Author: GS4-GALENE
Date: 6/23/2008 2:14:16 PM
A verb contest is now under way for dark elves.
Entries must be submitted with the subject DARK ELF VERB CONTEST and be in the following format:
Account name:
Dark elven character's name:
Game instance:
The common (already in existence) verb, and:
1) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at another player.
2) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at himself or herself.
3) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at a creature.
4) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at an object.
5) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at him or her.
6) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at the user.
7) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at a creature.
8) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at an object.
You may enter up to three verbs per account, as long as they are sent to me in one email. You will not receive a confirmation email from me.
The verb should be race specific, not culture specific.
Winners will be chosen based on the versatility and originality of the verb. There will not be separate winners for each game instance.
Prizes will be awarded for verbs selected to appear in the game. The prize must be collected by your dark elven character.
We reserve the right to edit winning entries for actual use in the game.
All entries should be sent to The deadline for this contest is Sunday, July 13th at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Good luck!
This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Dark Elves. To discuss the above follow the link below.