Author: GS4-Mestys
Date: 1/31/2007 10:04:29 PM
>Is it intended that only certain types of fire, such as spells minor and major fire, will inflict the extra damage round, and healing prevention effect on trolls? -Zombie Hunter Irvine
The trolls' fire susceptibility is intended to take effect regardless of its source. Most of the standard trolls have been updated to take this intention into account. Stone trolls, lava trolls and massive troll kings deal with fire in their own way, and have not been affected by this update.
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Landing Alchemy Shop Stocks New Wares
Date: 1/31/2007 2:34:16 PM
The Alchemy Shop in Wehnimer's Landing has expanded its wares! Newly added items include an aish'vrak potion and items for those interested in making their own runestones. Enjoy!
This message was originally posted in Towns, Wehnimer's Landing. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/31/2007 2:34:16 PM
The Alchemy Shop in Wehnimer's Landing has expanded its wares! Newly added items include an aish'vrak potion and items for those interested in making their own runestones. Enjoy!
This message was originally posted in Towns, Wehnimer's Landing. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Lots of people are asking...
Date: 1/30/2007 4:11:36 PM
So lemme 'splain...
We are in an interesting position this year. Probably even moreso than last year.
As pretty much everyone knows (we know you know because people keep reminding us), we took last year off from doing a Con because everything in the office was so hectic and crazy because of all the work on Hero's Journey. The idea was that we'd take time off and by this year, we'd all be in grand shape to have a Con and, most likely, have HJ out the door and the Con would be insanely huge.
Then, something weird happened. As we talked to more publishers about HJ, they kept asking what engine we were using. When we told them which engines we looked at, tried, and ultimately passed over, choosing to make our own, they wanted to see it. Then the really weird thing happened because then they started wanting to buy it. So on a whim, we went to the Game Developers Conference and showed off Hero Engine and then the floodgates opened. Since last year's GDC, we've had at least one (and as many as 4) companies here at the Simutronics Compound each month and/or had an Away Team flying out to another company's offices to give demos. Many of you also know we signed our first licensing deal with BioWare, who will be using Hero Engine on their upcoming game, but we have also got several other deals already in various stages of completion which you'll find out about soon.
So now we're in a quandry, because NOW we're not only working on HJ and swamped, but now we're working on HE and even more swamped. HOWEVER...
We still want to do a Con because, frankly, we missed you guys last summer. :(
There are a lot of unknowns still. We don't know how big its going to be, mostly because we don't know how many of you are going to come. Part One of figuring that out starts now, since I'm putting up a poll that will ask you to choose between some potential Con dates and we'll go from there. Our Planning Committee is going to be a lot smaller this year (like...just me, for right now) so I'll be asking for and relying on GMs and some of you guys to help out in certain areas, but for now, let's start by figuring out when we're gonna do this thing!
The poll is up so everyone, please take a moment to answer it, even if you aren't going to make it!
Date: 1/30/2007 4:11:36 PM
So lemme 'splain...
We are in an interesting position this year. Probably even moreso than last year.
As pretty much everyone knows (we know you know because people keep reminding us), we took last year off from doing a Con because everything in the office was so hectic and crazy because of all the work on Hero's Journey. The idea was that we'd take time off and by this year, we'd all be in grand shape to have a Con and, most likely, have HJ out the door and the Con would be insanely huge.
Then, something weird happened. As we talked to more publishers about HJ, they kept asking what engine we were using. When we told them which engines we looked at, tried, and ultimately passed over, choosing to make our own, they wanted to see it. Then the really weird thing happened because then they started wanting to buy it. So on a whim, we went to the Game Developers Conference and showed off Hero Engine and then the floodgates opened. Since last year's GDC, we've had at least one (and as many as 4) companies here at the Simutronics Compound each month and/or had an Away Team flying out to another company's offices to give demos. Many of you also know we signed our first licensing deal with BioWare, who will be using Hero Engine on their upcoming game, but we have also got several other deals already in various stages of completion which you'll find out about soon.
So now we're in a quandry, because NOW we're not only working on HJ and swamped, but now we're working on HE and even more swamped. HOWEVER...
We still want to do a Con because, frankly, we missed you guys last summer. :(
There are a lot of unknowns still. We don't know how big its going to be, mostly because we don't know how many of you are going to come. Part One of figuring that out starts now, since I'm putting up a poll that will ask you to choose between some potential Con dates and we'll go from there. Our Planning Committee is going to be a lot smaller this year (like...just me, for right now) so I'll be asking for and relying on GMs and some of you guys to help out in certain areas, but for now, let's start by figuring out when we're gonna do this thing!
The poll is up so everyone, please take a moment to answer it, even if you aren't going to make it!
Inquire for Influence
Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 1/29/2007 12:01:31 PM
The Great Houses of Elanthia have been fortunate to attract the attention of some awesome coding ninjas. One change available to all house members, brought to you by GM Ildran, is:
INQUIRE for influence - All members may now check not only house funds, but also house influence points by going to the House Clerk's office and using the INQUIRE command.
Alyias and Ildran are working on other house systems. No I can't tell you when your pet-system will be ready to go, but be assured big things are coming!
This message was originally posted in Cooperative Houses of Elanthia (CHE/Great Houses), Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/29/2007 12:01:31 PM
The Great Houses of Elanthia have been fortunate to attract the attention of some awesome coding ninjas. One change available to all house members, brought to you by GM Ildran, is:
INQUIRE for influence - All members may now check not only house funds, but also house influence points by going to the House Clerk's office and using the INQUIRE command.
Alyias and Ildran are working on other house systems. No I can't tell you when your pet-system will be ready to go, but be assured big things are coming!
This message was originally posted in Cooperative Houses of Elanthia (CHE/Great Houses), Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.
GemStone IV GameMaster Staff
Date: 1/25/2007 3:50:19 PM
Eric Slick - Producer
Kitrina - Assistant Producer
Magic, Combat & Technical Systems
Warden, SGM
Coase, ASGM
Bernt, FGM
Ildran, FGM
Mestys, FGM
Nilven, FGM
Sleken, FGM
Akaydar, AGM
Estild, AGM
Naos, AGM
Oscuro, AGM
Strathspey, AGM
Fazli, CGM
Sinden, CGM
Warden, SGM
Coase, ASGM
Bernt, FGM
Ildran, FGM
Mestys, FGM
Nilven, FGM
Sleken, FGM
Akaydar, AGM
Estild, AGM
Naos, AGM
Oscuro, AGM
Strathspey, AGM
Fazli, CGM
Sinden, CGM
QC & Training
Isten, SGM
Siani, ASGM
Sirina, FGM
Emeradan, AGM
Xayle, AGM
Zyllah, AGM
Roxia, CGM
Towns & Community Systems
Ozias, SGM
Alyias, ASGM
Aiza, FGM
Jacien, FGM
Modrian, FGM
Soraya, FGM
Tolli, FGM
Dakarai, AGM
Liia, AGM
Talisker, AGM
Tilmont, CGM
Khaladon, SGM
Kyalia, FGM
Varulv, FGM
Hunterleigh, AGM
Ikaan, AGM
Taiven, AGM
Stealth, CGM
Thanthyl, CGM
Events & Festivals
Kitrina, SGM
Lothwyn, ASGM
Andraste, FGM
Elnath, FGM
Hadlir, FGM
Ysbail, FGM
Croe, AGM
Kaikala, AGM
Schascle, AGM
Gyres, CGM
Voraviel, CGM
SGM - Senior GameMaster
ASGM- Assistant Senior GameMaster
FGM - Full GameMaster
AGM - Assistant GameMaster
CGM - Contributing GameMaster
ASGM- Assistant Senior GameMaster
FGM - Full GameMaster
AGM - Assistant GameMaster
CGM - Contributing GameMaster
CONVERT update
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 1/22/2007 4:44:44 PM
The CONVERT verb has undergone a few changes. If you are already converted to a deity, typing CONVERT will now display the Elanthian date you converted to that deity. Additionally, it will note the number of times you have used Intercession to convert to a new deity beyond "freebie" converts.
With the release of Intercession, it is now possible for clerics to convert players to deities. Thus, starting a month from today, that is, on 2/22/07, the ability to CONVERT SET to a deity will be allowed once if you do not yet have a deity and will be removed if you already have one. Please make a deity selection using CONVERT before this time, or seek out a cleric who can cast Intercession.
= - GM Oscuro - =
Empath/Cleric Team
This message was originally posted in Gods and Minor Spirits of Elanthia, General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/22/2007 4:44:44 PM
The CONVERT verb has undergone a few changes. If you are already converted to a deity, typing CONVERT will now display the Elanthian date you converted to that deity. Additionally, it will note the number of times you have used Intercession to convert to a new deity beyond "freebie" converts.
With the release of Intercession, it is now possible for clerics to convert players to deities. Thus, starting a month from today, that is, on 2/22/07, the ability to CONVERT SET to a deity will be allowed once if you do not yet have a deity and will be removed if you already have one. Please make a deity selection using CONVERT before this time, or seek out a cleric who can cast Intercession.
= - GM Oscuro - =
Empath/Cleric Team
This message was originally posted in Gods and Minor Spirits of Elanthia, General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Intercession released! (Cleric spell 325, tier 5)
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 1/20/2007 9:02:59 PM
Intercession is the fifth common tier blessing a Cleric is able to grant using the spell 325, Holy Receptacle. Special thanks goes to GM Gyres for the nifty deity-specific messaging.
This spell imbues a gem with the ability to convert another player to the Cleric's deity. Once created, the Cleric WAVEs the gem at the person they wish to convert while chanting an intercession on their behalf. That player becomes attuned to the gem. The player then needs to be given the gem so they may continue the ritual. Once the player feels they are worthy to begin making sacrifices to the deity, the player RUBs the gem. The gem will shatter and a coffer should appear, ready to accept silver offerings (via the PUT # SILVERS/COINS IN MY COFFER command). Once a sufficient (and substantial) offering has been placed within the coffer, the player should then bring the coffer to a shrine of the deity and OFFER the coffer to the deity to complete the ritual.
Players may convert to deities within the same pantheon (Liabo, Lornon and Neutral) as the deity of the Cleric if the player has two other sufficiently powerful Clerics of the same pantheon cast Holy Receptacle at the gem.
Requirements: Blessing Lore 50 skill/10 ranks, Religion Lore 120 skill/30 ranks, and Gem Value >=4001.
= - GM Oscuro - =
Empath/Cleric Team
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/20/2007 9:02:59 PM
Intercession is the fifth common tier blessing a Cleric is able to grant using the spell 325, Holy Receptacle. Special thanks goes to GM Gyres for the nifty deity-specific messaging.
This spell imbues a gem with the ability to convert another player to the Cleric's deity. Once created, the Cleric WAVEs the gem at the person they wish to convert while chanting an intercession on their behalf. That player becomes attuned to the gem. The player then needs to be given the gem so they may continue the ritual. Once the player feels they are worthy to begin making sacrifices to the deity, the player RUBs the gem. The gem will shatter and a coffer should appear, ready to accept silver offerings (via the PUT # SILVERS/COINS IN MY COFFER command). Once a sufficient (and substantial) offering has been placed within the coffer, the player should then bring the coffer to a shrine of the deity and OFFER the coffer to the deity to complete the ritual.
Players may convert to deities within the same pantheon (Liabo, Lornon and Neutral) as the deity of the Cleric if the player has two other sufficiently powerful Clerics of the same pantheon cast Holy Receptacle at the gem.
Requirements: Blessing Lore 50 skill/10 ranks, Religion Lore 120 skill/30 ranks, and Gem Value >=4001.
= - GM Oscuro - =
Empath/Cleric Team
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Wehnimer's Landing Town Assembly Rescheduled
Date: 1/19/2007 6:21:32 PM
Due to circumstances beyond his control, Mayor Stennis will be unavailable for the "Town Assembly" scheduled for the evening of the 19th of this month. With deepest regrets and apologies, the Mayor has requested that the "Assembly" be moved to the evening of the 26th. In the meantime, the Mayor will continue his investigation into allegations of impropriety on the part of the constable. All citizens of Wehnimer's Landing are invited to attend the rescheduled "Assembly" to discuss issues important to the future of the town.
(Citizens may suggest items for the "Assembly" agenda by posting in the Wehnimer's Landing folder of the message boards.)
This message was originally posted in Towns, Wehnimer's Landing. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/19/2007 6:21:32 PM
Due to circumstances beyond his control, Mayor Stennis will be unavailable for the "Town Assembly" scheduled for the evening of the 19th of this month. With deepest regrets and apologies, the Mayor has requested that the "Assembly" be moved to the evening of the 26th. In the meantime, the Mayor will continue his investigation into allegations of impropriety on the part of the constable. All citizens of Wehnimer's Landing are invited to attend the rescheduled "Assembly" to discuss issues important to the future of the town.
(Citizens may suggest items for the "Assembly" agenda by posting in the Wehnimer's Landing folder of the message boards.)
This message was originally posted in Towns, Wehnimer's Landing. To discuss the above follow the link below.
What's Race Got To Do With It?
Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 1/18/2007 4:12:28 PM
IOI: 5
The WHO verb has been updated with a RACE option, allowing players to view a list of characters of a given race that are currently logged in.
- Ildran
This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Roleplaying Verb Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/18/2007 4:12:28 PM
IOI: 5
The WHO verb has been updated with a RACE option, allowing players to view a list of characters of a given race that are currently logged in.
- Ildran
This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Roleplaying Verb Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
EG Alter Scrolls
Date: 1/16/2007 11:28:45 PM
Time is rapidly running out on them.
At 120 days from when they were picked up, they will crumble into dust, no matter what stage they are in.
If you haven't submitted an idea, do so.
If you have, and it is not done, READ your scroll for messages from Gurp.
Once it crumbles, its gone, and no replacements.
All your cookies are belong to us.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/16/2007 11:28:45 PM
Time is rapidly running out on them.
At 120 days from when they were picked up, they will crumble into dust, no matter what stage they are in.
If you haven't submitted an idea, do so.
If you have, and it is not done, READ your scroll for messages from Gurp.
Once it crumbles, its gone, and no replacements.
All your cookies are belong to us.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/16/2007 6:00:25 PM
Hey everyone, I need your help!
We all know GS better than anyone else, so please brainstorm with me to come up with a slogan. Slogan, catch-phrase, motto, tag line.... call it whatever you want! I think it would be great to have something that helps create brand recognition and loyalty.
Current idea...
GemStone IV: Adventure At Your Fingertips
This message was originally posted in GemStone Promotions, 2007 Promotions. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/16/2007 6:00:25 PM
Hey everyone, I need your help!
We all know GS better than anyone else, so please brainstorm with me to come up with a slogan. Slogan, catch-phrase, motto, tag line.... call it whatever you want! I think it would be great to have something that helps create brand recognition and loyalty.
Current idea...
GemStone IV: Adventure At Your Fingertips
This message was originally posted in GemStone Promotions, 2007 Promotions. To discuss the above follow the link below.
GemStone IV: 2007
Author: GS4-Kitrina
Date: 1/15/2007 1:55:34 PM
Happy New Year from the GemStone IV staff!
Now that we've all gotten a chance to settle into 2007 a bit, I would like to communicate the vision for the future of GemStone IV and highlight some of the fantastic projects we have in store for you this year.
The vision for GemStone IV can be broken down into three major areas: Renewal, Community and Growth.
Before we can move forward, we must first recognize where we have been. This recognition introduces the concept of renewal, which is the main focus of the vision for 2007. With a renewed strength and commitment, we will be returning to a balance between game mechanics and events, storylines and roleplay.
In addition to new and enhanced systems and events, you'll notice a prioritization of intimate, community-based storylines and roleplay. These types of ongoing events are part of what makes GemStone IV so immersive and unique.
When I first logged into GemStone III, I was initially drawn in by the wonderful descriptions of the world around me. As I made my way, I began to enjoy the hunting aspect of the game. From there, I was obsessed with the extraordinary way in which we can customize our characters and was absolutely thrilled when I received my very first alteration. What I didn't expect, and what I have found to be my strongest bond to GemStone IV, is the community.
Roleplay, game mechanics, and character customization aside, the community of GemStone IV is what holds it all together. It is our strength and as such, is something we must continually care for and build upon.
Within the game, we will utilize new systems and prioritized support for our player organizations (CHE, PRO, ALAE, Mentors), enhanced communication with the ESP (crystal amulet) system, and most importantly, ongoing, unique roleplay opportunities in our towns communities.
Outside of the game, we will continue to encourage discussion on the forums, support our player sites with new artwork and buttons, create a section of the website for player-submitted art and writing, and enhance the community experience via online software (such as MySpace & IRC chats).
While player retention is always on our minds, one of my goals is to prioritize the growth and future of GemStone IV by introducing initiatives that will let others outside our community know we're here. GemStone IV can be the best game in the world, but if we don't let anyone know, it doesn't really matter.
Beyond advertising, our website is in the process of getting re-organized to be more useful to new player and long time player alike. We want you to be proud to show off the GemStone IV website to your friends and family when you're answering those familiar new player questions after helping enroll them in the Buddy Program. We want you to be able to easily find and access documents on such things as Player Shops, Enchanting, or Half Elves.
While this vision will not be realized over night, it is what we are striving to achieve. GemStone IV will continue to be a successful game in a niche market for many years to come. We will continue to blend a powerful and immersive roleplay community with fun and challenging game mechanics to give you the best online gaming entertainment experience available.
2007 Highlights
In previous years, we released a laundry list of goals that were often broken out quarterly. Due to the nature of goals, some of them were accomplished on time and some of them were not. Others were not accomplished at all. In order to avoid building up expectations that fall to disappointment, we are going to try something new.
Instead of the big list of goals at the beginning of the year, I will be briefly hitting upon some of the highlighted projects for 2007. Not all of the releases will be detailed, but rather a sampling of what we hope to release this year. Throughout the year, you will see announcements regarding releases either before they are released or at the time of release (depending upon the size and nature of the system).
GameMasters will continue to engage you in discussion on their projects, if applicable, so that your thoughts and ideas can be heard. Player ideas are valuable and often incorporated into the systems we release.
The Development Team will be very busy this year, coding and releasing new systems and well as making improvements upon existing systems. Some of the highlights include (but are certainly not limited to):
** Alchemy
** Spells 320, 530, 940
** New hunting areas
** New society
** Mining/smelting
** Premium homes revision
** Unarmed combat revision
The Towns Community Team has shifted their focus away from world development (i.e. creating more areas of the world) to enhancing our existing towns communities with services and roleplay opportunities. Expect to see local storylines and NPC interactions in an effort to increase town loyalty.
Mark your calendars and we'll mark ours! The Events team has a lot of fun in store for you this year:
** January & February: Will Ladrial ever die?!
** March: Someone has returned to Solhaven?
** April: Dragonfly Festival
** July: Four Winds Isle Celebration (in collaboration with the Upsells Team)
** August & September: Arkati here, Arkati there, Arkati everywhere!
** October: Ebon Gate (ticketed festival)
** December: Giantman Festival (in collaboration with the Towns Community Team)
The Upsells Team has many wonderful things in store for both our Premium and Platinum members. Without giving away too many surprises (or they'd kill me!), I can mention the Premium hunting areas, locker upgrade, Premium Points review, and Platinum auction. Platinum will also have several unique roleplay events.
ALL of these efforts are supported most excellently by our fabulous QC & Training Team.
This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, 2007 Goals Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/15/2007 1:55:34 PM
Happy New Year from the GemStone IV staff!
Now that we've all gotten a chance to settle into 2007 a bit, I would like to communicate the vision for the future of GemStone IV and highlight some of the fantastic projects we have in store for you this year.
The vision for GemStone IV can be broken down into three major areas: Renewal, Community and Growth.
Before we can move forward, we must first recognize where we have been. This recognition introduces the concept of renewal, which is the main focus of the vision for 2007. With a renewed strength and commitment, we will be returning to a balance between game mechanics and events, storylines and roleplay.
In addition to new and enhanced systems and events, you'll notice a prioritization of intimate, community-based storylines and roleplay. These types of ongoing events are part of what makes GemStone IV so immersive and unique.
When I first logged into GemStone III, I was initially drawn in by the wonderful descriptions of the world around me. As I made my way, I began to enjoy the hunting aspect of the game. From there, I was obsessed with the extraordinary way in which we can customize our characters and was absolutely thrilled when I received my very first alteration. What I didn't expect, and what I have found to be my strongest bond to GemStone IV, is the community.
Roleplay, game mechanics, and character customization aside, the community of GemStone IV is what holds it all together. It is our strength and as such, is something we must continually care for and build upon.
Within the game, we will utilize new systems and prioritized support for our player organizations (CHE, PRO, ALAE, Mentors), enhanced communication with the ESP (crystal amulet) system, and most importantly, ongoing, unique roleplay opportunities in our towns communities.
Outside of the game, we will continue to encourage discussion on the forums, support our player sites with new artwork and buttons, create a section of the website for player-submitted art and writing, and enhance the community experience via online software (such as MySpace & IRC chats).
While player retention is always on our minds, one of my goals is to prioritize the growth and future of GemStone IV by introducing initiatives that will let others outside our community know we're here. GemStone IV can be the best game in the world, but if we don't let anyone know, it doesn't really matter.
Beyond advertising, our website is in the process of getting re-organized to be more useful to new player and long time player alike. We want you to be proud to show off the GemStone IV website to your friends and family when you're answering those familiar new player questions after helping enroll them in the Buddy Program. We want you to be able to easily find and access documents on such things as Player Shops, Enchanting, or Half Elves.
While this vision will not be realized over night, it is what we are striving to achieve. GemStone IV will continue to be a successful game in a niche market for many years to come. We will continue to blend a powerful and immersive roleplay community with fun and challenging game mechanics to give you the best online gaming entertainment experience available.
2007 Highlights
In previous years, we released a laundry list of goals that were often broken out quarterly. Due to the nature of goals, some of them were accomplished on time and some of them were not. Others were not accomplished at all. In order to avoid building up expectations that fall to disappointment, we are going to try something new.
Instead of the big list of goals at the beginning of the year, I will be briefly hitting upon some of the highlighted projects for 2007. Not all of the releases will be detailed, but rather a sampling of what we hope to release this year. Throughout the year, you will see announcements regarding releases either before they are released or at the time of release (depending upon the size and nature of the system).
GameMasters will continue to engage you in discussion on their projects, if applicable, so that your thoughts and ideas can be heard. Player ideas are valuable and often incorporated into the systems we release.
The Development Team will be very busy this year, coding and releasing new systems and well as making improvements upon existing systems. Some of the highlights include (but are certainly not limited to):
** Alchemy
** Spells 320, 530, 940
** New hunting areas
** New society
** Mining/smelting
** Premium homes revision
** Unarmed combat revision
The Towns Community Team has shifted their focus away from world development (i.e. creating more areas of the world) to enhancing our existing towns communities with services and roleplay opportunities. Expect to see local storylines and NPC interactions in an effort to increase town loyalty.
Mark your calendars and we'll mark ours! The Events team has a lot of fun in store for you this year:
** January & February: Will Ladrial ever die?!
** March: Someone has returned to Solhaven?
** April: Dragonfly Festival
** July: Four Winds Isle Celebration (in collaboration with the Upsells Team)
** August & September: Arkati here, Arkati there, Arkati everywhere!
** October: Ebon Gate (ticketed festival)
** December: Giantman Festival (in collaboration with the Towns Community Team)
The Upsells Team has many wonderful things in store for both our Premium and Platinum members. Without giving away too many surprises (or they'd kill me!), I can mention the Premium hunting areas, locker upgrade, Premium Points review, and Platinum auction. Platinum will also have several unique roleplay events.
ALL of these efforts are supported most excellently by our fabulous QC & Training Team.
This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, 2007 Goals Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Will You Be the Next Forum Moderator?
Date: 1/10/2007 3:37:46 AM
It's been decided that we're going to "let the players do it"... moderate the official Forums, that is. If you're interested in joining the Moderator team, please continue reading.
My intentions are to hire a total of one Moderator for the Platinum boards (from the Plat player base) and at least 3 Moderators for the Prime boards (from either player base). Initially, there will be four players hired as Moderators. If the program proves successful and the myriad of Forum topics require coverage expansion, then the program will be expanded.
The minimum requirements to be considered for the Moderator program include:
1) Being free of official ingame warnings for a period of one year.
2) Being free of official Forums warnings for a period of one year.
3) At least 18 years of age.
4) Have advanced a character to level 20 or higher.
5) Played GemStone IV for at least 6 months.
6) Not be a user of any third-party (non-Simutronics endorsed) software. Currently, this includes the PsiNet program, but could be expanded to include other programs as deemed necessary by the Company.
7) Not have shared your account with another player for at least six months.
If you are interested in being considered for this new program, please fill out the "Board Moderators" application (it's actually the Host application - just indicate that you want to be a Board Moderator) located here:
If you previously sent me an email indicating interest in this program, I appreciate your email and apologize for the long period of silence. If you still have an interest, please follow the aforementioned instructions.
I would also encourage you to drop me an email letting me know you applied. In that email, include your account name... I'll take it from there.
Applications will be processed by the office and sent to both myself and my SGM. After applications are reviewed, eligible candidates will be contacted for interviews, etc.
If you have questions, post them in the discussion thread and I'll do my best to answer them in a timely manner.
GM Emeradan
GemStone IV Forums
Clark: "So you killed him?"
Kara: "He didn't feel any pain."
This message was originally posted in Front Ends, Forums and Computer Help, Forums Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/10/2007 3:37:46 AM
It's been decided that we're going to "let the players do it"... moderate the official Forums, that is. If you're interested in joining the Moderator team, please continue reading.
My intentions are to hire a total of one Moderator for the Platinum boards (from the Plat player base) and at least 3 Moderators for the Prime boards (from either player base). Initially, there will be four players hired as Moderators. If the program proves successful and the myriad of Forum topics require coverage expansion, then the program will be expanded.
The minimum requirements to be considered for the Moderator program include:
1) Being free of official ingame warnings for a period of one year.
2) Being free of official Forums warnings for a period of one year.
3) At least 18 years of age.
4) Have advanced a character to level 20 or higher.
5) Played GemStone IV for at least 6 months.
6) Not be a user of any third-party (non-Simutronics endorsed) software. Currently, this includes the PsiNet program, but could be expanded to include other programs as deemed necessary by the Company.
7) Not have shared your account with another player for at least six months.
If you are interested in being considered for this new program, please fill out the "Board Moderators" application (it's actually the Host application - just indicate that you want to be a Board Moderator) located here:
If you previously sent me an email indicating interest in this program, I appreciate your email and apologize for the long period of silence. If you still have an interest, please follow the aforementioned instructions.
I would also encourage you to drop me an email letting me know you applied. In that email, include your account name... I'll take it from there.
Applications will be processed by the office and sent to both myself and my SGM. After applications are reviewed, eligible candidates will be contacted for interviews, etc.
If you have questions, post them in the discussion thread and I'll do my best to answer them in a timely manner.
GM Emeradan
GemStone IV Forums
Clark: "So you killed him?"
Kara: "He didn't feel any pain."
This message was originally posted in Front Ends, Forums and Computer Help, Forums Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Premium FAQ
Author: GS4-TAIVEN
Date: 1/4/2007 2:56:53 PM
All your premium questions answered and more!
The Premium FAQ can be viewed at
Date: 1/4/2007 2:56:53 PM
All your premium questions answered and more!
The Premium FAQ can be viewed at
Bounties and StormFront
Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 1/2/2007 10:34:59 PM
The bounty system has been updated to provide the StormFront FE with a new window (Bounties) that tracks and displays the status of your current bounty task. It automatically provides updated task info to you as progress through your task's requirements. The window is accessible from the Windows panel in StormFront and may be resized/hidden, just like any other window. If you are currently logged on and do not see the window, logging off and then re-entering the game (in StormFront) will enable the window.
This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/2/2007 10:34:59 PM
The bounty system has been updated to provide the StormFront FE with a new window (Bounties) that tracks and displays the status of your current bounty task. It automatically provides updated task info to you as progress through your task's requirements. The window is accessible from the Windows panel in StormFront and may be resized/hidden, just like any other window. If you are currently logged on and do not see the window, logging off and then re-entering the game (in StormFront) will enable the window.
This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Cleric and Empath Forum
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 1/1/2007 2:43:56 PM
On January 8th, 2007, at 9:00 PM EST, the Cleric and Empath Development Team will be holding an Open Forum. The purpose of which is to create an additional avenue for players to express suggestions and concerns of their profession outside of the message boards. No new information will be released or discussed during this time. The atmosphere will be laid back and all are encouraged to attend.
Portals will be placed outside the cleric and empath guilds in each town fifteen minutes prior to the start.
GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team
Vote for GemStone IV (once every twelve hours):
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Developer's Corner - Clerics. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 1/1/2007 2:43:56 PM
On January 8th, 2007, at 9:00 PM EST, the Cleric and Empath Development Team will be holding an Open Forum. The purpose of which is to create an additional avenue for players to express suggestions and concerns of their profession outside of the message boards. No new information will be released or discussed during this time. The atmosphere will be laid back and all are encouraged to attend.
Portals will be placed outside the cleric and empath guilds in each town fifteen minutes prior to the start.
GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team
Vote for GemStone IV (once every twelve hours):
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Developer's Corner - Clerics. To discuss the above follow the link below.