Author: GS4-KIA
Date: 5/30/2008 5:37:34 PM
GemStone IV community,
I am stepping down as Associate Product Manager of GemStone IV. I have recently been presented with an opportunity to change careers and it is something that I am very excited about. I am the new Associate Producer for Metaplace ( As such, I am unable to continue my role as APM of Gemstone IV. I'm not going too far, though... I have been a player of GemStone since 1999 and I will continue to be a part of this unique and wonderful community as a player.
Senior GameMaster Sirina will be taking over the role of APM. You are all in very good hands with her! Sirina brings a wealth of game knowledge to the position as well as excellent management skills. She has done everything from quality control to training to managing the Towns & Communities team. Plus, she's pretty damn cool. :)
Congratulations Sirina! I know you will do a fantastic job!!
This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, The Good....(general compliments). To discuss the above follow the link below.