GameMaster Positions Available

Author: GS4-ALYIAS
Date: 4/30/2008 1:56:59 PM

GemStone IV is currently seeking to fill several GameMaster positions with a strong coding focus. Qualified applicants should have the following skills:

- Must have a minimum of one year real-world development experience in a marketable scripting language, such as (but not excluded to) ASP w/ VBScript, ASP.NET, C#,, PHP, Python, or Ruby. A solid grasp on classic developmental standards, practices, and etiquette is required.

- Must be willing to devote a minimum of 15 hours a week to the position on a consistant basis, preferably more.

- Must have good troubleshooting and analytical thinking skills, be able to take ownership of projects, and be professional, disciplined, focused, and willing to have some fun on the side.

- Must have excellent communication skills, a fast learner, a self-starter, and be willing and able to work productively in both in a team and solo environment.

- A love of the GemStone IV Community!

Please directly apply here:

GM Alyias

Regeneration (1150)

Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 4/29/2008 10:28:14 PM

Regeneration (1150):

Just as Kuon, the Green, once aided the lesser beings through the creation of healing herbs, it was through his patronage that Empaths were gifted with the Regeneration spell. Furthering his goal of allowing the races to help themselves, this skill came at a critical time in Empath history and allowed the healers to overcome a devastating malady that threatened their ability to transfer wounds from others.

Once activated, the Empath is surrounded in a cocoon of energy that greatly amplifies the body's healing process while also providing a small amount of protection. Specifically, this spell will instantly, then periodically, heal the Empath of all wounds, scars, and blood loss. While active, the caster takes reduced damage from critical attacks and the amount of protection can be increased by training in Mental Lore, Manipulation.

This spell can be used once per day, with extra uses granted at 50, 125, and 200 ranks of Mental Lore, Transformation. The regenerating effect lasts for 30 seconds and has a base interval of 6 seconds, reduced by 1 second for every 100 Spirit Mana Control skill.

This ability can also be activated with the REGENERATE verb while stunned, immobilized or webbed; although, this does not remove the status condition.

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team

"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne

This message was originally posted in Empaths, Empath Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Building Cam

Date: 4/29/2008 4:41:44 PM

So, for those who want to keep track of the progress on our new office, you can check here:

Daily time-lapse video of the previous day's work, snapshots, updates, and a live feed from the site.

I'd have told everyone earlier, but I thought it only worked inside the office. Doh! :)

They even started working on Scribes's office already!


"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"

What Once Was, Is Once Again in River's Rest

Date: 4/27/2008 2:07:08 PM

Once in River's Rest there was a tale,
Of two lovers from the distant past.
'Tween human and elf, a love beyond the pale,
It was tragically short and did not last.

For years enjoyment was had based upon their lore,
when stone met sand and love recalled.
But then what was three then became the four,
And memory of love was accidentally stalled.

For years the fix languished unintentionally ignored,
No memories or mist to those who dropped the gem.
The journey to the beach soon became quite a bore,
and the tellings began to cease of the love of her and him.

At last, at last, with help from a Teras man,
That which was broken has now been fixed.
At last, at last, there will be footprints in the sand,
When those who care see that stone and sand are mixed.

Bad poetry aside, something has been set back to normal in River's Rest with the thanks of GM Sleken. :)

GM Scribes

This message was originally posted in Towns, River's Rest. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Distilled SPIRITs

Author: GS4-BERNT
Date: 4/24/2008 9:32:47 PM

Just as you can keep an eye on your mana and stamina with the (cleverly named) MANA and STAMINA commands, you may not check on your spirit (aka lifeforce) with the new SPIRIT command. If your maximum spirit is different than your normal maximum (owing to an enhancive item or to a recent death), the maximum is showed in bold.

Hardly earth-shattering news, but a small touch for game completeness.

GM Bernt

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Developer's Corner - Game Design. To discuss the above follow the link below.

WoE Custom Swear Winners

Author: GS4-HADLIR
Date: 4/23/2008 11:45:14 AM

For those of you lucky few who won custom swears during the WoE event at the Teras Asylum, please be sure to drop me an email at as soon as possible. Thus far I have ideas from 8 of the 15 total winners on my list, and there are winners I have yet to hear from in both instances of the game. While waiting to email to brainstorm is still fine, I will be attempting to get through those I have this weekend, and not having your idea submitted by then may result in a longer wait.

Congrats again, and I look forward to reading your ideas!


Troll's Blood (1125)

Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 4/23/2008 8:26:31 AM

Troll's Blood (1125) has been updated to share the same lore benefit as other healing spells. Specifically, when it heals a wound, there is a chance, based upon skill in Spiritual Lore, Blessings, that it will also heal the scar. Group members will also receive this benefit based upon the Empath's skill.

For more information on the exact formula, please review the announced updates of the Spiritual Lore Review at:

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team

"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne

This message was originally posted in Empaths, Empath Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.

[WoE] Melgorehn's Reach Tour / Services Postponed

Date: 4/22/2008 10:04:28 PM

Due to unfortunate circumstances beyond our control, the Melgorehn's Reach tour and services have been postponed until Friday. Please check the calendar for the new time.

We're sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Wonders of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Re: First Crash!

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 4/18/2008 9:26:40 PM

Thanks for everyone's exceptional patience tonight. We scrambled behind the scenes and made some decisions to help the rest of the week go smoother:

First, on site has increased the buffer. My heroes!
Secondly, we will be putting a portal at most if not all meeting areas that will dispell you when you move through to commence the tour. We will bypass dangerous hunting areas so as not to have our groups die as a direct result. Scholar merchants will explain more as needed.
Thirdly, silence scripts will be in use.

What can you do to help?

Keep whispers to the merchant to a minimum, particularly if it's not your turn. It is very hard to move through things if he/she has 20 +people whispering (that's not an exaggeration) at any given time.

Wait for the merchant to announce what his/her requirements or limits are before asking questions.

Read signs!

Again, thanks to everyone tonight for being gracious, patient, and a pleasure to work with. Though things progressed in an unexpected manner, I had an excellent time working and playing with you. Enjoy the festival!


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Wonders of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Re: Rejuvenation (1607) Update.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 4/17/2008 11:48:36 PM

The recently introduced cooldown mechanics of Rejuvenation have been revised. Now, when the spell is cast while its main effects are in cooldown, it will continue to restore the base number of health points (15) for the spell's base mana cost (7). No stamina will be restored and the number of health points gained in this manner will not increase with skill training.


This message was originally posted in Paladins, Paladin Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Swimming in Gyldemar

Author: GS4-BERNT
Date: 4/16/2008 7:43:35 AM


Swimming to and from Old Ta'Faendryl has never been easy--and it hasn't gotten any harder. Players should be aware, though, that changes have been released that may make failure more consequential.

-- A bug that caused the system to forget whether you were swimming eastward or westward has been fixed, so once you set off swimming, you must now either succeed or die trying.

-- Any items in hand on death are dropped. It is possible, however, to retrieve these items.

-- It is now possible to drop coins or items in hand to lighten your load, which will improve your chances of getting out alive.

GM Bernt

This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Illistim. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Rejuvenation (1607) Update.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 4/15/2008 5:29:51 PM

The Paladin spell Rejuvenation (1607) has been updated with a number of notable modifications. Warning: math ahead.

First, the spell now functions on a 5-minute cooldown. Any attempts to cast Rejuvenation more than once in a 5-minute period will be unsuccessful.

Second, the base effectiveness of the spell has been changed from 5 health/stamina gained to 15 health/stamina.

Third, the progression of the skill-based effects on the spell has been shifted.
* The Spiritual Lore, Blessings bonus has changed from +1 health/stamina for each tier on the summation seed 1 scale, to +3 health/stamina for each tier (+3 at 1 rank to +57 at 190 ranks, as opposed to +1 at 1 rank to +19 at 190 ranks). More information on summation progressions can be found here: .

* Instead of a 150% mana cost reduced by 3% for each Spirit Mana Control rank, the mana cost is now 50% of the maximum health or stamina points restored, reduced by 1% for every 3 Spirit Mana Control ranks. The minimum cost for the spell is still 7 mana.

Finally, the spell will now impart the caster with an enhancement to both health and stamina regeneration, starting at 10% of his maximum stamina. This enhancement is reduced by 1% of his maximum stamina every 30 seconds, until the spell is no longer in cooldown.


This message was originally posted in Paladins, Paladin Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Migration Update

Date: 4/15/2008 2:04:38 PM

We're up! Please ASSIST with any emergencies, otherwise, post or BUG anything that seems amiss.

Thanks for your patience and sorry we were down for so long.


"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"

Migration Update

Date: 4/15/2008 12:48:32 PM

We uncovered a couple of fairly serious issues (one serious enough that it will likely result in all instances of DR being reset to implement the fix there, too) which are causing some minor delays in getting GS back up and running.

I will try to update when we get an ETA, but I'm trying not to pester the techies into stopping what they're doing in order to give me an estimate that may be a wild guess anyway. :)


"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

HEALTH verb Update

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 4/14/2008 9:37:01 PM

The HEALTH verb has been updated to display any tended wounds you may have, including how long the bandages on the tended wound will last.


This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, General Discussion about Gemstone IV. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Server Migration Tuesday 4/15 @ 8:30am CST

Author: GS4-KIA
Date: 4/12/2008 6:57:10 PM

We will be migrating to the new servers on Tuesday 4/15 starting at 8:30am CST. All GS instances will be down for approximately 4 hours. As such, we hope to be back up around 12:30pm.

DR experienced some script & macro loss in SF when they migrated, so back up your scripts and macros just in case.

~ Kia

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, 64-Bit Testing Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Locking/Closing Containers at WoE

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 4/12/2008 5:21:07 PM

Adding locks to containers was previously considered a "limited service." This has been changed, and the Pavilion of the Bells event will offer either this, or closing "stuck" containers, to those in attendance (in random order) for the time the merchant is in attendance. This will, therefore, not affect the potential for winning a major/limited service.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Wonders of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Re: Spiritual Lore Review

Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 4/11/2008 10:50:06 PM

The Empath spell circle lore updates are now live. The specifics of this update can be reread at:

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team

"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Developer's Corner - Spell Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Sigils Update

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 4/11/2008 4:25:18 PM

The following Guardians of Sunfist sigils have been updated:

-The Sigils of Focus/Minor Protection/Major Protection have been adjusted to allow multiple activations to stack the duration up to a maximum of 3 minutes (previously, multiple activations only refreshed the duration to 60 seconds).

-When used within a warcamp, the Sigil of Escape's emergency mode has been adjusted to always attempt to teleport the player to the area outside of the warcamp instead of to a random room inside the warcamp.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, The Guardians of Sunfist. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Warcamp Updates

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 4/10/2008 9:30:09 PM

The following updates have been made to the warcamp system:

-The mass effect spell limiter has been adjusted to provide more warning to players before a backlash effect is triggered. In order to trigger a backlash effect, a player must first cast a mass spell that causes the shroud to become unstable (if the shroud becomes unstable, it will now be messaged to the affected rooms). An unstable shroud does not backlash immediately. However, if mass effect spells continue to be cast in a room with an unstable shroud, there is a growing chance that backlash will occur. If no mass spells are cast in an unstable room for at least 30 seconds, the shroud will regain its stability (with messaging to the room).

-Grimswarm creatures that can cast Cloak of Shadows (712) will no longer chant powerfully damaging spells into the retribution aspect of the cloak.

-The previously announced maximum population size of 250 and the lower warcamp population growth rates should now be working correctly in Platinum. Existing warcamps should reset to the new maximum automatically within the next hour or so.

-The rate at which destroyed warcamps respawn has been slowed to around 24 hours per camp in Prime, and to around a week in Platinum.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, The Guardians of Sunfist. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Erithian Clothing Documentation

Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 4/9/2008 9:08:01 PM

Just as sort of a "welcome" present, the below documentation is ready for release! Please note that merchants will NOT be able to alter items into these new nouns yet. I will be running a traveling merchant and making my way through the cities. Once I'm done with that, then it'll be opened up for other merchants. Basically, the premise is that this merchant will be lecturing to all the tailors and seamstresses in various areas and training them on the intricacies of the clothing.

The Dress of the Erithi

From a notice sent to the Scholars of Ta'Illistim for immediate dispatch to any interested party.

Due in part to our natural reticence, the unique quality of erithian dress has been a source of admiration, but also confusion, since making our presence known. As such, many of the traveling erithi have adopted local forms of dress or modified their normal clothing. For those that choose to wear the traditional garb, both formal and utilitarian, finding a tailor that can properly craft it has been impossible. For that reason, I have tasked one of our best tailors to provide an explanation of the intricacies of our traditional attire and to travel the expanse of Elanith. Talented though he may be, however, I do realize he will never be able to seek out all traveling erithi and proffer the comforts of home dress. Thus, I hope that the tailors and seamstresses of these other lands will pay close attention to his descriptions below and learn the craft of fine erithian sewing.

1 Ivastaen 5107
Chief Scholar Isienaka of the Eloth Dai

~~~Erithian *Clothing:* A Guide~~~

I am Vithalan of the Tichan Dai, and I have the great honor to be a tailor to many important personages in Eloth-Ra. I am but a simple man, a humble tailor, and as such, my writing is less elegant than one of our scholars. Pray forgive me, but our elders felt I would be best able to describe our clothing, despite my lack of a silvered written tongue, and so, I have given it my best try.

The first item of importance when understanding attire of the erithi is that each garment has functional and formal versions which are readily apparent at a glance. Functional clothing consists of sturdier materials, simpler patterns, in essence, less "fuss" for our daily tasks. Formal clothing radiates color and cheerful excess of fine fabrics. While some sewing is obviously involved, much of the art of Erithian dress comes in the intricate folding of materials.

Typical dress consists of an atika or an elothrai, an isiqiri, an atanika, nanjir or kanjir, and a pair of yatane. Oftentimes, you will also see a vatanura. Of course, for our more adventuresome erithi, I have heard it is more and more common to wear any one of these items with foreign clothing. For example, someone might choose to wear a common skirt with an atanika, despite the obvious clash! Ah, but I get ahead of myself, as the terms I am using must surely be confusing to the non-erithi. I shall explain myself forthwith, and again, let me apologize for my lack of written poetry.

When the erithi embroider or adorn clothing, we do so most often with scenes of natural wonder and beauty. Flora and serene fauna are most common. The use of color is most prevalent in formal wear, but it is not unheard of to have splashes of elegance and color even in our daily attire. As a side note, when pluralized, none of the clothing changes form or pronunciation. Also, when referring in general to an item that has gender specific versions, you would utilize the feminine form. For example, a store sells atanika, not atanikas, nor atanika and ataniki. Atanika alone suffices, but you would state that all the men wore ataniki, since you are only referring to men at that point.

Enough of the brief language lesson and on to the clothing!

Below, I explain each clothing item in detail. When such items are commissioned, please be exact, for an atanika fit for a party looks quite different from an atanika for a day at the wharves.

Atika (aw TEE kuh): our women's headwear, the atika is starched in a series of three or more wave-like peaks flowing back from the forehead. In everyday use, the atika is typically simple linen or raw silk, occasionally dyed, but never patterned or embroidered. Indeed, many do not even wear an everyday atika, preferring a bare head. Formally, however, the atika is a work of art, consisting of many bright hues in silks and linens. Embroidered within an inch of its life, the formal atika will often have a back-flowing veil. Acceptable materials: Most cloth, but preferably linens, muslins, and silks. Unacceptable materials: Wool, leather, suede, or any other thick, unwieldy material.

Atiki (aw TEE kee): the headgear of our men, the atiki is quite similar to the atika, but instead of arched waves, the atiki sweeps back at the crown and folds inward along the edges. Again, everyday-use atiki are made of linens with metal-clasped folds. Formal atiki clasps are elaborate, however, such as gold filigree clasps shaped like dolphins in mid-leap or an elegant crane amid the rushes. Like the atika, formal atiki utilize lush silks and linens in myriad hues and are often heavily embroidered. Acceptable materials: Most cloth, but preferably linens, muslins, and silks. Unacceptable materials: Wool, leather, suede, or any other thick, unwieldy material.

(ehl ohth RAY): The erithian version of a ferroniere, the elothrai is a forehead-worn gem suspended from a fine chain. The scholars of the erithi originally wore these to signify their "inner sight" or wisdom, but the elothrai were so beautiful that men and women alike quickly adopted the decoration. Each Dai has its own signature agate for use in the elothrai, but all choose their own agate at personal whim anyway. In erithian, "eloth" means sky and "rai" is a truncation of either raiyatha (soul) or raiyartha (agate). It is amusing to this humble tailor that the jewelry designed by scholars has become a matter of debate amongst them, as there are differing schools of thought (and hence dissertations, arguments, and even petty quibbling) as to whether or not it is soul or agate. I personally believe the original one who bestowed the name left it intentionally ambiguous to spark just such debate, and even now, they look down upon us and chuckle from the skies. Acceptable materials: Any agate for the gem. Unacceptable materials: any other gem or stone. An elothrai is always made with an agate, and it is always on a chain of sorts, never a solid piece of material like a circlet.

For those interested, the traditional agates for each Dai are:

Eloth Dai: Owleye agate
Surath Dai: Drought agate
Nalatha Dai: Nalatha agate
Yachan Dai: Summer agate
Tichan Dai: Storm agate
Valaka Dai: Beetle agate

Isiqiri (iss ih KEER ee): The isiqiri is a shirt, but of a very particular cut. The sleeves always come to the wrist and are cuffed in some manner. Isiqiri have short, stiff and upright collars which are unfolded and rise one to two fingers above the shirt. They are buttoned, often in a matching style to the manner of cuffing, but often the method of buttoning is hidden by an overflap of material. Everyday isiqiri are of raw silk or basic linens, while the formal have a greater range. However, since isiqiri are typically worn under an atanika, they are usually less elaborately embroidered, even in formal attire. There is no appreciable difference between male and female cuts of an isiqiri. Acceptable materials: Most cloth materials, but preferred materials are linens, muslins, and silks. For truly rugged professions, coarse materials like broadcloth are occasionally used. materials: Wools, suedes, leathers.

Atanika (aw tawn EEK uh) and Ataniki (aw tawn EEK ee): Women wear atanika, the showpiece garment of our traditional garb. An atanika is a multi-layered robe with a center line opening. An ataniki, for the men, is essentially the same garment except that the cut allows a left-line wrap instead of center line. For everyday atanika, the sleeves are of a smaller bell, the vatanura (sashes) are optional, and the length is just above the knee. While some choose to keep their atanika simple and utilitarian for daily use, most erithi prefer embroidered layers of silks, linens, and other fine materials. Formal atanika are quite elaborate. All atanika do have inner ties to hold the garment together, even if a vatanura is not worn, but using the ties is also a matter of personal preference. Depending on the climate, atanika might be lined with warmer materials, such as wool or fur. Acceptable materials: Silks, linens, satins, velvets, and muslins. Wool or fur is only acceptable for lining or accents. Unaccepatable materials: Leathers, suedes, and most other stiff materials.

Allow me a brief sidenote, if you will, on the atanika. Some believe that the differing openings are symbolic in nature. Like all such opinions, no definitive answer exists, but I have always found it fascinating. The symbolism in the center line opening is that women are our centering presence and thus their atanika opens along the center line of the body, while men are driven by the bloodrush from the heart and thus ataniki open along the heart side, or left side, of the body. More prosaic women suggest that a man originally designed the garment with the left-bound opening, and his pregnant wife quickly disabused him of that notion, preferring a cut that allowed her burgeoning belly to protrude in comfort. As I said, beliefs vary, but regardless of the origin, men would not wear an atanika, nor women an ataniki.

Vatanura (vaw taw NYUR uh): This is a side-tied waist sash made from elaborately folded cloth. Vatanura are never sewn together, although they can be embroidered if desired. Exceptionally cleverly made vatanura often have a small inner pocket for a key or other tiny trinket. Acceptable materials: any cloth that is not overly stiff. Unacceptable materials: leather, suede, metals.

Nanjir (nan JHEER): Buttoned below the knee, nanjir are similar to other culture?s breeches. They are always made roomy, never skintight or even remotely fitted, so they flare out at the hips and thighs. Men and women alike wear nanjir. While most nanjir are relatively simple in adornments, it is not unheard of to see a heavily embroidered pair made to match a formal atanika. Acceptable materials: Most cloth materials, even the coarser ones, plus leather and suede.

Kanjir (kan JHEER): As an alternative to the nanjir, women sometimes opt to wear kanjir, a tight-fitted legging that terminates at the ankle. Tradition dictates that all kanjir have at least one piece of agate sewn on them somewhere, and women are often seen wearing kanjir with a kanjiqi. Acceptable materials: Any soft cloth, such as velvet, silks, satins, or linens. It is not unheard of, although rare, to have a coarser material such as broadcloth, sailcloth, or wool. Unacceptable materials: Suedes and leathers.

Kanjiqi (kan JHEE kee): Kanjiqi are thigh-sheaths that erithian women wear with kanjir. Crafted to hold a small dagger or similar weapon, the small sheaths are worn mid- to upper-thigh and can be a fingersbreadth or a handspan in width. Young, unmarried erithi often prefer the more "enhancing" aspects of a kanjir-kanjiqi combination and wear it frequently. Nanjir are not designed for kanjiqi, and anyone wearing them together would look utterly ridiculous. Acceptable materials: Most cloth material and suedes and leathers. Metals, woods, etc may be used for adornment. Unacceptable materials: Any metals, woods, bones, that sort of rigid material.

Yatane (yaw taw NEE): Yatane are typical erithian shoes. While we often prefer to wear sandals woven from rushes when relaxing or just walking to the market, shoes are more practical for many tasks and are preferred for formal events. Yatane are ankle-length, low-heeled, and have gently pointed toes. Most materials are acceptable for yatane, and as is common, yatane range from sturdy and practical to fancy. Acceptable materials: Any materials shoes would normally be made from, so most cloths, leathers, suedes. Unacceptable materials: Inflexible materials like metals. Woods and rushes can be used for the undersoles, but not for the rest of the yatane.

I hope this has been a useful guide. If, however, there are still questions, I will, as tasked, be visiting many towns and cities where erithi reside now, and I shall impart my knowledge to as many tailors and seamstresses as I can find.

Signed this 15th day of Ivastaen, 5107
Master Tailor Vithalan of the Tichan Dai

"Don't ever invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy. It renders you powerless."

This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Erithians. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Erithian Guru

Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 4/9/2008 8:44:42 PM

Greetings! Some of you know me as the CHE guru (which I still totally am). Now, you can also know me as the erithian guru! I'm very excited to be helping out with this race, especially in light of the dedicated and richly developed player population.

My inbox is always if you have some great ideas, send them along! I'll also check these boards frequently, so please feel free to have discussion here as well!

"Don't ever invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy. It renders you powerless."

This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Erithians. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Date: 4/8/2008 5:27:45 PM

Tickets on sale now! More info, schedules, etc. coming soon!

When blocking your rooms, make sure you tell them you're with the SIMUCON group!

Woo woo!


"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"

Human Race Updates

Date: 4/7/2008 7:23:54 PM

Coinciding with the release of the Tehir document expansion, I am pleased to two updates for the Human race:

* Language mechanics for the Tehir culture
* A new Human culture: the Shakat

Thanks go to Ildran for the timely release!


This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Humans. To discuss the above follow the link below.

The Tehir: Life and Being in the Sea of Fire

Date: 4/7/2008 6:21:34 PM

I am extremely pleased to announce the release of the Tehir documents. A dissertation containing a primer and nine chapters, this document spans nearly every aspect of life and being in the Sea of Fire. Chapter Ten details the Shakat, a Human culture born from the failures of Tehir.

Please follow this link to read the Tehir documents:

Coming soon will be two updates for the Human race:
* language mechanics for Tehir
* new culture option: the Shakat

We wouldn?t have done it without inspiration from you, the players, so thank you both for your creativity and patience. I?d also like to thank the following GameMasters who contributed to this project (past and present): Andraste, Ildran, Kitrina, Mikos, Sirina, Taiven, Warden, and myself, Vaschka.


This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Humans. To discuss the above follow the link below.

[WoE] Private Property Raffles Change

Date: 4/7/2008 6:02:40 PM

There's been a change in properties being raffled in the upcoming Wonders of Elanthia event.

After some extensive consideration, and discussion with both Kia and SGM Sirina, I've decided to withdraw the Prestidigitorium from the event raffles. Instead, in the following weeks, I'll make arrangements to open the Prestidigitorium permanently for public access, thereby creating a sort of unique museum. At that point, the Property will be taken off the list of being available to occupants.

Other unoccupied former wizard workshops, such as Kodos' cottage, will likely follow. And, should the others become vacant in the future, they, too, will be opened.

The Dark Tower residence is still up for raffle. In the place of the Prestidigitorium, we're creating a brand new Private Property, one in which the winner will be able to select--barring any objections from appropriate parties--its final destination.

A preview of the interiors, plus a starting monthly rent / raffle price of the new property is coming soon.

SGM Lothwyn

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Wonders of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Alchemy Items To Become Vulnerable To Theft

Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 4/6/2008 9:24:08 PM

IOI: 5

On the evening of April 13th, one week from today, the following alchemical ingredients will become stealable items:

ayanad crystal
s'ayanad crystal
t'ayanad crystal
n'ayanad crystal
elemental core

Players should take the proper precautions to avoid loss of items, such as closing containers, obtaining needle traps, and eschewing personal hygiene.

- Ildran

This message was originally posted in Rogues, Pickpocketing. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Re: Spiritual Lore Review

Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 4/6/2008 11:49:38 AM

The Major Spiritual circle lore updates are now live. The specifics of this update can be reread at:

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team

"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Developer's Corner - Spell Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.

River's Rest Voln Expansion!

Date: 4/5/2008 11:36:33 PM

Courtesy of the extremely shy monks of the River's Rest monastery, the meditation and memorial garden of the monastery has been opened for all wandering members of the Order of Voln. Those who seek out the quiet place will find themselves able to check on their progress towards earning enough favor to advance on the Path of Enlightenment, as well as check to make sure their own favor does not draw short.

In addition, for those with a talent for singing well, they may learn more of the history of the monastery of River's Rest.

GM Scribes

This message was originally posted in Towns, River's Rest. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Author: GS4-KIA
Date: 4/3/2008 10:06:23 PM

When entering the ARTISAN SKILLS command, you can see how many ranks you have!

Thanks to Warden, woo!

~ Kia (a.k.a Kitrina)

This message was originally posted in Artisan Skills, Artisan Skills General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.

New Race Released at Last!

Date: 4/1/2008 10:52:20 AM

Your GemStone IV staff are pleased to announce the release of a new playable race: the Abryl'fulz.

Hailing from the dark regions of the V'reen homeworld of Zu'G'l'k'r'k, the Abryl'fulz are the first non-humanoid race available to players. The Abryl'fulz, like many creatures of Zu'G'l'k'r'k, are shapeshifting beings that are planned to arrive in response to our new 'Griffin Sword War III: The Revenge of Ulstram' storyline, which is planned to come to an epic conclusion in 2015.

Plans to release the Abryl'fulz were begun several years ago, during the creation of Gnomes, Aelotoi, and the Erithians. Development staff quickly discovered that GSIV's 32-bit environment was insufficient to support the shapeshifting mechanics on which the new race relies. The advent of 64-bit servers has facilitated this great leap forward. With the unexpected completion of GemStone IV's goals through 2009, members of the Development team decided that the promise of shapeshifters was one that needed to be honored.

Many exciting prospects exist for players of the Abryl'fulz. The "Assume Form" racial ability will allow players to take on almost any shape imaginable: become a vicious liger, experience combat as a deadly willow tree, or terrorize your foes as a gargantuan doom-wombat. These are only a few of the exciting forms awaiting players! The customization of your Abryl'fulz only begins there, however: new feature alteration slots like eyestalks and tendrils will allow each Abryl'fulz to be truly unique.

Abryl'fulz player-characters will be unlocked by a special quest line that begins in Solhaven, accessible to players of level 100 or greater. We feel that the Abryl'fulz are an immensely powerful new addition to GemStone, and will be best kept in the hands of people who have already demonstrated the perseverance and devotion to beat the game.

Speaking at the staff release party, GameMaster Lothwyn commented: "I think the Abryl'fulz release shows people that we are still innovators in the world of game design. This is definitely something that WoW didn't do first."

This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, General Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.

New Monk Information Released!

Date: 4/1/2008 10:48:28 AM

In the interest of you the player, the staff of GemStone IV brings you this advanced information regarding the upcoming profession of 2008!


Our lead designers of Monks have taken a special interest in the profession after their recent trip to Tibet. In fact, they said that this vacation gave them an epiphany and unique understanding that has helped them further development on the profession!

Fighting Abilities

Originally, Monks were going to be masters of martial arts and unarmed combat. However, our designers saw that real monks are not so enthralled with the concept of violence. So, in a realistic turn to development, Monks will now no longer be able to kill critters or other players! Instead, Monks will have a passive list of abilities such as--Eyes of Guilt, Deeper Understanding, and Turning Cheek.

With these unique abilities, Monks will be able to bring enemies to their knees begging for redemption without even lifting a finger!

Spell Preview

Turning Cheek

Duration: 900 seconds + 20 seconds for every Monk ability known

Type: Passive

Monks grow up with a deep understanding, and taught at an early age that one must forgive all ill-will focused upon them to further enlighten themselves and others. Turning Cheek permits the Monk to garner enlightenment and impart such benefits to those around them. The bonus is +20 Passive Strength (PS)/+20 Inner Will Strength (IWS), +2 PS/IWS per 2 Monk abilities known beyond 1337, maximizing at +100 PS/IWS.

Upon hit or failed warding on the Monk, a reflective ability will radiate out from the Monk, causing every non-joined player and all creatures to ward against Enlightenment or suffer guilt injuries.

Unique Character Development

In a means to offer players the ability to flesh out and uniquely develop their characters realistically, Monks will have extra special ways for players to design their character!

Rather than having six to ten lines of an ultra-fluff inventory as all the other professions are seen burdened with, Monks will only have one inventory item: some flowing white robes!

Further, all Monks will be uniquely designed to only have one-worded features--including a bald head!--marking them as an innovated standout in realistic character development from all the exaggerated features other professions are seen laboring about!

These are some of the unique ways we're developing Monks for 2008, bringing players one of the most realistic professions created in the history of GemStone IV! Stay tuned as further information is released regarding this unique and awe-inspiring profession!

And remember the motto of Monks: "Man who fall in vat of molten glass make spectacle of self."

This message was originally posted in Monks, Developer's Corner - Monks. To discuss the above follow the link below.