GemStone Prime Test?

Date: 7/2/2008 4:36:34 PM

So...some of you may have noticed by now that we have a "GemStone Prime Test" instance showing up on the SGE. What does that mean?

Here are a few things to know:

1) The Test Server will usually be closed or locked. The Test server is NOT for people to just run around and "play" in. It's for actual play-testing of things that we want input on, but aren't too keen about releasing into a live instance and "forcing" onto people.

2) It will sometimes be open for Alpha Testers. Who are Alpha Testers? For now, anyone with an active Platinum subscription will be set up as an Alpha Tester. We will probably be accepting applications for more Alpha Testers shortly, however. More information on that soon. However, we want this Alpha Testing group to remain small.

3) Beta Testing will sometimes be open to everyone. When we open for Beta Testing, we'll simply ask that when you log in, you are actively testing what we have asked to be tested. Don't log in expecting to just run around and do your own thing or (worse yet) disrupt actual testing that is taking place.

4) We will be regularly updating the characters in the Test Instance with your own characters from Prime and we're going to attempt to update with Plat characters, too, but we're frankly not quite sure how (or if) that will actually work out. GMs have the ability and authority to adjust your character and provide any equipment, stats, skills, and creatures needed for testing purposes, but we'll most frequently want you testing things with a character as close to your current "comfort zone" as possible so don't come into testing expecting to get anything "special". There may be times when things may be a little off or not QUITE up to date, but that's fine. "Close" is almost always going to be close enough for this sort of thing.

6) There may be things that don't work at all when you get into Test. Don't ASSIST or REPORT or BUG it. It's probably intended.

7) This bears repeating: please do NOT log into the Test Instance just to spar, tourney, or run amuck.

8) This is mostly directed to Alpha Testers: The GMs will let you know how much of what you're testing can be discussed on the forums and how much they would like you to keep quiet. It won't do a lot of good for people to get all worked up (positively or negatively) over something that may change, so systems, spells, or other things that are tenuous or in flux may be things they want to you just keep quiet for a bit. We'll see about making a private Alpha Testing Topic/Category on the Forums for closed discussions, though.

Once the staff makes sure everything is stable and up to date, I'll let them arrange all the whos, whats, whens, whys, and hows of it. The "where" is the easy part. :)

"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"