A time for change

Author: GS4-KIA
Date: 5/30/2008 5:37:34 PM

GemStone IV community,

I am stepping down as Associate Product Manager of GemStone IV. I have recently been presented with an opportunity to change careers and it is something that I am very excited about. I am the new Associate Producer for Metaplace (www.metaplace.com). As such, I am unable to continue my role as APM of Gemstone IV. I'm not going too far, though... I have been a player of GemStone since 1999 and I will continue to be a part of this unique and wonderful community as a player.

Senior GameMaster Sirina will be taking over the role of APM. You are all in very good hands with her! Sirina brings a wealth of game knowledge to the position as well as excellent management skills. She has done everything from quality control to training to managing the Towns & Communities team. Plus, she's pretty damn cool. :)

Congratulations Sirina! I know you will do a fantastic job!!


This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, The Good....(general compliments). To discuss the above follow the link below.


Berserk Update

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 5/27/2008 10:04:26 PM

The following updates have been made to the Berserk skill:

-The ending stamina cost has been removed.

-Upon failing to break a stun/web/bind/etc., the per round stamina cost is halved.

-The issue with Dark Chamber reps should be fixed.


This message was originally posted in Warriors, Warrior Guild Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Of Bug Fixes and IMBED Failures

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 5/27/2008 9:38:21 AM

This past weekend I rolled in a fix to the imbedding process. In short, this issue granted all players near-zero failure rates, in addition to affecting owners of private workshops with

As a result of the fix, the perceived race of failure will increase. Spells which have posed no difficulty being imbedded in the past will likely start to cause failures.

I would suggest caution with imbedding to get a feel for where to expect failures and where not to.


This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Minor Elemental Circle. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Warcries/Berserk Update

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 5/26/2008 11:39:06 PM

The following updates have been made to the Warcry/Berserk skills:

-Yertie's Yowlp has been redesigned to help defend against warcries and warcry-like attacks (griffin shrieks, animal roars, etc.) instead of providing the previous AS boost. Yowlp may now be stacked with either Shout or Holler.

-Seannette's Shout's vocal stress cost has been decreased.

-Horland's Holler can now be used regardless of group status.

-The offensive warcries (Bertrandt's Bellow, Gerrelle's Growl, and Carn's Cry) may now be used in open mode with the ALL option, targetting all creatures in the room at once. The vocal stress cost of open mode is significantly greater than single target mode.

-Berserking will now make use of MSTRIKEs instead of regular attacks if you are sufficiently trained in MOC. If there are multiple creatures in the room, open mstrike will be used. If there is only one target remaining, focused mstrike will be used.

-In exchange, Berserk now has a stamina cost per round of 10 Stamina (-8 Rank 1, -6 Rank 2, -4 Rank 3, -2 Rank 4). In addition, a 60 second mstrike recovery period will apply after the termination of a berserk. If you run out of stamina while berserking, the berserk will automatically end.


This message was originally posted in Warriors, Warrior Guild Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.



Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 5/26/2008 11:39:01 PM

The following updates have been made to the MSTRIKE verb:

The maximum amount of RT incurred via mstriking has been significantly lessened, particularly for large numbers of swings. In exchange, the duration of the mstrike recovery period has been generally increased. However, it is now possible to use mstrike during the recovery period, at the cost of 40 stamina points (for an open mstrike) or 60 stamina points (for a focused mstrike). Mstrike is no longer useable in the "Muscles Popped" stamina state. The mstrike recovery period is now viewable in SPELL ACTIVE or the StormFront Active Spells window.

In addition, the training thresholds for additional strikes have been adjusted. The new Multi-Opponent Combat thresholds are:

Open Mstrike

5-14 Ranks : 2 swings
15-34 Ranks: 3 swings
35-59 Ranks: 4 swings
60-99 Ranks: 5 swings
100-154 Ranks: 6 swings
155+ Ranks: 7 swings

Focused Mstrike

30-54 Ranks: 2 swings
55-89 Ranks: 3 swings
90-134 Ranks: 4 swings
135-190 Ranks: 5 swings
190+ Ranks: 6 swings


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, General Discussion about H&C. To discuss the above follow the link below.



Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 5/26/2008 2:23:05 PM

IOI: 5

Why? Because from now on, inventories will be re-reversed (versed?) as part of the login process, resulting in your inventory on login being in the same order as it was when you logged out. It took years of research and indescribable peril, but we have indeed introduced revolutionary technology that enables us to load a list of things in the same order as it was saved in!

Truly, the mind reels.

4 realz.

Peace out, yo.

- Ildran

This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Elanthian Fashion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Minor Familiar Fixes

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 5/26/2008 9:24:04 AM

I've rolled in a number of minor patches to familiars this morning, addressing some oddities with messaging and the like. This addresses things like emote messaging being sent to the wrong room, or oddities with targeting commands and emotes.

If anyone today happens to notice anything odd or out of place with familiar commands or lazy messaging, please post a note in the Familiars topic in the Wizards category and I'll take care of it straight away.


This message was originally posted in Wizards, Familiars. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Creature Loot and Experience Changes

Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 5/25/2008 3:08:33 PM

It has long been our objective to reward players for being challenged. Special GM-made items released through creature loot, for instance, could only be found if the player searching the creature could learn from the creature. Our treasure system is also based off of the assumption that underhunted creatures are either relatively hard for their level or are in remote areas, so their treasure is increased while overhunted creatures (assumed to be easy relative to their peers) see reduced treasure.

In an effort to provide greater incentives to group hunt and to try greater challenges, several changes have been implemented regarding experience and creature loot.

* Thanks to GM Strathspey, we have a new-and-improved super-cool loot generator. This expands on the previous generator that would create spiffy weaponry for creatures to use, adding a wide new range of possibilities. Creatures can now be found wielding not only snazzy weaponry, but also shields. Their closely guarded goodies can now include weapons, shields, armor, armor accessories, and jewelry trinkets. The available attributes have also been greatly expanded, now including multi-bonus enhancives, defender items, TD enhancing items, temp bonus items, resistance items, and more. With higher treasure ratings, the greater the potential for exceptional items.

* An improved estimation of relative risk and reward.
== Uphunting by 5+ levels will increase the treasure rating, resulting in a better chance for special goodies and improving the odds for regular loot. The greater the uphunting, the greater the treasure rating modifier.
== Underhunting by 10+ levels will result in a reduction in treasure rating (resulting in no chance for special goodies and a reduced chance for other loot).
== For determination of Uphunting/Underhunting modifiers, all contributing players are factored in. If Bob the 100th level Cleric Binds hill trolls so Billy the 5th level warrior can kill them, the treasure rating factors in that Bob is way underhunting. (Way!) Treasure is no longer based just on the searcher's level.
==++ This last point can be mostly, but not entirely, mitigated if two or more people who can learn from the creature provide the vast majority of the contribution toward the kill.

* Consideration of the number of contributors. If two or more players contribute to the death of a creature, the treasure rating is increased.

In addition to these changes, we have made some changes to help those who want to try their hand at grouping up and uphunting undead. The following spells/abilities will each enhance the player's resistance: Dauntless, Bravery, Heroism, and Symbol of Courage. In each case, the spell/ability causes the player to be treated as if he were 3 levels higher for resistance purposes. The benefits from these spells/abilities are cumulative, e.g., having both Bravery and Heroism active would result in the player being treated as if he were 6 levels higher.

Want to find great treasure and to maximize your chances of finding a special goodie? Find something 10+ levels higher than you that doesn't have a lot of hunting pressure, grab some buddies for the group bonus, and hope to survive!

Anticipated Questions:

Q1: If I'm way higher level (Way!) than a creature I need to kill for alchemy drops, how can I get those drops now?
A1: Relative level and hunting pressure are not factors in determining if an alchemy drop is found. Feel free to lay waste to those sultry sirens for their hair.

Q2: What is a "contributor"?
A2: A contributor is anyone who directly assists in incapacitating, hindering, or killing the creature. This includes Binding, Tackling, Cheapshotting, E-waving, and the like. It does not include indirect assistance, such as spelling up your buddy, Guard or Protect, group-boosting warcries, etc.

Q3: I enjoy taking my capped Empath out with my low level friends to help them hunt. Will my friends have no chance at special goodies if I help?
A3: Weapons and shields wielded by creatures are just as likely to be found regardless of your presence. Outside of that, if your help comes in the form of buffing up your friends or healing, you will have no effect on their chances for loot. If, however, you are Binding, Sympathizing, Unbalancing, or similarly assisting them with killing the creatures, then yes, the creature loot will factor in that you are underhunting significantly.


Disclaimer: The management is not responsible for bards going hoarse from too much loresinging.

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Treasure System. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Council Expands its Limited Presence in River's Rest!

Date: 5/25/2008 12:05:04 AM

The society that cannot be named without a severe re-rendering of one's neck arteries is reportedly happy with a new facility in the town of River's Rest. The members of this particular society will no longer be forced to resort to the dark alleys of the town, but instead now have a much more private setting when using one of their many mysterious powers.

The River's Rest branch of the Council of Light has been expanded to include a new and private landing spot! Beware, a clever mind may be needed to exit once arriving at the new location.

The expansion would not have been possible without the work of the following GameMasters:

Design by GM Bradach
Completion of Design by GM Ozias
QC by GM Sirina

GM Scribes

This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Council of Light - General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Welcome to the Warren - River's Rest Town Expansion!

Date: 5/25/2008 12:02:07 AM

The darker side of the County of Torre's biggest little backwater has officially been released! Adventurers can now explore the world of River's Rest smugglers and traipse through the tunnels dug by river rats over the years beneath the very streets and buildings of the town. The Warren is not just the home of the smuggler community, but also the location of three new locations to spend silvers!

* Be sure to visit Sem's Salvaged, for the finest "salvaged" merchandise.
* Visit the Sea Rat for the finest, if not healthiest, sea and river food in town.
* Make no promises to the family that you'll have the ability to stagger home after visiting Wesl's stall, where the limited selection is more than enough to clean the whistle.

No visit to the Warren is complete without taking in the view of the Tempest River from the dock on the River Walk, but be sure not to fall in!

The Warren represents the newest addition to the town of River's Rest with an expansion of 39 brand spanking new rooms, three shops, and other fun. It was made possible by the following wonderful GameMasters:

QC ? GM Azia
Coding ? GM Sleken

In addition, both GM Ikaan and GM Vesmera participated in the release event in Prime.

So c'mon down and check out the newest part of River's Rest!

GM Scribes

This message was originally posted in Towns, River's Rest. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Changes to New Player Drop Points

Author: GS4-BERNT
Date: 5/22/2008 4:04:27 PM

We have implemented some important changes in how starting towns for new players are determined. These changes were designed to address concerns that the current system (1) overloads Ta'Vaalor with new characters and (2) undermines role-play generally by putting new characters in places where it is implausible for them to start, based on their race. We're also hoping to give a boost to smaller communities, like River's Rest, by making them available to some new characters. The changes are:

1. Free trial characters will no longer be treated differently from other new (non-Premium) characters.

2. All new non-Premium characters will start in one of the three established "drop" towns: Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace, and Ta'Vaalor. Although there is a degree of randomness in the placement, the starting-point likelihood is heavily influenced by the character's race. For example, no dark elf will start in Ta'Vaalor, while pure elves are very likely to start there.

3. New Premium and Platinum characters may choose to start not only in the three established drop towns, but also in Solhaven, River's Rest, Cysaegir, or Ta'Illistim. They are given a warning that these other four towns may not be as newbie-friendly as the Big 3.

GM Bernt

This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, World and Roleplay Improvement. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Shop Backroom Access

Date: 5/20/2008 3:39:41 PM

Backroom to shops should now be fixed.

If you're still having problems, put in an ASSIST REQUEST and get a referral.


SGM Lothwyn

This message was originally posted in Towns, General Towns Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Annual Fixskills Released

Date: 5/20/2008 12:21:29 PM

The annual FIXSKILLS has been released!


The FIXSKILLS command will allow you to instantly set your skills to match your goals. Use the GOALS command to set your skills to your desired values FIRST!

You may view FIXSKILLS HELP for more information on this option.

To use FIXSKILLS, you must type FIXSKILL CONFIRM within the next 30 seconds.

*** No additional options will be granted outside of normal parameters for misuse. ***

** Make sure your skills are set how you want them with GOALS before using FIXSKILLS CONFIRM **

Happy Oleani Day!

SGM Lothwyn

This message was originally posted in Help for Players, Skill Management and Migration. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Re: Town Locksmiths

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 5/19/2008 9:59:01 AM

All should be working fine now, thanks to the awesomeness that is Ildran.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Town Locksmiths

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 5/19/2008 8:39:17 AM

Due to some inadvertent technical malfunctions, the town locksmiths are being very temperamental today. Please do not BUG or REPORT, as we are aware of the problem and working to fix it ASAP.

Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Re: Cobbling Request

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 5/16/2008 3:07:39 PM

[Monsoon Jungle, Hillside Path]

Above the planks of a swollen and broken fence, a swarm of black flies hover in the air. A small cleared space develops into a muddy path leading upward, its track washed with pebbled gravel and littered with large green leaves. The fence itself stretches on towards the south. You also see a dirty canvas wall tent.

Primeval Provisions is making a brief stop just inside the Monsoon Jungle on Four Winds Isle. Merchandise has not changed from last summer, but will be available for a limited time in this location.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Merchant Events and Suggestions. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Re: Spiritual Lore Review

Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 5/15/2008 11:01:39 AM

The Cleric spell circle lore updates are now live. The specifics of this update can be reread at:


Since the original post, we've made the following changes:

Bane/Smite (302):
The lore bonus for this spell is being revisited and will not be updated at this time.

Bless Item (304):
This spell will now use Cleric spell ranks to determine the duration and is not restricted by the character's level. It has a base 20 swings + 3 x number of Cleric spell ranks. When casting from a magical item or scroll, every two skill ranks (for the appropriate activation method) count as 1 spell rank.

Preservation (305): This spell will now use Spiritual Lore, Blessings, instead of Religion, to extend the duration.

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team

"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Developer's Corner - Spell Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.


RUMMAGE and Holy Receptacle (325)

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 5/14/2008 10:21:55 PM

The RUMMAGE verb has been updated to find Holy Receptacle (325) blessed gems of the common deity tier in a container; that is, Silver to Gold, Brimstone, Nexus, Chrism and Intercession blessed gems. This operates in the same fashion as rummaging for scrolls with spells, runestones or alchemy ingredients. The syntax is as follows:

RUMMAGE [in|on|under|behind] {container} HOLY {tier}

= - GM Oscuro - =

Cleric/Empath Team

This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Runestaff Name Alternatives

Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 5/14/2008 6:12:32 PM

The weapon naming standards for runestaves have been revised to include the following alternatives:

pastoral staff
rune staff

All are available for General Use (as opposed to being Alteration Only). The website entry for runestaves will be updated to reflect this change.


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Runestaffs and Magical Staves. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Re: Custom phrases and dahcres from Wonders of Elanthia

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 5/13/2008 8:39:33 AM


I have been in touch with the GMs, and if you haven't been contacted, that means your phrase is likely in QC. If you have NOT submitted your custom verb, spell prep, swear, or animal companion idea to the appropriate GM (listed earlier in this thread), please do so ASAP to their play.net address.

If you have not yet received your dahcre (there are 2 left), please contact ME at my play.net ASAP.

For all the above winners, please contact the appropriate GM by 5/31/08 at the latest. We're doing our best to wrap things up.



You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Wonders of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.


New Combat Messaging Options

Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 5/10/2008 9:59:08 AM

IOI: 5

There are now three flags that control combat messaging: CombatBrief, CombatNoNumbers, and CombatSelfFull, replacing the previous pair of CombatBrief and BattleBrief.

CombatBrief fulfills the role that CombatBrief and BattleBrief did before, reducing combat messaging to the minimum.

CombatNoNumbers is more verbose than CombatBrief, removing the numbers but keeping in much of the flavor text.

CombatSelfFull causes the messaging for attacks by or against the given player to have full messaging, regardless of the settings of the previous flags.

As well, these will now apply to the success equation of warding attacks.

As with most settings, you can use the FLAGS command or the settings menu in StormFront to change them.

- Ildran

This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, General Discussion about H&C. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Game Crash and Weird Settings

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 5/10/2008 12:02:17 AM

Due to the game crash in Prime tonight, many game settings have toggled. Please use SET to get everything back to the way you normally play. Thank you!


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Front Ends, Forums, and Computer Help, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


New Statue Revealed in Kharam Dzu!

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 5/7/2008 4:23:46 PM

Today on Teras Isle...

Tremendous clattering is heard as a group of dwarves enter, pulling a covered statue on a wheeled cart. The apparent leader yells, "Ready? Heave!" and the rest of the workers hoist the statue to its new home by the fountain. They pull off the large tarp and walk out with the cart, wheezing with the strain of the job.

At long last, the town officials are pleased to announce a brand new statue at the intersection of Dragonspine and Krodera.

>look fountain

The pool is edged with waterspouts, from which jets of clear, clean water jet upward and inward toward the center. The water falls at the feet of a pristine hulking giant statue.

>look statue
Comprised of a variety of polished metals, this life-size likeness of a giantman stands facing the fountain, one foot on the surrounding wall. He is clad in invar breeches and a matching chainmail shirt, gripping a solid vultite bastard-sword in each massive hand. Below an unkempt mass of hair, his eyes are wide and wild, and his face is split with a maniacal grin. A small silver plaque is affixed near his bare feet.

>read plaque

In the Common language, it reads:
In recognition of the good citizens of Kharam-Dzu, who donated the materials to rebuild this historical statue of Hymirth Gertigson, warchief of the Ghost-Elk Tribe. Never bested in the ring of honor, his death at Maelshyve will be sung through the ages.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.


New Group: GemStone Wordsmiths

Author: GS4-OZIAS
Date: 5/5/2008 8:37:59 PM

Hi, Gang,

I am writing to invite you to join the GemStone Wordsmiths, a player group dedicated to creative writing (and editing) that would contributes to the official documentation of Elanthian history, culture, lore, and more.

The exact composition, procedures, and other organizational structures of the group depend on the number of players who join up, and therefore they will be determined by the members during the process of organizing. What I originally intended, and pitched to the powers that be, would be something like a creative writing seminar where writers accept assignments, present drafts for critique by group members, and then deliver finished product to editors, who work their magic and submit final copy to the GM QC process. But as I said, the exact procedures are to be determined by the group itself.

There are many needs for documentation in GemStone IV, enough to overwhelm the limited time of the GM writers pool. I'm thrill that the senior management has decided to welcome the contributions of player creativity in this most crucial area of game development.

Documentation in GemStone has two main goals. First, it serves as a guide to roleplaying by players. Our documents strive to provide "hooks" that catch onto player imaginations in order to spark and guide character creation and development through roleplay. Second, it serves as a guide to GMs in their development of storylines, areas, auction items, merchant goods and services, and...well, everything in our game world, ultimately.

The first assignment that the group will tackle is the Forest Gnome bloodlines that remain only partially fleshed out some five years after the race's release, a failure for which I take personal responsibility. The race needs a great deal of attention, both from players and from Game Masters, and only better documentation will bring that about. It is my hope that, by taking on the Forest Gnomes as a proof-of-concept assignment, the Wordsmiths can then expand into a range of projects that as broad and expansive as your imaginations.

I will be announcing an in-game organizational meeting shortly, in order to gauge interest and begin our preliminary plans, though I expect the work of the group to transpire via email or another out-of-game environment. For more years than I can count, I've been impressed with the creativity and writing skill of our players, as displayed in storytelling in the game, on the message boards, and on player websites. I sincerely hope that you will consider this opportunity to lend your talents to this effort to improve the game in an immediate and powerful way.



"Whatever bubbles, bubbles up."

This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, GemStone Wordsmiths. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Dark Elven Languages

Date: 5/5/2008 8:12:18 PM

The Languages of the Dark Elves

Language is the most basic tool for cultures to form cohesion amid the chaos of the world, to bind together those factions that share the same interests and values. When linguistic scholars study languages, they're able to piece together and intricately learn more about each culture and subculture, due to the unique makeup of the group's linguistic behavior.

Especially interesting to linguistic scholars are the dark elves, as unlike other races, the dark elven race splintered into three separate, distinct languages: one with unknown and possibly mystical origins and two intentionally created to set groups apart from elves. For generations, these three languages, Dark Elven, Faendryl, and Dhe'narsi, have fascinated linguists, historians, and other scholars.

Dark Elven:

The dark elven language is often called the "voice of Rhoska-Tor." When the first elves settled in Rhoska-Tor, the mana foci in the surrounding land tainted their physical bodies and changed their appearance. For instance, their ears became more sharply defined, giving them the ability to hear a varying degree of different tonal ranges not audible to other elves, and they found their tongues were able to make new, unique sounds. This new race, dark elves, learned to draw upon the powers of the mana flows to increase their arcane potential. But tapping into this power did something more: it gave them an innate knowledge of a tongue never heard before.

Scholars have tried to determine the linguistic roots of the intricate dark elven language, but so far none have been able to find any in known recorded texts or living speech models. Some have speculated that it is a dialect from beyond the veil, a language of some foreign demonic race, but numerous trips to several valences have failed to uncover proof.

All dark elves have an intimate knowledge of the dark elven language, regardless of how long it's been since their ancestors have been to Rhoska-Tor, but in particular dark elves that did not grow up in one of the two main cultures will rely heavily upon its use--more so than even Common speech. Most Dhe'nar, however, have a distaste for using the language, finding it more primitive than their own. On the other hand, Dark Elven can still be heard on the streets of New Ta'Faendryl as it is often used in informal, everyday conversations among family, friends, and acquaintances.


The foundation of the Faendryl language can be traced back to shortly after the exile of the former leaders of the Elven Nations. On their trek toward Rhoska-Tor, Cestimir Xisuthors Faendryl, Patriarch XXXV, began noticing his people twisting elven words into opposite meanings out of spite. In an effort to boost morale, Cestimir encouraged this feeling that, since they were no longer a part of the elven City-States, they should no longer share the same language. Eventually, over the millennia, the twisted elven spoken by the exiles evolved into the present day Faendryl.

While there are a few minor similarities with common Elven, the language of the Faendryl is more refined and complex, reflecting in linguistic design both the physical and mental changes the exiled race went through to become dark elves. Even with their mastery of the unique dark elven language brought about by their exile in Rhoska-Tor, the Faendryl perpetuated their evolved Elven as well.

In New Ta'Faendryl, by law, the Faendryl language is reserved for formal occasions and official stances. Proclamations by the Patriarch and other officials, writs of law, contracts, and other business documents are written in the Faendryl language, but informal everyday conversation is conducted in Dark Elven. The bilingual nature of the city often confuses outsiders and can lead to many cultural misunderstandings--such as a foreign envoy, in an attempt to garner favor, introducing himself to Basilica officials by grunting out a ragged, Dark Elven phrase.

It should be noted, however, that it is not unheard of for Faendryl to speak solely one language or another. Members of the lower classes often find the Faendryl language too refined and complex and therefore prefer to speak Dark Elven, whereas members of the upper classes consider Faendryl the only proper tongue to speak, eschewing the use of any other language.


Linguistic scholars have not yet pinpointed a date for the emergence of Dhe'narsi due to its initial rudimentary beginnings. Although some claim to know a precise time, there is no agreement within the scholarly community, nor among the Dhe'nar, on a true beginning date. Some have speculated that its initial start occurred after Noi'sho'rah vanished and the Dhe'nar separated from the other elves. Among the Dhe'nar, it is generally accepted that Tahlad gave birth to the language of the First Born, through wisdom given to him in a vision from Noi'sho'rah himself.

Dhe'narsi is an intricate, flowing language that holds minor similarities to forms of distant Elven. While it was primitive as it began to evolve, with loosely defined vocabulary and grammar, over the millennia it has grown into a rich, full-bodied language that bespeaks the pride of the Dhe'nar. Pure Dhe'narsi is known by all dark elves raised in a structured Dhe'nar culture, and it is often the only language they will speak.

The Dhe'nar people solely spoke pure Dhe'narsi at the founding of Sharath and used it throughout all forms of daily living within the city. All the castes engaged in the use of the language, although each added their own select words. The use of these terms helped to identify members of the various castes of the Dhe'nar society. After the fall of Sharath, Dhe'narsi was still a viable language available to those who decided to continue to use it. Some of the Dhe'nar, scared and torn about the Great Fire, returned to using the dark elven language, the fluency learned at Rhoska-Tor never fading.

Within the recent century, a form of Dhe'narsi has cropped up in Western Elanith from a group of Dhe'nar that was discharged from their caste duties. This Dhe'narsi, while still viable and intricate in its own right, shadows some similarities to the initial evolution of the language, and it is speculated that it is a dialect that was spawned before the original language expanded at the founding of Sharath. It is conjectured that this form of Dhe'narsi is taken up by Dhe'nar who, having once broken ties with their people, seek to reconnect with their past and Noi'sho'rah. It is not uncommon for individuals of other races, those who have befriended one of these Dhe'nar, to learn to speak the dialect. Typically combined with the common language, the dialect is often simple, select phrases or statements of greeting.

This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Dark Elves. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Torren Guard Routs Krolvin Slavers!

Date: 5/5/2008 1:39:30 PM

The Royal Torren Press
Fairport, County of Torre

Ivastaen 4th, 5108

Torren Guard Routs Krolvin Slavers!

The blood of the Grimswarm had but barely dried when our Count Clayborne issued orders for one of the most celebrated companies of the Torren Guard. They were sent, under the command of Captain Neyla Cavale, to the small river town of River's Rest to apprehend noble-turned-criminal Casler Huntington. By the fortune of Niima, the the Guard arrived during the midst of a Krolvin invasion. They saved River's Rest and its occupants from certain doom. According to sources at the Royal Garrison, it has been years since the Guard clashed against the scourges of the Great Western Sea. Predictably, the blue-skinned monsters proved no match for the elite of Torre and the Turamzzyrian Empire.

The safety of the town secured, sources tell the Royal Torren Press that the Guard will now turn toward their mission of capturing the elusive criminal Casler Huntington. Since the nefarious murder of an Imperial inspector in the Rest last year, there has been an official protest by the Imperial representative in the court of Count Claybourne. The complaint demands that justice be meted out upon the criminal, accompanied by warnings that Tamzyrr will not sit idly by if nothing is done.

The honorable House of Huntington has so far remained quiet on the matter of the wayward son and former heir, who fled Fairport more than ten years ago. However, a servant--who will remain unnamed--has spoken in private about the family's reaction to the news that Casler Huntington was possibly alive and living miles to the south. The source tells that the subject of Casler remains forbidden within the walls of the Huntington's Watch Hill manor.

Casler Huntington remains an enigma. Rumors reported by locals of River's Rest state that he may have fallen or been taken captive during the latest outbreak of Krolvin violence. Should this rumor prove fact, it will likely make the mission of the Torren Guard that much harder to complete. As we all know, it will nevertheless be accomplished by our fair and brave soldiers in blue and buff: the Sword and Shield of Torre.

This information may be of interest to players frequenting the town of River's Rest. Casler Huntington is a local celebrity who has engaged in a number of daring exploits of late, and it seems his journeys are just beginning!


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
