Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 5/31/2007 5:48:14 AM
It was discovered recently that of the new races, only the Erithian Maneuver bonus was implemented, resulting in all of the other new races being treated as "Average". This modifier applies to most non-CMAN maneuvers that creatures use. As of now, the other new races will receive the applicable bonuses.
Burghal Gnomes - Best
Halflings, Forest Gnomes, and Elves - Excellent (previously was the best)
Half-Elves, Dark Elves, Sylvankind, Erithians, and Aelotoi - Good
Everyone else - Average
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Developer's Corner -- Hunting & Combat. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Dateline 5/28/2007: ESP UPDATE
Author: GS4-ALYIAS
Date: 5/29/2007 10:02:34 AM
GemStone has expanded the variety of ESP verbs, commands, and channels available to players. In addition, the commonly used crystal amulets that are used to extend ones mind to the thoughts of others have changed, and interact with thoughts and people differently than in the past.
A list of ESP Channel commands may be found in game by typing ESP and ESP COMMANDS. Following is a detailed explanation of those commands and how these they can enhance your ability to contact others.
Using the THINK command you can send your thoughts either to everyone (within range) on a particular thought channel or target your thoughts towards a specific individual or group. The expanded thought channel options include:
General - For speaking to people in your general geographic area
Merchant - For selling items to people in your general geographic area
Guild - To keep in touch with members of your profession in your general geographic area
Friends - To turn into your private "friends" only thought network. People who have befriended each other at level neutral or above have the ability to create a private network via a channel named after themselves. This channel can only be joined by people who are both befriended by the owner and befriend the owner as well (neutral or higher). This network is hidden from people who have not befriended and been befriended as such.
Houses and Halls - Officially inducted members of a Great House (CHE) or Hall (PRO) can think to fellow members anywhere in Elanthia.
To see which of the above options is available to your character, as well as how to send thoughts, type ESP COMMANDS.
The ESP verb lists all the available settings for the ESP system. If you believe you will use one of your channel options more than the others, you may wish set that option as your DEFAULT. To do this, type ESP DEFAULT. When you type THINK your thoughts will automatically go out to the selected channel, unless you utilize THINK ON to redirect them.
Premium members will receive notification when befriended players (neutral or higher) become available on an ESP channel they are tuned into. In addition, you can locate the people who are reachable via the thought network by typing THINK WHO. If you target a player for your thoughts and that player is unable to hear you, you will receive a failure message.
If this is too much thinking for you and you decide to avoid the thoughts of a specific person or group use ESP IGNORE HELP learn how to keep various thoughts from your mind. There are also a number of cosmetic options available via ESP OPTION HELP. Premium users have a option that will allow them to select a HIDDEN ON CHANNEL setting. This setting will hide your presence, either globally (if you select the global option), or on the channel you select. This means your name will not be listed when other players use the ESP WHO option.
THere are a number of cosmetic options available to you as well under ESP OPTION HELP. They are:
Hidden on Channel Setting: This setting will hide your presence on either globally (if you select the global option) or on the channel you select. Your name will not be listed when other players use the ESP WHO option. This option is only available to premium accounts.
Show Friends Setting: This setting will notify you when your friends (as listed in BEFRIEND) presence becomes available on any ESP channel you may be tuned into. Note that your friends hidden settings preempt this setting. This option is only available to premium accounts.
Unique Windows Setting: This setting will seperate all of your ESP channels into different) windows in the StormFront Front End.
Compress Headers Setting: This setting will compress the headers of any ESP messages recieved,) resulting in the message being less verbose and more sleek.
Process Ignores Setting: This setting will process any personal ignore lists you have set up via ESP IGNORE or the "Ignore Preferences" link in the ESP command box. Please see ESP IGNORE HELP for further information.
Ignore Channel Setting: This setting will process any channel ignore options you have set up via THINK IGNORE or the "Ignore Preferences" link in the ESP command box. Please see THINK IGNORE HELP for further information.
Regarding the Stormfront windows, if you belong to more than one Hall (PRO) any options you select will affect the settings of every Hall you are a member of.
Please direct any questions, comments, or concerns to
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, ESP 2.0 - The Amulet Reborn. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/29/2007 10:02:34 AM
GemStone has expanded the variety of ESP verbs, commands, and channels available to players. In addition, the commonly used crystal amulets that are used to extend ones mind to the thoughts of others have changed, and interact with thoughts and people differently than in the past.
A list of ESP Channel commands may be found in game by typing ESP and ESP COMMANDS. Following is a detailed explanation of those commands and how these they can enhance your ability to contact others.
Using the THINK command you can send your thoughts either to everyone (within range) on a particular thought channel or target your thoughts towards a specific individual or group. The expanded thought channel options include:
General - For speaking to people in your general geographic area
Merchant - For selling items to people in your general geographic area
Guild - To keep in touch with members of your profession in your general geographic area
Friends - To turn into your private "friends" only thought network. People who have befriended each other at level neutral or above have the ability to create a private network via a channel named after themselves. This channel can only be joined by people who are both befriended by the owner and befriend the owner as well (neutral or higher). This network is hidden from people who have not befriended and been befriended as such.
Houses and Halls - Officially inducted members of a Great House (CHE) or Hall (PRO) can think to fellow members anywhere in Elanthia.
To see which of the above options is available to your character, as well as how to send thoughts, type ESP COMMANDS.
The ESP verb lists all the available settings for the ESP system. If you believe you will use one of your channel options more than the others, you may wish set that option as your DEFAULT. To do this, type ESP DEFAULT
Premium members will receive notification when befriended players (neutral or higher) become available on an ESP channel they are tuned into. In addition, you can locate the people who are reachable via the thought network by typing THINK WHO
If this is too much thinking for you and you decide to avoid the thoughts of a specific person or group use ESP IGNORE HELP learn how to keep various thoughts from your mind. There are also a number of cosmetic options available via ESP OPTION HELP. Premium users have a option that will allow them to select a HIDDEN ON CHANNEL setting. This setting will hide your presence, either globally (if you select the global option), or on the channel you select. This means your name will not be listed when other players use the ESP WHO option.
THere are a number of cosmetic options available to you as well under ESP OPTION HELP. They are:
Hidden on Channel Setting: This setting will hide your presence on either globally (if you select the global option) or on the channel you select. Your name will not be listed when other players use the ESP WHO option. This option is only available to premium accounts.
Show Friends Setting: This setting will notify you when your friends (as listed in BEFRIEND) presence becomes available on any ESP channel you may be tuned into. Note that your friends hidden settings preempt this setting. This option is only available to premium accounts.
Unique Windows Setting: This setting will seperate all of your ESP channels into different) windows in the StormFront Front End.
Compress Headers Setting: This setting will compress the headers of any ESP messages recieved,) resulting in the message being less verbose and more sleek.
Process Ignores Setting: This setting will process any personal ignore lists you have set up via ESP IGNORE or the "Ignore Preferences" link in the ESP command box. Please see ESP IGNORE HELP for further information.
Ignore Channel Setting: This setting will process any channel ignore options you have set up via THINK IGNORE or the "Ignore Preferences" link in the ESP command box. Please see THINK IGNORE HELP for further information.
Regarding the Stormfront windows, if you belong to more than one Hall (PRO) any options you select will affect the settings of every Hall you are a member of.
Please direct any questions, comments, or concerns to
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, ESP 2.0 - The Amulet Reborn. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Assume Aspect (650) Update: Aspect of the Spider.
Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 5/22/2007 7:35:57 PM
Ahndo Maeza, last seen after the events two years ago that led to the release of the Assume Aspect spell, returned this evening with Sasheto, a member of an Imaeran organization known as the Keepers of the Earth.
Recent abnormal arachnid activity allowed the group to formulate an augmentation to the spell, through intensive study and blessings from Imaera.
Together, the two were able to release the fruits of the Keepers' labor, so that all could benefit from their devotional tribute.
The Assume Aspect spell has been updated with a new facet, the Aspect of the Spider. The aspect bestows a bonus to Climbing ranks, as well as some benefits when casting Web (118). When attempting to web an individual, the Target Defense (TD) of the target is reduced by 50, as opposed to the standard 25. When casting an area web, its duration and snare charges are both doubled.
The Climbing benefits follow the same scheme as skill boosts from other aspects: base 20, +1 at 2 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning to a maximum of an additional +12 at 90 ranks. The Web benefits are not modified by lore training.
This message was originally posted in Rangers, Ranger Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/22/2007 7:35:57 PM
Ahndo Maeza, last seen after the events two years ago that led to the release of the Assume Aspect spell, returned this evening with Sasheto, a member of an Imaeran organization known as the Keepers of the Earth.
Recent abnormal arachnid activity allowed the group to formulate an augmentation to the spell, through intensive study and blessings from Imaera.
Together, the two were able to release the fruits of the Keepers' labor, so that all could benefit from their devotional tribute.
The Assume Aspect spell has been updated with a new facet, the Aspect of the Spider. The aspect bestows a bonus to Climbing ranks, as well as some benefits when casting Web (118). When attempting to web an individual, the Target Defense (TD) of the target is reduced by 50, as opposed to the standard 25. When casting an area web, its duration and snare charges are both doubled.
The Climbing benefits follow the same scheme as skill boosts from other aspects: base 20, +1 at 2 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning to a maximum of an additional +12 at 90 ranks. The Web benefits are not modified by lore training.
This message was originally posted in Rangers, Ranger Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Kobolds Succumb to Peer Pressure -- Convert to BCS
Author: GS4-AIZA
Date: 5/22/2007 7:08:34 PM
It's finally happened.
Kobolds, mongrel kobolds, big ugly kobolds, and kobold shepherds have been converted to BCS, thanks to the overwhelming pressure of their other creature neighbors.
When asked for a comment on this exciting news, the kobold union representative replied with an official statement reading, "Blargh."
GM Aiza
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Wehnimer's Landing Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/22/2007 7:08:34 PM
It's finally happened.
Kobolds, mongrel kobolds, big ugly kobolds, and kobold shepherds have been converted to BCS, thanks to the overwhelming pressure of their other creature neighbors.
When asked for a comment on this exciting news, the kobold union representative replied with an official statement reading, "Blargh."
GM Aiza
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Wehnimer's Landing Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Author: GS4-VARULV
Date: 5/15/2007 6:06:44 AM
>throw my dart at board 19
You grab a dart from your left hand.
Aha, you learned something that time.
Aiming carefully at the single 19, you throw a shiny silver dart at a dart board, and hit 19!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Yes, it's true, you can now aim your throws at the dart board. Not only that, but as you play your skill will (slowly, ever so slowly) increase.
Don't expect to be throwing bullseyes every time once you master, but a highly skilled player will be able to hit the singles ring of any number without much effort.
Several factors play into your likelihood of hitting an aimed target (vultite darts, anyone?) and can be used to handicap good players to level the playing field. Lighting, injuries, thrown weapon skill, dexterity, and perception all play into the aiming.
The syntax for aiming is as follows:
<modifier>, if given, must be one of triple, double, single, inner, or outer.
Inner and outer refer to the bullseye.
Single, double, and triple refer to the numbers.
<target> must be either 'bullseye' or a number from 1 to 20.
Specifying 'bullseye' without a modifier of inner or outer will assume inner.
Specifying a number without a modifier will assume single.
You can also reference this by taking out your darts and typing
As you increase in skill, you'll need to throw at harder targets (double ring, triple ring, outer, then inner bullseye) to have a chance of further skilling up. Don't think you can master practicing by yourself to sneak in a win, either - the last 50 ranks (of 250) require an audience.
For those who enjoy the more random games of the past, fear not. Throwing a dart without specifying a target will result in the same random targetting you've come to know and love (and the messaging to both you and everyone else will be different from an aimed throw, to prevent any shenanigans).
Please play around with it and post any questions!
P.S. If you're looking for a set of your very own darts, you may want to check out the wagon parked on the path near Hearthstone Manor. Don't wait too long, though, as he'll be moving on by the end of the week to give others the chance to buy.
This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, World and Roleplay Improvement. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/15/2007 6:06:44 AM
>throw my dart at board 19
You grab a dart from your left hand.
Aha, you learned something that time.
Aiming carefully at the single 19, you throw a shiny silver dart at a dart board, and hit 19!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Yes, it's true, you can now aim your throws at the dart board. Not only that, but as you play your skill will (slowly, ever so slowly) increase.
Don't expect to be throwing bullseyes every time once you master, but a highly skilled player will be able to hit the singles ring of any number without much effort.
Several factors play into your likelihood of hitting an aimed target (vultite darts, anyone?) and can be used to handicap good players to level the playing field. Lighting, injuries, thrown weapon skill, dexterity, and perception all play into the aiming.
The syntax for aiming is as follows:
<modifier>, if given, must be one of triple, double, single, inner, or outer.
Inner and outer refer to the bullseye.
Single, double, and triple refer to the numbers.
<target> must be either 'bullseye' or a number from 1 to 20.
Specifying 'bullseye' without a modifier of inner or outer will assume inner.
Specifying a number without a modifier will assume single.
You can also reference this by taking out your darts and typing
As you increase in skill, you'll need to throw at harder targets (double ring, triple ring, outer, then inner bullseye) to have a chance of further skilling up. Don't think you can master practicing by yourself to sneak in a win, either - the last 50 ranks (of 250) require an audience.
For those who enjoy the more random games of the past, fear not. Throwing a dart without specifying a target will result in the same random targetting you've come to know and love (and the messaging to both you and everyone else will be different from an aimed throw, to prevent any shenanigans).
Please play around with it and post any questions!
P.S. If you're looking for a set of your very own darts, you may want to check out the wagon parked on the path near Hearthstone Manor. Don't wait too long, though, as he'll be moving on by the end of the week to give others the chance to buy.
This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, World and Roleplay Improvement. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Calling all scholars...PART THREE!
Author: GS4-XAYLE
Date: 5/14/2007 9:42:15 PM
I forgot.
This blessed event will take place on Sunday, June 24th. Exact time as yet to be determined.
~ X.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/14/2007 9:42:15 PM
I forgot.
This blessed event will take place on Sunday, June 24th. Exact time as yet to be determined.
~ X.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Calling all scholars...Part Two!
Author: GS4-XAYLE
Date: 5/14/2007 9:17:33 PM
In reference to the knowledge symposium at the Lumnea festival, let me get the direly important official-type announcements out of the way.
These presentations, lectures, performances, etc, are for CREATIVE purposes only and will NOT be considered as OFFICIAL documentation, nor will they be added to the cannon of OFFICIAL documentation.
Now that that's out of the way...
All entrants must be of pure elven heritage, no dark elves or half-elves, puhleeze. You can choose any aspect of elven culture you like, from style of dress to religion to military. Whatever strikes your fancy. These, however, are to be academic in nature, so approach them as you would a term paper. You have a point, you have evidence/hypothesis to support the point, and you have an overall conclusion. You can USE official documentation as references for your works, but again, your works themselves will NOT be considered OFFICIAL in any way. (My sponsors will flog me if I don't use capitalization). Be creative. Dazzle us with your deep ponderings of elvish nature, society, and culture. Creativity in concert with official documentation is what I'm looking for.
A lecture might be something like a commentary about the evolution of elven religion, a comparison between any facet of two or more cultures, or an examination of any given system of ethics. Presentations might include history and demonstrations of rituals, a modeling and explanation of the significance of cultural dress/ornamentation/crests/etc, or an examination of the impact of various celestial events on the aspects of daily life. Some aspect of elven culture should be involved in each presentation.
These are due by June 4th and should not be dropped off at the Aies Library, but rather should be dropped in my mailbox ( Once all the submissions are in, they?ll be narrowed down to 9, and those 9 will be announced. Submissions should include your character's name, race, title of the presentation, a complete run-down of the presentation (from what will be spoken to a detailed outline of any rituals or demonstrations to be performed, and they should be IC in nature), and whether or not the event would need to take place at night (in the case of a celestial type of presentation). Submissions received after the due date will automatically be excluded.
Any questions can be directed to the above address.
Happy ponderings,
~ X.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/14/2007 9:17:33 PM
In reference to the knowledge symposium at the Lumnea festival, let me get the direly important official-type announcements out of the way.
These presentations, lectures, performances, etc, are for CREATIVE purposes only and will NOT be considered as OFFICIAL documentation, nor will they be added to the cannon of OFFICIAL documentation.
Now that that's out of the way...
All entrants must be of pure elven heritage, no dark elves or half-elves, puhleeze. You can choose any aspect of elven culture you like, from style of dress to religion to military. Whatever strikes your fancy. These, however, are to be academic in nature, so approach them as you would a term paper. You have a point, you have evidence/hypothesis to support the point, and you have an overall conclusion. You can USE official documentation as references for your works, but again, your works themselves will NOT be considered OFFICIAL in any way. (My sponsors will flog me if I don't use capitalization). Be creative. Dazzle us with your deep ponderings of elvish nature, society, and culture. Creativity in concert with official documentation is what I'm looking for.
A lecture might be something like a commentary about the evolution of elven religion, a comparison between any facet of two or more cultures, or an examination of any given system of ethics. Presentations might include history and demonstrations of rituals, a modeling and explanation of the significance of cultural dress/ornamentation/crests/etc, or an examination of the impact of various celestial events on the aspects of daily life. Some aspect of elven culture should be involved in each presentation.
These are due by June 4th and should not be dropped off at the Aies Library, but rather should be dropped in my mailbox ( Once all the submissions are in, they?ll be narrowed down to 9, and those 9 will be announced. Submissions should include your character's name, race, title of the presentation, a complete run-down of the presentation (from what will be spoken to a detailed outline of any rituals or demonstrations to be performed, and they should be IC in nature), and whether or not the event would need to take place at night (in the case of a celestial type of presentation). Submissions received after the due date will automatically be excluded.
Any questions can be directed to the above address.
Happy ponderings,
~ X.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Calling all scholars...
Author: GS4-XAYLE
Date: 5/14/2007 9:14:02 PM
Calling all scholars and leaders of academia:
At this year's Lumnea Festival, there will be a symposium on the evolution of elven culture. Entrants are limited to those of pure elven heritage. Faendryl and half-elves may not enter. This is not to be mistaken as a recitation of history lessons. These compositions are to be original in nature, though it is acceptable to use published works as references. This is an exercise in and a celebration of knowledge and academics purely for their own sakes.
Any aspect of elven culture you wish to explore is acceptable and submissions must be in by the 4th of Lumnea. You must include in your submission your name, given profession, the title of your presentation, and a copy of the presentation in its entirety. These performances should be no longer than fifteen minutes in length.
Out of all the submissions, nine will be chosen to give their lectures at the symposium and will be judged by a council of three elven scholars. With consideration to execution, academic relevance, and creativity, the judges will select three winners.
These winners will receive bound copies of their lectures, as well as a token of appreciation, which will be presented in a formal ceremony.
Please drop your submission scrolls off at the Aies Library in Ta'Illistim.
Ayimare Chaaniela, Scholar of House Ta'Illistim
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/14/2007 9:14:02 PM
Calling all scholars and leaders of academia:
At this year's Lumnea Festival, there will be a symposium on the evolution of elven culture. Entrants are limited to those of pure elven heritage. Faendryl and half-elves may not enter. This is not to be mistaken as a recitation of history lessons. These compositions are to be original in nature, though it is acceptable to use published works as references. This is an exercise in and a celebration of knowledge and academics purely for their own sakes.
Any aspect of elven culture you wish to explore is acceptable and submissions must be in by the 4th of Lumnea. You must include in your submission your name, given profession, the title of your presentation, and a copy of the presentation in its entirety. These performances should be no longer than fifteen minutes in length.
Out of all the submissions, nine will be chosen to give their lectures at the symposium and will be judged by a council of three elven scholars. With consideration to execution, academic relevance, and creativity, the judges will select three winners.
These winners will receive bound copies of their lectures, as well as a token of appreciation, which will be presented in a formal ceremony.
Please drop your submission scrolls off at the Aies Library in Ta'Illistim.
Ayimare Chaaniela, Scholar of House Ta'Illistim
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Arachnids Advance
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 5/14/2007 1:14:09 PM
Throughout Elanthia, tales of spiders becoming more intelligent and more frisky are being reported. Fortunately, it has also been discovered that spiders now possess an inherent susceptability to the Untrammel spell. Adventurers should exercise caution when approaching such beasts.
Spiders of all types have been updated to the Basic Critter System.
= - GM Oscuro - =
Empath/Cleric Team
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/14/2007 1:14:09 PM
Throughout Elanthia, tales of spiders becoming more intelligent and more frisky are being reported. Fortunately, it has also been discovered that spiders now possess an inherent susceptability to the Untrammel spell. Adventurers should exercise caution when approaching such beasts.
Spiders of all types have been updated to the Basic Critter System.
= - GM Oscuro - =
Empath/Cleric Team
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.
NEW BCS CONVERSIONS: Spectral miners, ghostly pookas, shadow mares
Date: 5/14/2007 10:40:17 AM
Spectral miners, ghostly pookas, and shadow mares have been converted to the BCS system.
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Wehnimer's Landing Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/14/2007 10:40:17 AM
Spectral miners, ghostly pookas, and shadow mares have been converted to the BCS system.
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Wehnimer's Landing Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Author: GS4-ZYLLAH
Date: 5/12/2007 12:26:06 AM
The Festival of Lumnea will be held in the month of Lumnea (June) from the 22nd day until the 24th day in the shining city of Ta'Illistim. Visit us and enjoy the annual celebration of Lumnis and our grand city!
The Queen invites one and all to attend the Baerl Mystiaem on the evening of Feastday (Saturday) the 23rd at 8:00 pm Elven, on the meadow beneath the moons. This masked ball is a long held tradition in Ta'Illistim, and as such, personages of high stature are expected to attend. Enjoy festive dining and dancing!
Lumnea Meadow, outside the city, will be hosting a few fine Illistim merchants during the weekend. In need of a gala ensemble for the ball? Visit our elegant shops! Come peruse our wares, and enjoy the company of the city's residents.
We hope that you can grace us with your presence.
Sir Aeriadrn Ghaeriden,
Seneschal to Her Majesty Queen Myasara Illistim
OOC Notes:
Discussion about the festival will take place in the Upcoming Events folder in the Quests and Events category.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend, but keep in mind this is an elven cultural event in an elven city, so expect everything to happen accordingly. ;)
This is primarily a cultural event, not a merchant extravaganza, so tailor your expectations accordlingly. ;)
We hope to see you all there!
GM Zyllah and GM Soraya
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/12/2007 12:26:06 AM
The Festival of Lumnea will be held in the month of Lumnea (June) from the 22nd day until the 24th day in the shining city of Ta'Illistim. Visit us and enjoy the annual celebration of Lumnis and our grand city!
The Queen invites one and all to attend the Baerl Mystiaem on the evening of Feastday (Saturday) the 23rd at 8:00 pm Elven, on the meadow beneath the moons. This masked ball is a long held tradition in Ta'Illistim, and as such, personages of high stature are expected to attend. Enjoy festive dining and dancing!
Lumnea Meadow, outside the city, will be hosting a few fine Illistim merchants during the weekend. In need of a gala ensemble for the ball? Visit our elegant shops! Come peruse our wares, and enjoy the company of the city's residents.
We hope that you can grace us with your presence.
Sir Aeriadrn Ghaeriden,
Seneschal to Her Majesty Queen Myasara Illistim
OOC Notes:
Discussion about the festival will take place in the Upcoming Events folder in the Quests and Events category.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend, but keep in mind this is an elven cultural event in an elven city, so expect everything to happen accordingly. ;)
This is primarily a cultural event, not a merchant extravaganza, so tailor your expectations accordlingly. ;)
We hope to see you all there!
GM Zyllah and GM Soraya
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Creature Generation Area Shifts.
Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 5/10/2007 6:35:56 PM
Over the course of the global creature generator review, some creatures were deemed to be inappropriate for certain areas in which they were generating. Reasons spanned from an excess of different creatures all occupying the same area, to the creatures' levels being much too high or low for the other regularly generating creatures in the environs, among others.
Therefore, the following creatures have been shifted:
Wehnimer's Landing Area:
- Cave nippers moved from the Mine in Upper Trollfang to the Sea Caverns.
- Cave gnomes removed from the Mine in Upper Trollfang (still generating in the Catacombs and Gnoll Lair/Gnome Mine in the Upper Dragonsclaw).
- Troglodytes moved from the Mine in Upper Trollfang to the Gnoll Lair/Gnome Mine in the Upper Dragonsclaw.
- Spectral monks removed from Castle Varunar (still generating in the Monastery).
Teras Isle Area:
- Skayls moved from one portion of the Volcano, to the Eye of V'tull with lava golems and fire elementals.
Icemule Trace Area:
- Ice trolls removed from the Sleeping Lady Mountains (still generating on the Glatoph and the Ice Plains).
- Ice hounds removed from the Sleeping Lady Mountains (still generating on the Icemule Trail).
- Frozen corpses added to the Sleeping Lady Mountains. As an alternate path to Pinefar has not yet been established, these frozen corpses will not exhibit the Sheer Fear mechanic that is typically characteristic of undead creatures.
The above changes will also be reflected in any newly assigned Adventurer's Guild task related to the above areas. Additionally, numerous rarely generating creatures have been removed from the Adventurer's Guild's task lists.
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/10/2007 6:35:56 PM
Over the course of the global creature generator review, some creatures were deemed to be inappropriate for certain areas in which they were generating. Reasons spanned from an excess of different creatures all occupying the same area, to the creatures' levels being much too high or low for the other regularly generating creatures in the environs, among others.
Therefore, the following creatures have been shifted:
Wehnimer's Landing Area:
- Cave nippers moved from the Mine in Upper Trollfang to the Sea Caverns.
- Cave gnomes removed from the Mine in Upper Trollfang (still generating in the Catacombs and Gnoll Lair/Gnome Mine in the Upper Dragonsclaw).
- Troglodytes moved from the Mine in Upper Trollfang to the Gnoll Lair/Gnome Mine in the Upper Dragonsclaw.
- Spectral monks removed from Castle Varunar (still generating in the Monastery).
Teras Isle Area:
- Skayls moved from one portion of the Volcano, to the Eye of V'tull with lava golems and fire elementals.
Icemule Trace Area:
- Ice trolls removed from the Sleeping Lady Mountains (still generating on the Glatoph and the Ice Plains).
- Ice hounds removed from the Sleeping Lady Mountains (still generating on the Icemule Trail).
- Frozen corpses added to the Sleeping Lady Mountains. As an alternate path to Pinefar has not yet been established, these frozen corpses will not exhibit the Sheer Fear mechanic that is typically characteristic of undead creatures.
The above changes will also be reflected in any newly assigned Adventurer's Guild task related to the above areas. Additionally, numerous rarely generating creatures have been removed from the Adventurer's Guild's task lists.
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.
At Home With the Priestesses
Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 5/7/2007 7:11:23 PM
Citizens of several areas across Elanthia will notice their local priestess has become more "in tune" with her home town. Some priestesses are even slightly less obsessed with the arrival of spring.
P.S. Some slightly varied messaging has been added to the priestesses of each town, with the exception of Zul Logoth's priestess, who already had comments to make regarding the toadstools.
Thanks to GMs Ozias and Warden for allowing this tweak!
This message was originally posted in Towns, General Towns Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/7/2007 7:11:23 PM
Citizens of several areas across Elanthia will notice their local priestess has become more "in tune" with her home town. Some priestesses are even slightly less obsessed with the arrival of spring.
P.S. Some slightly varied messaging has been added to the priestesses of each town, with the exception of Zul Logoth's priestess, who already had comments to make regarding the toadstools.
Thanks to GMs Ozias and Warden for allowing this tweak!
This message was originally posted in Towns, General Towns Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Deeds for Everyone in Zul Logoth
Author: GS4-AIZA
Date: 5/5/2007 10:10:16 AM
The deed puzzle in Zul Logoth has been updated so that players of all races and professions are now able to obtain deeds. Enjoy!
GM Aiza
This message was originally posted in Towns, Zul Logoth. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/5/2007 10:10:16 AM
The deed puzzle in Zul Logoth has been updated so that players of all races and professions are now able to obtain deeds. Enjoy!
GM Aiza
This message was originally posted in Towns, Zul Logoth. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Quick Survey About Your Playstyle
Date: 5/4/2007 12:48:02 PM
A student from Tilberg University in the Netherlands contacted me today and asked me to share this with our players. For those of you familiar with Richard Bartle, this student is working on a his own research project, studying Bartle's Theories about gamers and playstyles.
I've taken the survey myself and who knows, you might win a Gift Certificate.
Here's the info if you'd like to participate:
"Are you always trying to achieve the highest status on a MUD or do you rather find out everything there is to know about the MUD world? Are you trying to make friends among your fellow players or do you rather slice their throats and make them feel miserable?" What do people consider fun and rewarding when they are playing their MUD and in what way do these behaviours relate to their character traits in real life.
This survey is part of my research in Leisure Studies at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. As I am a MUD administrator myself (after playing extensively for several years), I am very much interested in the results. Your contribution to this research is extremely valuable and it will only take about 10 minutes of your time to complete the survey. Of course everything you submit will be handled anonymously and with care and will only be used to draw general conclusions about playing styles for my research.
At the end of the survey you can indicate if you want to receive a summary of the results or a full copy of the resulting article. In addition to this, you might be rewarded with a gift certificate for of $ 15,-. More information about this will be at the end of the survey. You can find the survey by visiting:
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and time.
Richard van Meurs
So...have at it if you like. If you'd like more info about Bartle and his studies on gaming, check out:
Bartle's Website:
"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."
GM[Anti-ESP] Pormithius just killed Caelumia's ESP!
This message was originally posted in Socializing, Survey of the Day. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/4/2007 12:48:02 PM
A student from Tilberg University in the Netherlands contacted me today and asked me to share this with our players. For those of you familiar with Richard Bartle, this student is working on a his own research project, studying Bartle's Theories about gamers and playstyles.
I've taken the survey myself and who knows, you might win a Gift Certificate.
Here's the info if you'd like to participate:
"Are you always trying to achieve the highest status on a MUD or do you rather find out everything there is to know about the MUD world? Are you trying to make friends among your fellow players or do you rather slice their throats and make them feel miserable?" What do people consider fun and rewarding when they are playing their MUD and in what way do these behaviours relate to their character traits in real life.
This survey is part of my research in Leisure Studies at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. As I am a MUD administrator myself (after playing extensively for several years), I am very much interested in the results. Your contribution to this research is extremely valuable and it will only take about 10 minutes of your time to complete the survey. Of course everything you submit will be handled anonymously and with care and will only be used to draw general conclusions about playing styles for my research.
At the end of the survey you can indicate if you want to receive a summary of the results or a full copy of the resulting article. In addition to this, you might be rewarded with a gift certificate for of $ 15,-. More information about this will be at the end of the survey. You can find the survey by visiting:
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and time.
Richard van Meurs
So...have at it if you like. If you'd like more info about Bartle and his studies on gaming, check out:
Bartle's Website:
"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."
GM[Anti-ESP] Pormithius just killed Caelumia's ESP!
This message was originally posted in Socializing, Survey of the Day. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Gems take on a new look, Part II
Author: GS4-BERNT
Date: 5/4/2007 10:53:32 AM
Players helpfully pointed out that there were some additional gems that, while less troublesome, have the same "missing adjective" problem corrected for emeralds, rubies, and moonstones. To fix this problem, the Department of Redundancy Department has issued the following additional changes:
"a piece of,,onyx" -> "a piece of,black,onyx"
"a piece of,,amber" -> "a piece of,golden,amber"
"a piece of,,obsidian" -> "a piece of,jet black,obsidian"
"an,,amethyst" -> "a,deep purple,amethyst"
I do not anticipate any further changes in names of current gems.
GM Bernt
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Treasure System. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/4/2007 10:53:32 AM
Players helpfully pointed out that there were some additional gems that, while less troublesome, have the same "missing adjective" problem corrected for emeralds, rubies, and moonstones. To fix this problem, the Department of Redundancy Department has issued the following additional changes:
"a piece of,,onyx" -> "a piece of,black,onyx"
"a piece of,,amber" -> "a piece of,golden,amber"
"a piece of,,obsidian" -> "a piece of,jet black,obsidian"
"an,,amethyst" -> "a,deep purple,amethyst"
I do not anticipate any further changes in names of current gems.
GM Bernt
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Treasure System. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Damage Type Vulnerability Fix
Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 5/4/2007 12:04:33 AM
A bug was discovered in how armor damage type vulnerabilities (i.e. armor that is more susceptible to slash/crush/puncture/fire/etc damage) operated. In many cases, the relevant damage was either not being increased at all or was even being mistakenly reduced instead of increased. This has now been corrected. As such, if you normally use such armor, you may wish to be a little more careful than before.
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Weighting and Padding. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/4/2007 12:04:33 AM
A bug was discovered in how armor damage type vulnerabilities (i.e. armor that is more susceptible to slash/crush/puncture/fire/etc damage) operated. In many cases, the relevant damage was either not being increased at all or was even being mistakenly reduced instead of increased. This has now been corrected. As such, if you normally use such armor, you may wish to be a little more careful than before.
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Weighting and Padding. To discuss the above follow the link below.
By Imperial Decree of Emperor Anodheles...
Date: 5/1/2007 1:05:28 AM
Rumors have spread to the port of Solhaven this evening that the imperial inquisition surrounding the assassination of Empress Mynal'lyanna Anodheles, first cousin to the current Emperor Aurmont Anodheles, is about to conclude. At the core of the investigation is Baron Dunrith Malwind of Vornavis and his involvement in decisions which may have resulted in the Empress' death, and possible ties to the origination of the assassination plot. The inquisition was established by His Imperial Majesty a few years ago shortly after the incident in question happened in the town of Solhaven.
Supporters of His Excellency Baron Malwind have expressed solidarity with the embattled baron, but they have grown concerned as of late by the lack of clear information out of the inquisition. Should the inquisition find the baron's actions suspect, and at fault for the assassination of the Empress, he would be stripped of all rights, titles, and privileges, and be sentenced to execution. Were this to happen, the baron's immediate family would be shamed into exile, and the seat of the barony of Vornavis would remain under the overlordship control of the Sentinel of the North, His Excellency Earl Eddric Jovery, permanently, or until such a time as a new baron could be established.
Further at stake in the inquisition is the future Free Port status of Solhaven. If His Excellency Baron Malwind is found at fault and sentenced to execution, Solhaven's status would likely never be restored, even at the behest of His Excellency Earl Jovery, and full imperial control would reside over the town. As a result, the initial "imperial crackdown" that was felt immediately after the death of the Empress would be returned to full force, and felt throughout all corners of Solhaven.
The baronial court of His Excellency Baron Malwind has released a statement that all pending appointments with the Baron and overlord Earl Jovery have been cancelled for the month as the two travels to Tamzyrr to await the conclusion of the inquisition.
In the coming weeks, sides will likely be formed over the decision facing the imperial inquisition. Those who support His Excellency Baron Malwind of Vornavis, and those who wish to seek further justice for the assassination of their Imperial Majesty Empress Mynal'lyanna Anodheles. But everyone in the Turamzzyrian Empire, and those with a keen interest looking in from outside, wait for the final decree from His Imperial Majesty Emperor Aurmont Anodheles.
This message was originally posted in Towns, Solhaven. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 5/1/2007 1:05:28 AM
Rumors have spread to the port of Solhaven this evening that the imperial inquisition surrounding the assassination of Empress Mynal'lyanna Anodheles, first cousin to the current Emperor Aurmont Anodheles, is about to conclude. At the core of the investigation is Baron Dunrith Malwind of Vornavis and his involvement in decisions which may have resulted in the Empress' death, and possible ties to the origination of the assassination plot. The inquisition was established by His Imperial Majesty a few years ago shortly after the incident in question happened in the town of Solhaven.
Supporters of His Excellency Baron Malwind have expressed solidarity with the embattled baron, but they have grown concerned as of late by the lack of clear information out of the inquisition. Should the inquisition find the baron's actions suspect, and at fault for the assassination of the Empress, he would be stripped of all rights, titles, and privileges, and be sentenced to execution. Were this to happen, the baron's immediate family would be shamed into exile, and the seat of the barony of Vornavis would remain under the overlordship control of the Sentinel of the North, His Excellency Earl Eddric Jovery, permanently, or until such a time as a new baron could be established.
Further at stake in the inquisition is the future Free Port status of Solhaven. If His Excellency Baron Malwind is found at fault and sentenced to execution, Solhaven's status would likely never be restored, even at the behest of His Excellency Earl Jovery, and full imperial control would reside over the town. As a result, the initial "imperial crackdown" that was felt immediately after the death of the Empress would be returned to full force, and felt throughout all corners of Solhaven.
The baronial court of His Excellency Baron Malwind has released a statement that all pending appointments with the Baron and overlord Earl Jovery have been cancelled for the month as the two travels to Tamzyrr to await the conclusion of the inquisition.
In the coming weeks, sides will likely be formed over the decision facing the imperial inquisition. Those who support His Excellency Baron Malwind of Vornavis, and those who wish to seek further justice for the assassination of their Imperial Majesty Empress Mynal'lyanna Anodheles. But everyone in the Turamzzyrian Empire, and those with a keen interest looking in from outside, wait for the final decree from His Imperial Majesty Emperor Aurmont Anodheles.
This message was originally posted in Towns, Solhaven. To discuss the above follow the link below.