2008 Mid-Year Goals Update

Author: GS4-SIRINA
Date: 6/26/2008 12:15:30 PM

>Previously announced highlights 

Magic, Combat, & Technical Systems
Monks/Minor Mentalist spells/unarmed combatProgress ongoing, on target for late 2008 release
Alchemy: Phase IIPossibly delayed due to staffing changes
Premium homes upgradeOn target for 2008 release
Mining/SmeltingOn target for 2008 release
Archery/Thrown weapons updatePlanned for late 2008 release, but may be delayed in favor of completing monks
New spells & spell upgradesOngoing (see below for releases to date)
Lore skill reviewsMinor Spirit, Major Spirit, Cleric, and Empath circle reviews complete; other circles ongoing
Towns & Communities 
CHE updatesOngoing (highlights include upgrades to Aspis theatre, Twilight, Paupers, Willow Hall, Obsidian Tower, & White Haven.)

MHO updates
Ongoing (see below for releases to date)
Ta'Illistim Cleric GuildReleased in January
Ta'Illistim LibraryPossibly delayed due to coding resource constraints
Cysaegir lockersReleased in February
River's Rest town and hunting area expansionsOngoing (see below for releases to date);hunting area on target for 2008 release
Zul Logoth hunting area and town updatesOngoing (see below for releases to date);hunting area likely delayed until 2009
Teras expansion & updatesOngoing (see below for releases to date)
Glaesen Star updatesReleased in June
Gladiator ArenaOn target for 2008 release
Historical/racial documentationOngoing (see below for releases to date)
Events, Promotions, and Platinum 
Wonders of ElanthiaReleased in April
Ebon Gate (ticketed)Coming in October
Highman GamesDelayed until Jan/Feb 2009
Mist Harbor expansion & hunting areaIn progress; hunting area likely delayed until 2009
Premium Contests/raffles/eventsOngoing
Plat-only storylinesOngoing (see below for releases to date)
Custom titlesOngoing
Platinum Contests/raffles/eventsOngoing
CE Systems 
Player MailIn progress
Instanced Uber QuestDelayed
Many command upgradesAlways ongoing

2008 Releases To DateReleasedLead GM
Elven Ruhan documentJanuaryNaos
Lich Storyline (Plat)JanuaryIkaan
Adventurer's Guild rewards expandedJanuaryCoase
Society Tasks window added to StormFront FEJanuaryCoase
Updates to padding and damage weightingJanuaryWarden
Cysaegir fletching shop openedFebruaryJacien
Teras mud baths upgradeFebruaryLiia
Spell: Spirit Servant improvementsFebruaryOscuro
Spell: Major Sanctuary improvementsFebruaryOscuro and Thandiwe
Onar storyline and release of Onar shrineFebruaryAndraste
Minotaur and krag creature updates/new labyrinth area/new minotaur documentFebruaryMestys
Grimswarm storyline and release of Guardians of Sunfist societyFebruaryCoase
Teras Isle demon permit office openedFebruaryLiia
Mentors: SNowflake CarnivalFebruaryKorelys
CONVERT FORSAKE option releasedMarchOscuro
Combat guide updateMarchAuchand and Strathspey
Prayer of Communion Guide releasedMarchZyllah
Spell: Prayer of Communion updatesMarchOscuro
MHO Structure: House Dreadnaught releasedMarchIzzea
MHO Structure: The Black Wolves Clan releasedMarchIzzea
Changes to new player drop pointsMayBernt
Spell: NEW Regeneration spellAprilEstild
ARTISAN verb expanded to show exact # of ranksAprilWarden
Spell: Rejuvenation improvementsAprilMestys
River's Rest Voln expansionAprilScribes
Tehir Cultural DocumentAprilVaschka and Andraste
New human culture (Shakat) and Tehir language optionAprilIldran
Erithi clothing documentAprilXynwen

HEALTH verb updates
MHO Structure: Grey Moon Manor releasedAprilIzzea
Helga's storyline and upgrades (Platinum)April/MayNaionna, Galene, & Auchand
Dark elven language document releasedMayLothwyn
Combat messaging options expandedMayIldran
Runestaff noun options expandedMayWarden
River's Rest warren and smugglers' tunnels expansionMayScribes
New super cool loot generatorMayStrathspey
Inventory keeping its order on login/logoutMayIldran
Mstrike/warcry/berserk updatesMayCoase
MHO Structure: HERT WatchtowerMayIzzea
Mentors: Garden GalaMayKorelys
Spell: Minor Summoning - new demon typeJuneOscuro
Clothing system expansion and updatesJuneBernt
Mist Harbor Bureaucrat updatesJuneThandiwe & Vesmera
Spell: Loresinging and Elemental Detection improvementsJuneMestys and Naos
Erithi Maiden storyline (Platinum)JuneItzel
MHO/CHE conversion (Platinum)In progressItzel
Glaesen Star updatesJuneLiia
Teras Isle empath guild updatesJuneLiia
Teras Isle cleric shop merchandise updatesJuneLiia
MHO Structure: Gryphon Holding updatesJuneIzzea
Mirror, Mirror storylineJuneThandiwe & Xayle

Still to come in 2008
Lumnea Festival in Ta'Illistim
Platinum: Free Summer Trials
Platinum: Fisherman's Tale storyline
Mist Harbor storyline
Solhaven temple completion
Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days Festival
Mentors: Silverwood Wine Festival
Mentors: Tenth Anniversary Celebration
Grand Re-Opening of Teras Isle's Stormbrow Gallery
Party tents for all 16 CHEs
Icemule Trace storyline
MHO Structure: Cairnfang Manor
MHO Structure: Stormwild Hall
MHO Structure: The Gypsy Compound
Return of the Winterfest Caravan
Annual New Year's Eve GM Open House


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." ~Galileo Galilei

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, 2008 Goals Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Creature Contest!

Date: 6/24/2008 2:44:33 PM

I was playing with the new Spore Creature Creator and had a great idea for a fun contest:

Using the Spore Creature Creator, make your favorite (existing) GemStone creature!

The winner will receive 1000 Premium Points and 1 month of free Premium service (to make it easy to spend your points)!

- Rules and Instructions -

1) Get the Spore Creature Creator (either version) from http://www.spore.com. (The Trial version is free and the full version is $10.)

2) Make your creature and name it appropriately, so that it matches the creature in GS.

3) Upload it to your Spore Page and make sure it's shared.

4) Email the link to your Spore page and the name(s) of the GS Creature(s) you are entering to Simu-Spore@play.net.

The deadline for entries is July 11.



"Beat me, whip me, maintain my mindstate at sub-optimal levels!"



Author: GS4-GALENE
Date: 6/23/2008 2:14:16 PM


A verb contest is now under way for dark elves.

Entries must be submitted with the subject DARK ELF VERB CONTEST and be in the following format:

Account name:
Dark elven character's name:
Game instance:
The common (already in existence) verb, and:

1) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at another player.
2) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at himself or herself.
3) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at a creature.
4) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at an object.
5) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at him or her.
6) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at the user.
7) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at a creature.
8) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at an object.


You may enter up to three verbs per account, as long as they are sent to me in one email. You will not receive a confirmation email from me.

The verb should be race specific, not culture specific.

Winners will be chosen based on the versatility and originality of the verb. There will not be separate winners for each game instance.

Prizes will be awarded for verbs selected to appear in the game. The prize must be collected by your dark elven character.

We reserve the right to edit winning entries for actual use in the game.

All entries should be sent to GS4-Galene@play.net. The deadline for this contest is Sunday, July 13th at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Good luck!


This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Dark Elves. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Rivers Rest Verb Contest

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 6/20/2008 4:25:05 PM

On behalf of GM Scribes, I hereby announce the Rest's Verb Contest:

For each entry, you will need to provide:

The common (already in existence) verb, and:

1) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at another player.
2) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at himself or herself.
3) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at a creature.
4) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at an object.
5) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at him or her.
6) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at the user.
7) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at a creature.
8) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at an object.

All entries should be sent to GS4-Scribes@play.net. The deadline for this contest is July 2, 2008. Include your account name and your character name.

Winners will be selected by GM Scribes on whatever basis he sees fit.

The winning verb(s) will be implemented in game for use by those with Rivers Rest citizenship.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, River's Rest. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Glaesen Star Reopens

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 6/20/2008 4:18:55 PM

Thanks to efficient expert craftsmanship, the Captain of the Star is pleased to announce that She is once again open for business!

While the repairs were going on, the Captain convinced the workers to put in a few extra hours. The result can be found by venturing Beneath the Waves, where you will find that not only is the grog a bit stronger now, but through a door Citizens of Teras Isle will find a lounge of their very own! Special foods and beverages available nowhere else are available, and in the adjacent room, soft music and bubbling wine will help you make the journey in style.



You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.



Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 6/20/2008 7:09:56 AM

It's all the rage lately, and Terasians will run on short dwarven (or other) legs to the front of the line with the TERASIAN VERB CONTEST!

For each entry, you will need to provide:

The common (already in existence) verb, and:

1) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at another player.
2) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at himself or herself.
3) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at a creature.
4) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at an object.
5) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at him or her.
6) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at the user.
7) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at a creature.
8) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at an object.

All entries should be sent to GS4-Liia@play.net. The deadline for this contest is Friday, July 4. Include your account name and your character name.

Winners will be selected based on the originality, usability, and the Teras-ness of their verbs. A special in-game prize will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.

The winning verb(s) will be implemented in game for use by those with Teras citizenship.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.



Author: GS4-ZYLLAH
Date: 6/19/2008 11:51:28 PM

Petitioning players of pariahs! Now is your chance to help your half-elf stand out from the crowd.

This is a verb messaging contest open to any player who has an at least somewhat actively played half-elf character on their account. These verbs will function like the wedding verbs, where half-elven characters can set the verbs individually to the default messaging or the messaging available only to half-elves.

Here's the rules:

1.) Contest entries must be emailed to me at GS4-ZYLLAH(at)PLAY.NET on or before July 15, 2008. (I will not be emailing confirmation of received entries.)

2.) One entry per account. The account must have an at least somewhat actively played half-elven character on it.

3.) One verb per entry.

4.) The entry must use the contest form provided below.

5.) There will be 2-5 verbs selected, depending on the quality of entries and how many verbs we decide to actually implement.

6.) Prizes will be given to entries selected for inclusion in the game. The prize will be your choice of a feature alteration or a custom tattoo. The prize must be collected by your half-elven character.

7.) We reserve the right to edit winning messaging for actual use in the game.

How the verbs work:

As stated above, these verbs will be available to all half-elven characters to use. They will be able to be toggled on and off with the VERB command so players can choose if they wish to use the default messaging or the half-elven version.

Almost any RP verb already available can be used (no new verb suggestions), but careful thought should be given to your choices. The verb should have some sort of logical relationship to the messaging. You should not choose a verb that already has built-in options available, such as GRIN. The messaging should be something that you think a significant number of half-elves would like to use, and not something that only suits your character. The messaging can be situation-specific, such as something you think a half-elf might be more prone to use when in Ta'Vaalor, as opposed to Wehnimer's Landing.

Please use the following form in your email submission. The subject heading of your email should read: HALF-ELF VERB CONTEST.

Account name:

Half-elf character name:

Game instance (Plat or Prime?):


First person messaging:

Second person messaging (if a targeted verb):

Third person messaging:

Good luck and happy message writing!


p.s. For Plat players, if your entry wins and your character exists in both Plat and Prime you can receive the prize in both instances, provided you want the same feature or tattoo on both versions of your character.

This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Half-Elves. To discuss the above follow the link below.



Author: GS4-ALYIAS
Date: 6/19/2008 2:14:23 AM

Ever think that you, a Vaalor Elf, could be just a little more disdainful of your lessers? Feel like the low-blooded rabble clogging the streets of your city are getting off too easy? Here's your chance to fix all that.

Your new Ta'Vaalor overlords are pleased to announce a verb contest. Give us your take on common verbs and how they might be better used by Vaalor elves to express their martial pride and casual disdain for others. All verbs are open to your interpretation, but try to keep them reasonable and useful in a wide variety of situations. For each verb, you will need to provide:

1) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at another player.
2) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at himself or herself.
3) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at a creature.
4) The messaging the verb's user sees when directing the verb at an object.
5) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at him or her.
6) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at the user.
7) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at a creature.
8) The messaging another player sees when the verb is directed at an object.

Prizes will be awarded for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

All entries should be sent to GS4-Alyias@play.net. The deadline for this contest is Friday, the 4th of July, at midnight. Winners will be selected based on the originality, usability, and the sterotypical Vaalorishness of their verbs.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Vaalor. To discuss the above follow the link below.


SimuCon Baseball Game, Part Deux

Date: 6/16/2008 3:55:52 PM

OK...here's the latest info:

First off, the game on Thursday the 7th is at 1:15 vs the LA Dodgers. The only other game we could even THINK about going to is Wednesday the 6th at 7:15, but that's really not a good option, so Thursday looks like our opportunity to go.

Now, as far as tickets go, I spoke to the lady at the stadium today and she said there are a good number of seats available in the Champion's Club.

Info from the Cardinals' Website says:

The place to be in 2008 is the all new Champions Club. Enjoy an upscale buffet, two full service bars with lots of flatscreen TVs, plus a great view of the game from the suite level along the left field line.
You'll have access to the air-conditioned indoor club area, plus a great view from your outdoor reserved seats. This new Club can be purchased individually or for larger groups.


* Tickets sold individually, Champions Club accommodates up to 382
* A two-and-a-half-hour all-you-can-eat buffet which includes pasta and carving stations
* Exclusive access to Club lounge
* Two full-service bar areas, featuring lots of flatscreen TVs
* Private entrances and restrooms
* Buffet begins one hour prior to scheduled game time
* Bar service begins one-and-a-half hours prior to scheduled game time and is available throughout the game
* Reserved outdoor seating

So...free food....free beer....free alcohol...

Tickets are $120 each.

We do NOT have to have a certain number of people to get this deal, but they only have room for another 40-50 people. We could just say "Get your own tickets", but the rep advised me that the best course of action is to buy them all at once in order to prevent someone else from coming in and snatching up all the tickets and our group only ending up with a few people lucky enough to get in.

So if you want in, you need to let me know ASAP!

Please email simu-solomon@play.net and put SIMUBALL as the subject of your email. This will COMMIT you to buying a ticket (or however many you want). There will be NO refunds. If you email me and commit to attending and cannot make the game (or the Con), you will be responsible for selling your own ticket. We will help out if we can, but the onus falls on you to get rid of the ticket. If you can't find someone to use it, the billing method you have on record with us WILL be charged.

I will purchase the tickets like I did last year and then we'll make arrangements to collect payment before or during the Con.

Let me know ASAP!


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."

Bureaucrat Demoted!

Date: 6/15/2008 7:27:38 PM

After many years on the Isle of Four Winds, the bemused bureaucrat has come to realize that she's not very... diplomatic, nor performs administrative duties. Also, instead of appearing to be permanently bemused, you'll now recognize this resident by her disheveled clothing.

In other words, the bemused bureaucrat roaming FWI is no longer outwardly displaying her emotions. In the interest of showing and not telling, she'll now be known as 'a disheveled resident'.

It's also come to our attention that getting PREMIUM TITLES was somewhat of a mystery to some folks! Yes, that's right, the formerly bemused resident is the lady to ask! Simple ASK RESIDENT ABOUT TITLES and she'll be pleased to assist you, even if she is a bit loopy.


Casler holds a hand to his face and grimaces.
(OOC) Misun's player whispers to the group, "Did he just facepalm?!"

This message was originally posted in Towns, Mist Harbor (Premium). To discuss the above follow the link below.


LORESING and Elemental Detection (405) Updates.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 6/14/2008 1:07:36 PM

LORESINGing has been updated to allow skilled Bards to determine a few new characteristics from certain items.

When loresinging to a magical or enhancive item, a Bard may now determine whether or not the item will be destroyed when its last magical or enhancive charge has been expended.

When singing to a piece of armor with resistance to a damage type, a proper loresong will coax the level of resistance out of the protective piece.

Finally, Naos has updated both Elemental Detection and loresinging to allow the caster or singer to determine the relative mana capacity of a magic item.


This message was originally posted in Bards, Loresinging. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Pirates Attack Glaesen Star

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 6/14/2008 1:05:41 PM

After much crashing, flames, and breaking glass, the Captain of the Glaesen Star met with a crowd of locals today at the West Docks in Kharam Dzu. The Star had the unexpected bad luck to encounter a pirate ship at sea, which did the "ol' girl" some damage. Though the pirates retreated (leading the Captain to surmise they were on a mission of reconnaissance), the Star has been closed temporarily to undergo repairs.

The Captain will announce when the ship is again seaworthy. Until then, it is likely the Chronomages will be more than willing to take up the slack.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.



Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 6/14/2008 9:31:56 AM

The following changes have been implemented:

* The fatigue duration for focused swings has been slightly reduced for all weapon types.

* The fatigue duration for TWC has been slightly reduced for both open and focused strikes.


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, General Discussion about H&C. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Premium Neighborhoods and Justice

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 6/12/2008 6:00:42 PM

Over the next few weeks, all IN TOWN premium neighborhoods that currently do not have constable attention will be set up so that the town's justice applies within their gates. This does not include neighborhoods outside of the towns' gates. This change will be completed by the end of this month, though some areas may see the change sooner than others.

Town Gurus will be posting in their individual town topics to announce when the changes in their towns are completed, but it is suggested that should you plan to commit crimes in a premium housing neighborhood, you use JUSTICE STATUS before you make your final decision.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Town Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Mstrike Update

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 6/10/2008 5:14:59 PM

The stamina cost for mstriking during the recovery period has been changed to be based upon weapon speed:

Open mstrikes will now cost 20 + (3 * Weapon Speed) stamina points, while focused mstrikes will now cost 30 + (4 * Weapon Speed) stamina points. For two weapon combat, the effective weapon speed is Primary Weapon Speed + (Offhand Weapon Speed - 2, min 0).


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, General Discussion about H&C. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Berserk Update

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 6/10/2008 5:14:57 PM

The following updates have been made to the Berserk skill:

-The base per round stamina cost has been adjusted to be a flat 10 stamina, regardless of skill rank. The prior discount for low ranks provided too much of a disincentive against gaining more ranks in Berserk.

-Running out of stamina during a Berserk will no longer automatically end it. Upon reaching zero stamina, the Berserk will continue on with single attacks at no stamina cost until enough stamina has been regained to resume mstriking. While at zero stamina, the Berserk can be automatically stopped via STOP BERSERK.


This message was originally posted in Warriors, Warrior Guild Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Announcing the Shining City's Annual Lumnea Festival

Author: GS4-SORAYA
Date: 6/8/2008 9:38:44 AM

The Festival of Lumnea will be held in the month of Lumnea (June) from the 27th day until the 29th day in the shining city of Ta'Illistim. Visit us and enjoy the annual celebration of Lumnis and our grand city!

The Queen invites one and all to attend the Baerl Mystiaem on the evening of Feastday (Saturday) the 28th at 8:00 pm Elven, on the meadow beneath the moons. This masked ball is a long held tradition in Ta'Illistim, and as such, personages of high stature
are expected to attend. Enjoy festive dining and dancing!

Lumnea Meadow, outside the city, will be hosting a few fine Illistim merchants during the weekend. In need of a gala ensemble for the ball? Visit our elegant shops! Come peruse our wares, and enjoy the company of the city's residents.

We hope that you can grace us with your presence.

Sir Aeriadrn Ghaeriden,
Seneschal to Her Majesty Queen Myasara Illistim

This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Illistim. To discuss the above follow the link below.


GemStone IV Gurus

Author: GS4-SIRINA
Date: 6/6/2008 8:47:15 AM

GemStone IV Guru chart as of Friday, June 6, 2008:

Wehnimer's LandingTalisker
Kharam DzuLiia
Icemule TraceIzzea and Korelys
River's RestScribes
Zul LogothAiza
Ta'VaalorBernt and Alyias
Mist HarborThandiwe and Vesmera
Dark ElfGalene
Forest GnomeItzel
Burghal GnomeCirath
Rangers/Bards/PaladinsMestys - Team Lead
Clerics/EmpathsNilven - Team Lead
Sorcerers/WizardsNilven - Team Lead
Warriors/RoguesCoase - Team Lead
Overall Guild MechanicsCoase
Combat ManeuversCoase
Adventurer's GuildCoase
Skill Migration/Character ManagerMestys
Town Merchant SystemsBernt
Mail SystemDespil
PSHOP SystemSleken
Sprite SystemModrian
Premium PetsModrian
Travel GuidesTridin
Premium HousingIldran
General CE SystemsSleken
Player Organizations: 
Meeting Hall Organizations (MHO)Izzea
Platinum MHOItzel
GemStone WordsmithsOzias
Events, Promotions & Platinum: 
WeddingsKaikala, Andraste, and Galene
RP EventsKaikala
Customer Experience & QC: 
Community RelationsAuchand
Host CoordinatorZyllah
History & GeographySirina
Private PropertiesKaikala
ArkatiSirina and Andraste
Bug Sorting SystemEmeradan
Quality ControlIsten
Message BoardsEmeradan


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." ~Galileo Galilei

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, 2008 Goals Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.


GemStone IV Staff

Author: GS4-SIRINA
Date: 6/6/2008 8:09:02 AM

GemStone IV staff organizational chart as of Friday, June 6, 2008:

Magic, Combat & Technical Systems:
Teams, Training & QC:
Events, Promotions & Platinum:
Towns &Communities:
ScribesAGM (LOA)
CE Systems:

PMProduct Manager
APMAssistant Product Manager
SGMSenior GameMaster
ASGMAssistant Senior GameMaster
FGMFull GameMaster
AGMAssistant GameMaster
CGMContributing GameMaster
GMAGameMaster Apprentice


This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, 2008 Goals Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Clothing Update

Author: GS4-BERNT
Date: 6/5/2008 11:02:49 PM

It's not layered clothing, but the clothing system has received a substantial update. The primary goal of this update is to allow characters to wear more fluff items without greatly increasing the total maximum worn items or the number of functional items worn.

1. Worn items are now considered either "functional" or "fluff". All weapons, containers, magical, and enhancive items are functional; fluff items are those that convey no mechanical benefits. Scripted items are, by default, considered functional, but those scripts that only "zest" the item -- that is, add messaging but not function -- are exempted.

2. Four new 'slots' have been added: over the front, as an apron; on the hands, as gloves; inner footwear, as socks; and in the hair, as a barrette.

3. The number of items that may be worn in each 'slot' has been modified. Generally, a smaller number of functional items may be worn, with (usually) some additional fluff items:


20Generally (used when others don't apply)

1On back (backpack)

3Around waist (belt)

2Head (helm)

2Slung on back and shoulder (a slung shield)

2On shoulders (cape)

1On legs (pants)

3On torso (shirt, dress, armor)

4On wrist (bracelet)

6On finger (ring)

1On feet (shoe)

6Around neck (amulet, necklace)

4Attached to belt (belt assumed)

1Over arms (arm greaves)

1Over legs (leg greaves)

3Hanging from ear (earring)

3Hanging from ears (plural, earrings)

3On ankle (anklet)

1Over front (e.g. apron)

1On hands (e.g. gloves)

3Inner footwear (e.g. socks)

2In hair (e.g. barrette)

NOTE You may find that your characters are wearing MORE than the allowed number of functional items -- particularly pinworn items. See the note below about how some items may be eligible to change slots. However, you may need to choose which 8 functional pinworns (or some other slot) you want to wear.

4. If items are ordered in your inventory in the same way SORT AUTO HEAD places them, some items will be shown layered with other items when you are LOOKed at.

5. The slot used by existing items is not changed by this update. In each major town, however, you will find in the clothier or general shop a mist-filled silver bowl. Placing a wearable item into the bowl will reveal some information about how the item is classified under the new system and, if it is eligible to change slots, will allow you to update its slot.

Although GM Lusus and I have reviewed each of the thousands of scripts in the game, we may have overlooked something. If you believe that an item you own has been misclassified as functional or fluff, or if you believe it should be considered in a different slot, please place an ASSIST so that a GM may review your request.

GM Bernt

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Items and Inventory. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Scheduled Downtime, June 12th at 0700 EST

Date: 6/5/2008 6:39:38 PM

Just a small caution:

Simutronics will be conducting maintenance on the firewall on Thursday, June 12th at 7 AM Eastern. This maintenance will take approximately an hour to be completed by 8 AM Eastern. During the maintenance, you will be unable to log into your game, the website or the forums. If you are logged into the game already, you will be able to continue play uninterrupted during the maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to keep the downtime as short as possible.


P.S. This is not my fault!

This message was originally posted in Front Ends, Forums, and Computer Help, Connecting to the Game. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Town healers change fee collection services

Author: GS4-BERNT
Date: 6/4/2008 8:06:22 PM

All NPC healers in towns have been modified slightly: when you receive healing services, the cost is now added directly to your local fine/debt. Consequently, the restriction on dragging someone out of the healer's room has been removed, as well as teleport restrictions and some other tedious checks.

GM Bernt

This message was originally posted in Towns, Town Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Re: Town Guru Announcements

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 6/3/2008 8:47:16 PM

Part II (or III I guess):

I am pleased as um.. spiked punch this time, to announce the co-Guruship of Ta'Vaalor to be shared between GM Bernt and GM Alyias.

You know them both. You love them, or you should! Congrats fellows, and military elves!


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, General Towns Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Town Guru Announcements

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 6/3/2008 5:12:35 PM

I'm pleased as punch to bring you the following guru announcements:

Effective immediately, GM Auchand is your Solhaven town Guru. Auchand comes with a strong love for Solhaven, and a tremendous amount of vision and enthusiam.

Also effective immediately, GM Korelys and GM Izzea will be co-gurus for Icemule Trace. These ladies are destined to bring a new energy for all those short people up north.

Before you ask, GM Ozias has not left us, he will be working on other projects that fit him better at this time.

Congrats and hurray for our new gurus!

You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, General Towns Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Spirit Servant (218) Update

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 6/2/2008 11:06:11 PM

Summoned spirit servants will now be realm appropriate. That is, you will no longer be seeing snow spirits on Teras, sun spirits in the depths of Zul Logoth, or any other equally odd combinations. Any spirit servant can still be summoned anywhere with the use of an appropriate runestone.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Cleric/Empath Team

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Major Spiritual Circle. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Minor Summoning (725) Update

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 6/2/2008 9:16:08 PM

A recent use of a shien'tyr runestone has led to the accidental discovery of a new type of minor demon ? the arashan! Congratulations to Allereli (Prime) and Caden (Platinum) for being the first summoners to pull this demon through the veil. Details of the demon can be found in all copies of the Enchiridion Valentia once the Basilica has completed its research.

The arashan has equal odds of being summoned as the other two demon types from shien'tyr, the aishan and the shien (darklings and shadowlings), when using a shien'tyr runestone.

The arashan may be cloaked with an illusion by Sorcerers with 60 ranks or more in the Illusions skill.

The arashan possesses a unique ability amongst demonkind; they are capable of taking control of the minor spirits that make up an area web summoned by the Web (118) spell. Controlling a web yields two major results: the web is strengthened (gains an additional snare charge and the duration is refreshed), and the web comes under the control of the arashan's summoner. Controlling a web takes 18 mana from the Sorcerer. Controlling a web is very taxing on the arashan, thus they may only do so once every five minutes. The syntax is: TELL MDEMON TO CONTROL [WEB].

In addition to the shien'tyr-arashan runestone becoming available as an uncommon rune, two other uncommon runes have been added to the list of potential runes a summoner is able to learn: shien'tyr-darkling and shien'tyr-shadowling.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Cleric/Empath Team

This message was originally posted in Sorcerers, Sorcerous Lore - Demonology. To discuss the above follow the link below.
