Final ticket release for Ebon Gate event auction-level tickets

Date: 9/25/2006 1:20:07 PM

I have accepted a player suggestion and warped it to my own method for addressing the release of the last six tickets. I'm going to be using the suggestion of the raffles set around the lands (and they are set out at this time) but with a twist due to limitations in the system.

The in-game raffle system is not going to determine the winners of the tickets because it has a limitation which requires characters to be logged into the game at the time of drawing in order to be chosen as a winner. However, I will be using the records kept by this system for each individual character which purchases a ticket for the raffle to determine the homes of the last six tickets.

The raffle tables have been set down in each major town in the following locations:

Wehnimer's Landing - Town Square, Small Park
Icemule Trace - Icemule Trace, North Gate
Teras Isle - Dragonspine and Krodera
Solhaven - Solhaven, North Market
River's Rest - River's Rest, Town Commons
Ta'Illistim - Ta'Illistim, Sapphire Gate
Ta'Vaalor - Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court
Zul Logoth - Zul Logoth, Agate Tunnel
Four Winds Isle - Wisteria Crossing

The cost of the tickets is 1000 silvers in-game. Any accounts which already have an auction-level ticket for the Ebon Gate event will be disqualified and forfeit their 1000 silver entry. Only one character upon an account can win a ticket, so if you enter with multiple characters upon your account and multiple characters are randomly drawn as a winner, only the first character will be listed as a winner and the other characters removed from contention. The tables are set to close down at approximately 1PM Central time on Friday, September 29, 2006. The winning accounts will be responsible for the cost of the ticket, as these are not free tickets. The winners will be contacted via e-mail and have until the end of business (8PM Central) on Wednesday, October 4, 2006, in which to respond back with their intentions to purchase the tickets or they will be released and no further contests will be provided for them.

Good luck everyone.

GameMaster Antavian
GemStone IV Feedback Coordinator

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

More Variety in Gold Rings

Author: GS4-SINDEN
Date: 9/22/2006 10:32:38 PM

Gold Rings created by the treasure system will now appear with one of 21 different adjectives. This is intended to help players sort their various rings as well as add a bit more flavor to the world.

Please report any problems to Game Design Discussions, Treasure Systems

- Sinden

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Treasure System. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Remaining Ebon Gate Event Auction-level ticket sales for September 22, 2006

Date: 9/21/2006 7:24:36 PM

Hello again everyone.

As promised, this post is to let you all know that, as of this time, there are guaranteed to be 16 tickets going on sale at random times tomorrow, Friday, September 22, 2006, starting anytime after 1PM Central time. These tickets will be first come, first serve when released. All open tickets will be released before Midnight Central time. There may be additional tickets that show as being reserved after all tickets are sold. This intended as other tickets using alternate billing await clearing or failure notifications (usually prevelant with Electronic Funds Transfers). If any of them do happen to fail and require releasing, they will be released without prior notification of their release and at the earliest convenience of the system (and myself).

Good luck tomorrow everyone.

GameMaster Antavian
GemStone IV Feedback Coordinator

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Bounty System Reward Change

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 9/21/2006 3:11:37 PM

Due to the recent release of the Chronomage Teleportation system and the subsequent removal of gold rings from NPC shops, the gold ring bounty system has been removed. In its place, black crystals (2 charges of Floating Disk) are now offered.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Chronomage Travel System Released

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 9/17/2006 10:22:27 PM


Wandering Elanthians should be please to hear of an agreement, signed this week, between representatives of the mysterious Chronomages and Town Magistrates. This accord provides an opportunity for swift and carefree travel between towns.

For a mere 100,000 silvers Chronomage travel clients will receive an orb good for a single trip to the town of their choice. Citizens purchasing a orb in their home city will receive a discounted price.

Travel will occur within ninety minutes of booking the trip, and if you decide to leave at another time, no problem. READ your orb to see when the next transport leaves. GAZE at your orb to see your destination. Simply stand in the transport area at the appropriate time and the trip, once begun, will be over before you know it.

If you log off in the Transport Area, with the orb in your hand, and log back on after the designated travel time, you will awaken at your destination.

As part of the agreement with the town magistrates, travelers will need to wait 48 hours before using the Chronomage Transport again. Whispers have been heard that the Chronomages are willing to bend these travel time restrictions, but the cost is steep and citizens will not receive any discount for participating in dubious transactions.

Although town officials seem confident that these arrangements will "help facilitate travel and commerce between the far flung towns of our land," one Icemule halfling remains unconvinced. Cymballina Stackenhay, of Barley Lane, queries, "What do we really know about these Chronomages? We know they misplace gold rings at an alarming rate. What if they are equally careless with their clients?" The worried halfling also characterized the Chronomages as "shakedown artists and chronic petty theives" and declares she intends to "use my hairy feet" when moving from one town to another.

GM Akaydar gets credit for brokering the deal between the Chronomages and the town magistrates. Way to go, Akaydar!



Web Witch Croe

This message was originally posted in Towns, Town Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Ebon Gate Ticket Sales

Date: 9/14/2006 9:53:11 AM

Tickets will go on sale tomorrow, starting with premium subscribers, approximately around 12:00pm (noon) CST. That is the time we're aiming for.

The $100 tickets, for the event and auction, will be limited. The $40 tickets, for the event, will be unlimited.

The detailed information for the event will be up at the time of ticket sales.


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Scroll Books

Author: GS4-NILVEN
Date: 9/12/2006 11:55:37 PM

A change was made tonight to the GM auction scroll combiner books. There was a bug in them that, when used in conjunction with Scroll Infusion (714), was allowing spells on scrolls to be infused and kept in-game indefinitely. The books were originally released as a way of consolidating spells from many different scrolls onto a single scroll. When Scroll Infusion came out, these began to operate with Scroll Infusion in an unintended way. These books were able to take spells off of scrolls that could no longer be infused and put them on fresh scrolls, which were not locked or deteriorated, which was not the original design intent of these books.

As a result of this change, spells that are transferred off a scroll that is no longer unlockable will cause the destination scroll to become unlockable. Any spells already unlocked on the destination scroll will remain infusible (subject to normal deterioration). The new spells will not be able to be unlocked. If spells are transferred from an unlocked scroll, the destination scroll will remin unlockable. If anyone has any questions, please direct them to the Sorcerer Spells discussion topic in the Sorcerer category.


"I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I've said." -- Alan Greenspan

This message was originally posted in Sorcerers, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Bounty System Changes

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 9/11/2006 3:43:03 PM

The following changes to the Adventurer's Guild have been implemented:

- Experience rewards from successfully completed tasks will no longer continue stacking after the player has reached the saturated experience level. Reaching saturation is still possible, but until enough field experience has been absorbed to bring the player back down to the normally obtainable field experience levels, completing further bounty tasks will no longer result in further experience being added. Bounty points, fame, and silver will continue to accrue as normal.

- Players who have been assigned the Procure Gems bounty tasks will now receive a modifier that increases their chances of finding the particular gem that they have been tasked. This modifier is temporary, it only lasts until enough gems have been found to complete the given task and is only applicable if the player can learn from the creature being searched.

- Players are now able to request the possibility of being assigned easier or harder tasks than normal (i.e. tasks that may involve creatures outside of the standard [Level +/-5] band). Asking for easier tasks can modify the lower end of the band from -5 to -9 (in increments of -1). However, each level that the minimum level is lowered results in a 15% penalty to all bounty system task rewards (i.e. 15% at -6, 30% at -7, 45% at -8, and 60% at -9). Asking for harder tasks can modify the higher end of the band from +5 to +10 (in increment of +1). There is no reward adjustment for asking for harder tasks. You cannot ask for both harder tasks and easier tasks at the same time. Syntax for requesting harder/easier tasks is: ASK [taskmaster] FOR [EASIERHARDER] TASKS.

- The Escort NPC task has been modified to significantly reduce the number of times that the player will be asked to escort their NPC clear across the continent. Such trips are still possible, but it is more likely that the NPC will want to go to a neighbouring town than not.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Lockshops of the Lands Renovated

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 9/11/2006 10:47:02 AM


The Lockshop Owners of Elanthia have collectively decided to renovate their shops. These renovations will mostly affect Stormfront users who can now use the Point and Click option to purchase lockpicks and other merchandise.

Lockshop discounts will henceforth be figured the same way other town merchants calculate their discounts. This means some people may find they pay less, others (Dark Elves without any Trading skills, for example) will pay more.

GM Fazli is proud to announce this Lockshop upgrade is his work, unless you are a Dark Elf without Trading Skills. If you are a Dark Elf without trading skills, GM Fazli would like you to know he had nothing to do with this at all.


~ Croe ~

This message was originally posted in Rogues, Locksmithing and Traps. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Further Minor Speech Updates

Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 9/8/2006 12:25:26 PM

IOI: 5

The spelling problems with -ically tones have been fixed.

The tones terse and tactful have been removed, as it was pointed out that those tones really describe a message's content rather than its delivery. Instead of terse, it's recommended that players use abrupt or quick, or the new tones brusque or curt. Instead of tactful, the tones careful, gentle, kind, understanding, or warm are options.

In addition to the above mentioned brusque and curt, the new tones decisive, incredulous, and whimsical have been added.

SPEAK now shows what language you are currently speaking at the bottom.

- Ildran

This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Roleplaying Verb Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.

New Instrument Release

Author: GS4-TAIVEN
Date: 9/7/2006 9:33:10 PM

Originally Posted in Bards, Instruments.

There will be two new instruments released as part of the Ebon Gate festivities. A lot of care went into making these instruments. I hope you guys enjoy!

One from the Tehir culture:


The ayr is a small, pear-shaped, stringed instrument. Unlike many
other plucked stringed instruments, it does not have a fretted neck.

The ayr features a pear-shaped sound box, a peg box which is bent back
at a 45-90 degree angle from the neck, five pairs of strings which are
paired in courses of two (except the lowest string which is usually
just a single string), a shorter neck, at least one sound hole, a
bridge, and keys for tuning the strings.

Each pair of strings is tuned by the same key, creating a distinctive
sound. The pairs of strings are tuned in unison, like the pairs of
strings on a mandolin. The bridge and the strings are attached to the
instrument in a similar fashion to the classical guitar, i.e. knotted
at the bridge.

The strings of the ayr are always made of gut and the bridge and neck
of the instrument are often inlaid with small pieces of ivory or bone.
Otherwise, the ayr is usually void of ornamentation or decoration. The
ayr is never to be painted, carved or the wood otherwise disturbed for
fear of changing the faint, haunting sound it produces.

The ayr is famous for its easy improvisation, unlike other instruments
which either require accompaniment or are too complex to play.

One from the Erithian culture:


The enshai is an aerophonic instrument which is thought to bring good
luck, and as a result, it is widely used by Erithians during wedding
ceremonies and festive occasions.

The enshai employs two sets of double reeds, making it a quadruple
reed woodwind. By controlling the breath various tunes can be played
on it. The term "quadruple reed" comes from the fact that there are
four pieces of dried palm leaf vibrating against each other, in pairs.

The enshai is created from a wooden tube that gradually widens towards
the lower end. It usually has eight holes. The instrument is made of
ebonwood or rosewood and has a brass or copper bell fixed to the end
and tied together internally with string. The length of the instrument
is one and a half to two feet.

The reed mounts in the mouth piece, the upper end, on the outside.

This instrument has a sealed air chamber. When playing, the lips are
placed on the upper end, this places the reed inside the mouth. The
mouth is now part of the instrument and acts as an air chamber. Prior
to playing the reed must be soaked to soften it. The fingers of the
right hand cover the four bottom holes. The fingers of the left hand
play the upper four holes. Some players adjust the instrument's sound
by partially or completely filling some holes with wax.

The enshai is a very sensitive instrument and requires a great deal of
skill on a musician's part. It is actually the way in which the lips
and tongue play upon the reed mouthpiece and the manner in which the
holes are opened and closed with the fingers which render the
semitones and quarter tones effectively and attractively. The enshai
is considered one of the most difficult instruments to play.

The body of the enshai is always made of a dark hard wood, most
commonly ebonwood, rosewood, black ash, and black willow. The bell is
always made of either brass or copper. As the enshai is most commonly
used during festive occasions and wedding, it is often highly
decorated. The bells are often etched and polished, while the wood of
the body is often carved and adorned with jewels.

- Brought to you by GM Taiven, with support from the letters B(ernt), C(roe), and O(zias)!

Update to WHISPER.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 9/4/2006 4:41:29 PM

The WHISPER command has been updated to allow for use while in roundtime.

Further, those with the Whispering Willow spell (605) active may WHISPER while immobile or webbed.


This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Roleplaying Verb Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.