Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 6/20/2008 4:25:05 PM
On behalf of GM Scribes, I hereby announce the Rest's Verb Contest:
For each entry, you will need to provide:
The common (already in existence) verb, and:
1) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at another player.
2) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at himself or herself.
3) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at a creature.
4) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at an object.
5) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at him or her.
6) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at the user.
7) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at a creature.
8) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at an object.
All entries should be sent to The deadline for this contest is July 2, 2008. Include your account name and your character name.
Winners will be selected by GM Scribes on whatever basis he sees fit.
The winning verb(s) will be implemented in game for use by those with Rivers Rest citizenship.
You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.
This message was originally posted in Towns, River's Rest. To discuss the above follow the link below.