Ta'Illistim Verb Contest

Author: GS4-SORAYA
Date: 7/1/2008 8:27:45 AM


Did you think that The Shining City would be left out of the verb frenzy? Naaaah! So, here is your opportunity to impact the ambiance in Ta'Illistim. The winning verb (or verbs) will be implemented for use by those with Ta'Illistim citizenship.

Your friendly Royal Overseer (no doubt inspired by that delicious Illistim champagne at the Lumnea festival) announces THE Ta'Illistim verb contest. Send in your own inspiration to use on common verbs and how they might be better used by Illistim citizens to express all manners of attitude, emotion, or action.

"All verbs are open to your interpretation, but try to keep them reasonable and useful in a wide variety of situations. For each verb, you will need to provide:

1) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at another player.
2) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at himself or herself.
3) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at a creature.
4) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at an object.
5) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at him or her.
6) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at the user.
7) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at a creature.
8) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at an object."

Prizes will be awarded for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

All entries should be sent to GS4-Soraya@play.net. The deadline for this contest is Tuesday, July 15th, at midnight. Winners will be selected based on the originality, usability, and the general "elfness" effect of their verbs.

Let's see what you've got!


This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Illistim. To discuss the above follow the link below.
