2008 Mid-Year Goals Update

Author: GS4-SIRINA
Date: 6/26/2008 12:15:30 PM

>Previously announced highlights 

Magic, Combat, & Technical Systems
Monks/Minor Mentalist spells/unarmed combatProgress ongoing, on target for late 2008 release
Alchemy: Phase IIPossibly delayed due to staffing changes
Premium homes upgradeOn target for 2008 release
Mining/SmeltingOn target for 2008 release
Archery/Thrown weapons updatePlanned for late 2008 release, but may be delayed in favor of completing monks
New spells & spell upgradesOngoing (see below for releases to date)
Lore skill reviewsMinor Spirit, Major Spirit, Cleric, and Empath circle reviews complete; other circles ongoing
Towns & Communities 
CHE updatesOngoing (highlights include upgrades to Aspis theatre, Twilight, Paupers, Willow Hall, Obsidian Tower, & White Haven.)

MHO updates
Ongoing (see below for releases to date)
Ta'Illistim Cleric GuildReleased in January
Ta'Illistim LibraryPossibly delayed due to coding resource constraints
Cysaegir lockersReleased in February
River's Rest town and hunting area expansionsOngoing (see below for releases to date);hunting area on target for 2008 release
Zul Logoth hunting area and town updatesOngoing (see below for releases to date);hunting area likely delayed until 2009
Teras expansion & updatesOngoing (see below for releases to date)
Glaesen Star updatesReleased in June
Gladiator ArenaOn target for 2008 release
Historical/racial documentationOngoing (see below for releases to date)
Events, Promotions, and Platinum 
Wonders of ElanthiaReleased in April
Ebon Gate (ticketed)Coming in October
Highman GamesDelayed until Jan/Feb 2009
Mist Harbor expansion & hunting areaIn progress; hunting area likely delayed until 2009
Premium Contests/raffles/eventsOngoing
Plat-only storylinesOngoing (see below for releases to date)
Custom titlesOngoing
Platinum Contests/raffles/eventsOngoing
CE Systems 
Player MailIn progress
Instanced Uber QuestDelayed
Many command upgradesAlways ongoing

2008 Releases To DateReleasedLead GM
Elven Ruhan documentJanuaryNaos
Lich Storyline (Plat)JanuaryIkaan
Adventurer's Guild rewards expandedJanuaryCoase
Society Tasks window added to StormFront FEJanuaryCoase
Updates to padding and damage weightingJanuaryWarden
Cysaegir fletching shop openedFebruaryJacien
Teras mud baths upgradeFebruaryLiia
Spell: Spirit Servant improvementsFebruaryOscuro
Spell: Major Sanctuary improvementsFebruaryOscuro and Thandiwe
Onar storyline and release of Onar shrineFebruaryAndraste
Minotaur and krag creature updates/new labyrinth area/new minotaur documentFebruaryMestys
Grimswarm storyline and release of Guardians of Sunfist societyFebruaryCoase
Teras Isle demon permit office openedFebruaryLiia
Mentors: SNowflake CarnivalFebruaryKorelys
CONVERT FORSAKE option releasedMarchOscuro
Combat guide updateMarchAuchand and Strathspey
Prayer of Communion Guide releasedMarchZyllah
Spell: Prayer of Communion updatesMarchOscuro
MHO Structure: House Dreadnaught releasedMarchIzzea
MHO Structure: The Black Wolves Clan releasedMarchIzzea
Changes to new player drop pointsMayBernt
Spell: NEW Regeneration spellAprilEstild
ARTISAN verb expanded to show exact # of ranksAprilWarden
Spell: Rejuvenation improvementsAprilMestys
River's Rest Voln expansionAprilScribes
Tehir Cultural DocumentAprilVaschka and Andraste
New human culture (Shakat) and Tehir language optionAprilIldran
Erithi clothing documentAprilXynwen

HEALTH verb updates
MHO Structure: Grey Moon Manor releasedAprilIzzea
Helga's storyline and upgrades (Platinum)April/MayNaionna, Galene, & Auchand
Dark elven language document releasedMayLothwyn
Combat messaging options expandedMayIldran
Runestaff noun options expandedMayWarden
River's Rest warren and smugglers' tunnels expansionMayScribes
New super cool loot generatorMayStrathspey
Inventory keeping its order on login/logoutMayIldran
Mstrike/warcry/berserk updatesMayCoase
MHO Structure: HERT WatchtowerMayIzzea
Mentors: Garden GalaMayKorelys
Spell: Minor Summoning - new demon typeJuneOscuro
Clothing system expansion and updatesJuneBernt
Mist Harbor Bureaucrat updatesJuneThandiwe & Vesmera
Spell: Loresinging and Elemental Detection improvementsJuneMestys and Naos
Erithi Maiden storyline (Platinum)JuneItzel
MHO/CHE conversion (Platinum)In progressItzel
Glaesen Star updatesJuneLiia
Teras Isle empath guild updatesJuneLiia
Teras Isle cleric shop merchandise updatesJuneLiia
MHO Structure: Gryphon Holding updatesJuneIzzea
Mirror, Mirror storylineJuneThandiwe & Xayle

Still to come in 2008
Lumnea Festival in Ta'Illistim
Platinum: Free Summer Trials
Platinum: Fisherman's Tale storyline
Mist Harbor storyline
Solhaven temple completion
Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days Festival
Mentors: Silverwood Wine Festival
Mentors: Tenth Anniversary Celebration
Grand Re-Opening of Teras Isle's Stormbrow Gallery
Party tents for all 16 CHEs
Icemule Trace storyline
MHO Structure: Cairnfang Manor
MHO Structure: Stormwild Hall
MHO Structure: The Gypsy Compound
Return of the Winterfest Caravan
Annual New Year's Eve GM Open House


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." ~Galileo Galilei

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, 2008 Goals Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.
