in detrimental effects to the caster. These effects have been increased in magnitude a bit, as many previous effects were simply curses which could be removed with Remove Curse (315). A slight increase to failure rate has been introduced in the case of overuse. Overuse of the spell will be plainly indicated via messaging.
The new spell description can be found here:
= - GM Oscuro - =
Cleric/Empath Team
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Author: GS4-ZYLLAH
Date: 3/31/2008 4:37:21 PM
To aid clerics in the use of one of their most precious gifts from the Arkati, Brother Willoughby Hornsmith (old blowhard that he is) has taken time to share with his Brother and Sisters his expertise on Communing. His words of wisdom can be found here:
We hope that this guide will help clerics make better use of one of their highest level spells by giving some ideas of what all goes into a good Commune. Commune is such an unusual spell, since it's entire purpose is a roleplay enhancement to the profession. But sometimes it can feel like trying to roleplay blind when not knowing what's really expected in order to succeed. So hopefully this will help! Along with the spell updates.
Clerics are also always encouraged to speak to other clerics who have successfully Communed in the past to get first hand accounts of their experiences. There is no one right way to Commune, but there are definitely some wrong ways to go about it. ;)
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/31/2008 4:37:21 PM
To aid clerics in the use of one of their most precious gifts from the Arkati, Brother Willoughby Hornsmith (old blowhard that he is) has taken time to share with his Brother and Sisters his expertise on Communing. His words of wisdom can be found here:
We hope that this guide will help clerics make better use of one of their highest level spells by giving some ideas of what all goes into a good Commune. Commune is such an unusual spell, since it's entire purpose is a roleplay enhancement to the profession. But sometimes it can feel like trying to roleplay blind when not knowing what's really expected in order to succeed. So hopefully this will help! Along with the spell updates.
Clerics are also always encouraged to speak to other clerics who have successfully Communed in the past to get first hand accounts of their experiences. There is no one right way to Commune, but there are definitely some wrong ways to go about it. ;)
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Brief Downtime
Date: 3/31/2008 12:36:33 PM
All instances of GemStone will be reset briefly at around 2:30 Eastern while we update and re-sync data for the test instances.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but this is a necessary part of testing and when we're all done, we'll be on much nicer machines. :)
"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"
Date: 3/31/2008 12:36:33 PM
All instances of GemStone will be reset briefly at around 2:30 Eastern while we update and re-sync data for the test instances.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but this is a necessary part of testing and when we're all done, we'll be on much nicer machines. :)
"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"
Warcamp Update
Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 3/29/2008 3:58:38 PM
The following changes have been made to the warcamp system:
-The Spell Penetration maneuver has been temporarily disabled until it can be adjusted to be less deadly.
-Warcamp creature generation rates have been lessened.
-Ball spells have been removed from the mass effect spell limiter, as have the focused versions of Disruption, Implosion, and Maelstorm.
-Spells cast by Grimswarm creatures no longer count towards the mass effect spell limiter.
-Minor mass effect spells (such as Breeze, Call Wind, Mana Focus, Tremors, Quake, etc.) have had their contribution to the mass effect spell limit significantly lessened. Casting any mass effect spells whatsoever in the first two rooms of a warcamp remains a bad idea, however.
We will continue to monitor the warcamp system and make changes, as necessary.
This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, The Guardians of Sunfist. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/29/2008 3:58:38 PM
The following changes have been made to the warcamp system:
-The Spell Penetration maneuver has been temporarily disabled until it can be adjusted to be less deadly.
-Warcamp creature generation rates have been lessened.
-Ball spells have been removed from the mass effect spell limiter, as have the focused versions of Disruption, Implosion, and Maelstorm.
-Spells cast by Grimswarm creatures no longer count towards the mass effect spell limiter.
-Minor mass effect spells (such as Breeze, Call Wind, Mana Focus, Tremors, Quake, etc.) have had their contribution to the mass effect spell limit significantly lessened. Casting any mass effect spells whatsoever in the first two rooms of a warcamp remains a bad idea, however.
We will continue to monitor the warcamp system and make changes, as necessary.
This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, The Guardians of Sunfist. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Warcamp/Society Updates
Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 3/28/2008 12:57:04 AM
The following updates have been made to warcamp/society systems:
-The ability to leave a warcamp simply by logging off and then back on immediately has been curtailed. Players who die all alone in a warcamp will be ejected by the Grimswarm via an alternate method.
-Generation rates inside the warcamps have been slightly lower. They will continue to be monitored and adjusted, as necessary.
-The regeneration rate of destroyed warcamps has been significantly lowered, particularly in Platinum.
-Grimswarm population growth rates and maximum population sizes have been halved (Platinum only). Any warcamps currently above the new maximum population will remain at their current levels until they are culled down to the new maximum level.
-The perception level of the Grimswarm guards has been lowered.
-The frequency with which the Grimswarm cast Major Ewave has been lowered. In addition, only elementally aligned Grimswarm will be able to cast Major Ewave.
-The overall abilities of the Grimswarm creatures have been readjusted somewhat, with the non-casting Grimswarm creatures in particular gaining a new ability and damage/stun resistance.
-The use of mass effect spells in a warcamp now carries the chance of causing a bad magical interaction with the mystical shrouds that surround and permeate each Grimswarm warcamp. The chance of a bad interaction occuring is particularly high near the entrance of a warcamp, with the chance diminishing further into the warcamp. Repeated use of mass effect spells within a short time frame increases the chance of a bad interaction occurring. Particularly powerful mass effect spells (such as Mass Ewave, Nature's Fury, Song of Disruption, Implosion, and such) are particularly susceptible to causing bad interactions.
As noted above, generation rates have been adjusted to partially compensate for the new risk to mass spell usage, and will be closely monitored and further adjusted if need be.
-The RT cost for using the Sigil of Location has been reduced from 8 seconds to 3 seconds. The sigil will now also note whether or not a warcamp is in the general vicinity.
-The chalkboard of reported warcamp locations will now also display the room name that the warcamp has been spotted in.
-A number of other bugs with warcamp/new society have been fixed, including the ability to use Ewave to locate warcamps, the ability to cause warcamp population reduction by simply leaving and coming back repeatedly, extremely high/low rescued NPC levels, the mix-up between heads and other items in the item retrieval tasks, and other minor issues.
This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, The Guardians of Sunfist. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/28/2008 12:57:04 AM
The following updates have been made to warcamp/society systems:
-The ability to leave a warcamp simply by logging off and then back on immediately has been curtailed. Players who die all alone in a warcamp will be ejected by the Grimswarm via an alternate method.
-Generation rates inside the warcamps have been slightly lower. They will continue to be monitored and adjusted, as necessary.
-The regeneration rate of destroyed warcamps has been significantly lowered, particularly in Platinum.
-Grimswarm population growth rates and maximum population sizes have been halved (Platinum only). Any warcamps currently above the new maximum population will remain at their current levels until they are culled down to the new maximum level.
-The perception level of the Grimswarm guards has been lowered.
-The frequency with which the Grimswarm cast Major Ewave has been lowered. In addition, only elementally aligned Grimswarm will be able to cast Major Ewave.
-The overall abilities of the Grimswarm creatures have been readjusted somewhat, with the non-casting Grimswarm creatures in particular gaining a new ability and damage/stun resistance.
-The use of mass effect spells in a warcamp now carries the chance of causing a bad magical interaction with the mystical shrouds that surround and permeate each Grimswarm warcamp. The chance of a bad interaction occuring is particularly high near the entrance of a warcamp, with the chance diminishing further into the warcamp. Repeated use of mass effect spells within a short time frame increases the chance of a bad interaction occurring. Particularly powerful mass effect spells (such as Mass Ewave, Nature's Fury, Song of Disruption, Implosion, and such) are particularly susceptible to causing bad interactions.
As noted above, generation rates have been adjusted to partially compensate for the new risk to mass spell usage, and will be closely monitored and further adjusted if need be.
-The RT cost for using the Sigil of Location has been reduced from 8 seconds to 3 seconds. The sigil will now also note whether or not a warcamp is in the general vicinity.
-The chalkboard of reported warcamp locations will now also display the room name that the warcamp has been spotted in.
-A number of other bugs with warcamp/new society have been fixed, including the ability to use Ewave to locate warcamps, the ability to cause warcamp population reduction by simply leaving and coming back repeatedly, extremely high/low rescued NPC levels, the mix-up between heads and other items in the item retrieval tasks, and other minor issues.
This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, The Guardians of Sunfist. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Re: Spiritual Lore Review
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 3/25/2008 8:00:35 PM
The Minor Spirit lore updates are now live. The Major Spirit, Cleric and Empath circles are in QC and should be following suit within a few weeks. The specifics of this update can be reread at:
In addition, the following, unmentioned changes will be included with their respected circles:
Call Lightning (125):
The cloud will now dissipate when the caster dies or logs out.
Bane/Smite (302):
The lore bonus for this spell is being revisited and will not be updated at this time.
Bless Item (304):
This spell will now use Cleric spell ranks to determine the duration and is not restricted by the character's level. It has a base 20 swings + 3 x number of Cleric spell ranks. When casting from a magical item or scroll, every two skill ranks (for the appropriate activation method) count as 1 spell rank.
Empathy (1108):
This spell was incorrectly using Mental Lore, Manipulation and Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning for its lore bonus. It has been corrected to use Mental Lore, Telepathy.
Troll's Blood (1125):
Spiritual Lore, Blessings will no longer reduce the interval of this spell's effect. It will now be determined by Spirit Mana Control at the rate of (SMC skill / 25).
Lore Application
Lastly, a new standard is being applied to all lore benefits. When calculating lore ranks, it will now use effective lore ranks, which is calculated by determining if the spell is native to the caster. If the spell is not, then Major spell circles will apply a divisor of 2 and Profession spell circles will apply a divisor of 3. Mana Controls will also test nativity and apply a divisor of 2 to all outside casters (although Raise Dead (318) is exempt from this rule). Minor spell circles are not subject to this design. For example, if a Sorcerer was casting Bless Item (304) from a scroll, only 1/3 of their Spiritual Lore, Blessings lore ranks would count for the lore benefit. Enhancive items which grant spell knowledge do consider the caster as knowing the spell, so full lore ranks do count. The Major Spiritual, Cleric, and Empath spell circles have all been updated to this design and other circles will be following suit in the coming month.
GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team
"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne
This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Developer's Corner - Spell Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/25/2008 8:00:35 PM
The Minor Spirit lore updates are now live. The Major Spirit, Cleric and Empath circles are in QC and should be following suit within a few weeks. The specifics of this update can be reread at:
In addition, the following, unmentioned changes will be included with their respected circles:
Call Lightning (125):
The cloud will now dissipate when the caster dies or logs out.
Bane/Smite (302):
The lore bonus for this spell is being revisited and will not be updated at this time.
Bless Item (304):
This spell will now use Cleric spell ranks to determine the duration and is not restricted by the character's level. It has a base 20 swings + 3 x number of Cleric spell ranks. When casting from a magical item or scroll, every two skill ranks (for the appropriate activation method) count as 1 spell rank.
Empathy (1108):
This spell was incorrectly using Mental Lore, Manipulation and Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning for its lore bonus. It has been corrected to use Mental Lore, Telepathy.
Troll's Blood (1125):
Spiritual Lore, Blessings will no longer reduce the interval of this spell's effect. It will now be determined by Spirit Mana Control at the rate of (SMC skill / 25).
Lore Application
Lastly, a new standard is being applied to all lore benefits. When calculating lore ranks, it will now use effective lore ranks, which is calculated by determining if the spell is native to the caster. If the spell is not, then Major spell circles will apply a divisor of 2 and Profession spell circles will apply a divisor of 3. Mana Controls will also test nativity and apply a divisor of 2 to all outside casters (although Raise Dead (318) is exempt from this rule). Minor spell circles are not subject to this design. For example, if a Sorcerer was casting Bless Item (304) from a scroll, only 1/3 of their Spiritual Lore, Blessings lore ranks would count for the lore benefit. Enhancive items which grant spell knowledge do consider the caster as knowing the spell, so full lore ranks do count. The Major Spiritual, Cleric, and Empath spell circles have all been updated to this design and other circles will be following suit in the coming month.
GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team
"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne
This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Developer's Corner - Spell Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 3/23/2008 9:31:11 PM
Due to an unforeseen RL scheduling conflict, there will be a slight change in the Veythorne Manor event on the Wednesday night of festival week(s).
The Animal Companion alterations in the Prime instance will be handled by raffle, and completed by the merchant at a different time to be arranged between the winners and the merchant. Please note that the raffle table will be at Veythorne Manor, not in the shop with the other raffles.
The tour will commence as scheduled, and bow sighting will still go on as usual, as will AC accessory and other "rangerly" alterations.
Platinum AC alterations will not be occurring during the festival, but will continue to be handled through the normal means. The remainder of the Platinum event will be the same as in Prime.
Thank you for your understanding!
You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Wonders of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/23/2008 9:31:11 PM
Due to an unforeseen RL scheduling conflict, there will be a slight change in the Veythorne Manor event on the Wednesday night of festival week(s).
The Animal Companion alterations in the Prime instance will be handled by raffle, and completed by the merchant at a different time to be arranged between the winners and the merchant. Please note that the raffle table will be at Veythorne Manor, not in the shop with the other raffles.
The tour will commence as scheduled, and bow sighting will still go on as usual, as will AC accessory and other "rangerly" alterations.
Platinum AC alterations will not be occurring during the festival, but will continue to be handled through the normal means. The remainder of the Platinum event will be the same as in Prime.
Thank you for your understanding!
You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Wonders of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Combat Guide Update
Author: GS4-KIA
Date: 3/20/2008 12:53:27 PM
The combat reference guide has been updated!
Super kudos to GMs Auchand and Strathspey on all the great content updates!
~ Kia (a.k.a Kitrina)
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, General Discussion about H&C. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/20/2008 12:53:27 PM
The combat reference guide has been updated!
Super kudos to GMs Auchand and Strathspey on all the great content updates!
~ Kia (a.k.a Kitrina)
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, General Discussion about H&C. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Wonders Of Elanthia Announced!
Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 3/18/2008 10:34:52 AM
This year's FREE spring event has been announced! Visit the Wonders of Elanthia topic in the Quests, Sagas, and Events folder, or see the home page of the website for further details!
You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/18/2008 10:34:52 AM
This year's FREE spring event has been announced! Visit the Wonders of Elanthia topic in the Quests, Sagas, and Events folder, or see the home page of the website for further details!
You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.
For the Godless Among Us
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 3/15/2008 3:52:03 PM
The CONVERT verb has been updated with a FORSAKE option. Choosing CONVERT FORSAKE will permanently clear your deity selection. Once you have forsaken the gods, you cannot select another god with CONVERT SET. Your only hope at regaining the favor of the gods is to find a Cleric able to cast Intercession (325, Tier 5).
= - GM Oscuro - =
Cleric/Empath Team
This message was originally posted in Gods and Minor Spirits of Elanthia, General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/15/2008 3:52:03 PM
The CONVERT verb has been updated with a FORSAKE option. Choosing CONVERT FORSAKE will permanently clear your deity selection. Once you have forsaken the gods, you cannot select another god with CONVERT SET. Your only hope at regaining the favor of the gods is to find a Cleric able to cast Intercession (325, Tier 5).
= - GM Oscuro - =
Cleric/Empath Team
This message was originally posted in Gods and Minor Spirits of Elanthia, General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Spotlight on Staff!
Date: 3/11/2008 1:22:55 PM
Long overdue, the Spotlight on Staff has now been updated! :)
"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"
This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, The Good....(general compliments). To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/11/2008 1:22:55 PM
Long overdue, the Spotlight on Staff has now been updated! :)
"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"
This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, The Good....(general compliments). To discuss the above follow the link below.
Lyneri's Storytelling - Slight Delay
Date: 3/9/2008 11:10:27 AM
I have to work a bit later then I anticipated, so the storytelling will take place at 6pm EST instead of 5pm.
Just a heads up to folks who plan on participating.
(NextGen Name-In-Red)
Fazli says, "I get really stupid ideas from time to time, like, "Hey. I could keep bees."."
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/9/2008 11:10:27 AM
I have to work a bit later then I anticipated, so the storytelling will take place at 6pm EST instead of 5pm.
Just a heads up to folks who plan on participating.
(NextGen Name-In-Red)
Fazli says, "I get really stupid ideas from time to time, like, "Hey. I could keep bees."."
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Policy 18 Updated
Date: 3/4/2008 12:33:09 PM
Policy 18 has been updated. Please take the moment to read over the new policy governing scripting practices.
SGM Lothwyn
GemStone IV Player Policy: Scripting Abuse Policy
Any activity that derives ANY benefit to either yourself or another player while being unresponsive to the gaming environment will be considered against policy.
If your attention is not on the game window, you should log out of the game or stop ALL SCRIPTED activities (including but not limited to: artisan skill use, guild skill use, healing, lock picking, purifying gems, spell casting, and hunting) to avoid being warned. The use of character "bots" that provide third parties an in-game advantage while being AFK are strictly prohibited. The excuse that you looked away from the monitor or left your desk for a few minutes will not prevent you from being issued a warning since the Staff of GemStone IV will have no way of verifying that fact.
Warnings for scripting or any unresponsive activities are based on the Staff's observation of the character, and the Staff's judgment may vary from instance to instance. Therefore, each instance of scripting abuse will be judged independently. Furthermore, GameMasters have the right to verify that any and all characters are following this policy at any time.
In general, if you are running a script or are in Rest Mode and are not gaining any NEW experience, skills, money, or providing other players or characters with an in-game advantage (e.g., casting spells), it does not fall under this policy. ANY activity that is deemed by Staff to be disruptive or not in the best interest of the game or its players can be warned when discovered. Examples include, but are not limited to:
--If you are script moving in and out of a room, a warning may be issued because it causes undue screen scroll.
--If you are gaining skills passively or providing other characters with an in-game advantage, a warning may be issued based on your being unresponsive to the gaming environment.
--If your "Rest Mode" message is determined to be inappropriate, a warning may be issued based on the messaging being Out of Character (OOC) or disruptive.
--If you set up a character "bot" to provide services (e.g., healing, lock picking, spell casting) to others while being AFK, you will be issued a warning.
Character "Bots"
For the purpose of this policy, a character "bot" is defined as any character that is unresponsive to the gaming environment except for scripted responses to triggers which can be executed by third parties to perform automatic "services" (e.g., healing, lock picking, spell casting, etc.).
Any participation in the use of character "bots" witnessed by Staff, even if the AFK character(s) is not connected to your account, will be considered against policy and result in a warning and or other penalties. For example, if you knowingly activate a script run by another character who is AFK (such as set up to cast spells when "tapped"), you will receive a warning for Scripting Abuse.
Multiple Accounts
The use of multiple accounts is not prohibited by GemStone IV Policy; however, if a player chooses to run multiple accounts at the same time, and they are being controlled by AFK scripts and are gaining ANY benefit to the character or other surrounding characters, the player must be actively responsive to the gaming environment from EACH character's perspective.
Violation Penalties
For the purpose of this policy, all offenses by any character on an account can be treated as having occurred to the same character. As with other policy violations that lead to lockouts, accounts that are "linked" by any method, including but not limited to name, address or other billing information, password sharing, or account access, can be treated as the same account in regards to disciplinary action.
First Offense: Player receives a formal warning, is moved to a consultation room, loses ALL field experience (unabsorbed experience) and an experience inefficiency penalty is added, and must reread and agree to policy before being released. If the character was scripting an Artisan Guild skill or Adventurer's Guild task, will lose HALF of their current bounty points or 50 ranks in an artisan's guild or 10 ranks in a professional guild skill.
Second Offense: In addition to the second warning, substanial penalties may be assessed, including experience inefficiency penalities, and the loss of all current outstanding bounty points. The character may also be removed from the Adventurer's Guild for 30 days, and lose up to HALF of ALL ranks in an artisan or professional guild skill.
Third Offense: The account, plus all related accounts, can be locked out for 30 days. In addition, substantial experience inefficiency penalities can be assessed, all Artisan's or profession guild skill ranks may be removed, and all characters on the account may be removed from the Adventurer's Guild for at least 30 days and forfeit all current rewards.
This message was originally posted in Help for Players, Policy Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 3/4/2008 12:33:09 PM
Policy 18 has been updated. Please take the moment to read over the new policy governing scripting practices.
SGM Lothwyn
GemStone IV Player Policy: Scripting Abuse Policy
Any activity that derives ANY benefit to either yourself or another player while being unresponsive to the gaming environment will be considered against policy.
If your attention is not on the game window, you should log out of the game or stop ALL SCRIPTED activities (including but not limited to: artisan skill use, guild skill use, healing, lock picking, purifying gems, spell casting, and hunting) to avoid being warned. The use of character "bots" that provide third parties an in-game advantage while being AFK are strictly prohibited. The excuse that you looked away from the monitor or left your desk for a few minutes will not prevent you from being issued a warning since the Staff of GemStone IV will have no way of verifying that fact.
Warnings for scripting or any unresponsive activities are based on the Staff's observation of the character, and the Staff's judgment may vary from instance to instance. Therefore, each instance of scripting abuse will be judged independently. Furthermore, GameMasters have the right to verify that any and all characters are following this policy at any time.
In general, if you are running a script or are in Rest Mode and are not gaining any NEW experience, skills, money, or providing other players or characters with an in-game advantage (e.g., casting spells), it does not fall under this policy. ANY activity that is deemed by Staff to be disruptive or not in the best interest of the game or its players can be warned when discovered. Examples include, but are not limited to:
--If you are script moving in and out of a room, a warning may be issued because it causes undue screen scroll.
--If you are gaining skills passively or providing other characters with an in-game advantage, a warning may be issued based on your being unresponsive to the gaming environment.
--If your "Rest Mode" message is determined to be inappropriate, a warning may be issued based on the messaging being Out of Character (OOC) or disruptive.
--If you set up a character "bot" to provide services (e.g., healing, lock picking, spell casting) to others while being AFK, you will be issued a warning.
Character "Bots"
For the purpose of this policy, a character "bot" is defined as any character that is unresponsive to the gaming environment except for scripted responses to triggers which can be executed by third parties to perform automatic "services" (e.g., healing, lock picking, spell casting, etc.).
Any participation in the use of character "bots" witnessed by Staff, even if the AFK character(s) is not connected to your account, will be considered against policy and result in a warning and or other penalties. For example, if you knowingly activate a script run by another character who is AFK (such as set up to cast spells when "tapped"), you will receive a warning for Scripting Abuse.
Multiple Accounts
The use of multiple accounts is not prohibited by GemStone IV Policy; however, if a player chooses to run multiple accounts at the same time, and they are being controlled by AFK scripts and are gaining ANY benefit to the character or other surrounding characters, the player must be actively responsive to the gaming environment from EACH character's perspective.
Violation Penalties
For the purpose of this policy, all offenses by any character on an account can be treated as having occurred to the same character. As with other policy violations that lead to lockouts, accounts that are "linked" by any method, including but not limited to name, address or other billing information, password sharing, or account access, can be treated as the same account in regards to disciplinary action.
First Offense: Player receives a formal warning, is moved to a consultation room, loses ALL field experience (unabsorbed experience) and an experience inefficiency penalty is added, and must reread and agree to policy before being released. If the character was scripting an Artisan Guild skill or Adventurer's Guild task, will lose HALF of their current bounty points or 50 ranks in an artisan's guild or 10 ranks in a professional guild skill.
Second Offense: In addition to the second warning, substanial penalties may be assessed, including experience inefficiency penalities, and the loss of all current outstanding bounty points. The character may also be removed from the Adventurer's Guild for 30 days, and lose up to HALF of ALL ranks in an artisan or professional guild skill.
Third Offense: The account, plus all related accounts, can be locked out for 30 days. In addition, substantial experience inefficiency penalities can be assessed, all Artisan's or profession guild skill ranks may be removed, and all characters on the account may be removed from the Adventurer's Guild for at least 30 days and forfeit all current rewards.
This message was originally posted in Help for Players, Policy Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.