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Re: Enhanced Nodes and Experience Absorption Changes

Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 11/28/2007 6:42:08 PM

The following change has been rolled in:

The Adv. Guild Bounty experience rewards will now be fully applied to your "to be absorbed" experience up until you become moderately "saturated". Any reward in excess of that amount will have half applied to your "to be absorbed" experience and half will be absorbed instantly.

For people who turn in their bounties while at a "must rest" state, this will result in about half of the instant absorption they have been gaining over the past week. For those who turn in bounties at less than "must rest" state, this will result less instant absorption (potentially none), and more time spent saturated.


This message was originally posted in Help for Players, The Experience System. To discuss the above follow the link below.