Minor Summoning (725) Update

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 6/2/2008 9:16:08 PM

A recent use of a shien'tyr runestone has led to the accidental discovery of a new type of minor demon ? the arashan! Congratulations to Allereli (Prime) and Caden (Platinum) for being the first summoners to pull this demon through the veil. Details of the demon can be found in all copies of the Enchiridion Valentia once the Basilica has completed its research.

The arashan has equal odds of being summoned as the other two demon types from shien'tyr, the aishan and the shien (darklings and shadowlings), when using a shien'tyr runestone.

The arashan may be cloaked with an illusion by Sorcerers with 60 ranks or more in the Illusions skill.

The arashan possesses a unique ability amongst demonkind; they are capable of taking control of the minor spirits that make up an area web summoned by the Web (118) spell. Controlling a web yields two major results: the web is strengthened (gains an additional snare charge and the duration is refreshed), and the web comes under the control of the arashan's summoner. Controlling a web takes 18 mana from the Sorcerer. Controlling a web is very taxing on the arashan, thus they may only do so once every five minutes. The syntax is: TELL MDEMON TO CONTROL [WEB].

In addition to the shien'tyr-arashan runestone becoming available as an uncommon rune, two other uncommon runes have been added to the list of potential runes a summoner is able to learn: shien'tyr-darkling and shien'tyr-shadowling.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Cleric/Empath Team

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