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Of Familiars and Gates

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 11/13/2007 12:39:26 AM

Spell 930, Familiar Gate, has been updated!

The update is mostly of the under-the-hood variety, addressing some outstanding bugs and general wokiness of the previous version.

Spell messaging has been updated to be a bit more gate-like, and the physical 'gate' created is now "a shifting portal" instead of "some swirling mist." The portal may still be referenced as "swirling mist."

Gates will close when their caster passes through, though if the caster is leading a group, as many group members as possible will also pass through with the caster before the gate closes.

Gates should stay open a bit longer on average for lower level casters, and the number of individuals who can pass through a gate before it closes may have changed; both depending on the caster's particualr training. Wizard Base spell ranks and Elemental Mana Control skills are key to mastering the spell.

The formula for success is unchanged, minus one addition. Wizards will find that knowledge of the Familiar Gate spell is now accompanied by knowledge of the "gate" rune. This rune may be drawn upon an appropriate surface, and the resulting runestone will provide a bonus to success equal to 15% plus 1% per 10 skill bonus of the caster's Magic Item Use skill when held in hand while casting the Familiar Gate spell. Each use will consume one charge of the runestone's power, and typical runestones will be created with one charge.


This message was originally posted in Wizards, Wizard Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.