EG Enhancives - blazestar jewelry and brawling bracers/vambraces

Author: GS4-SIRINA
Date: 12/28/2006 7:28:02 PM

A couple of folks have assisted regarding their EG enhancive items crumbling upon the final charge being used up. This is normal function and is intended. You can recharge them through the bounty system before they crumble, but if you use it up, it's gone.

That being said though, it appears I failed to make the auction quality blazestar items non-crumbly, which is NOT intended. If you are the owner of one of the FIVE auction-won blazestar headworn jewelry items, please ASSIST and request a referral so that your auction item can be fixed to not crumble.

(If your item doesn't have a loresong, it's not one of the auction items.)

I apologize for the inconvenience.


I <3 archers!

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." ~Galileo Galilei

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Sadie announces new flair!

Author: GS4-VARULV
Date: 12/24/2006 6:07:18 AM

Sadie is pleased to announce that new options for adding flair to your items are now available in the Specialty Shop of the Lighthouse.

New options for backpacks, boots, helms, sacks, satchels, kilts, shields, armor, skirts, cloaks, rings, amulets, pants and robes have been added to the autoscripter. Further, the proprietor should recognize a few items as allowable for having an autoscript added that he might have ignored before.


This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Benefits. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Author: GS4-VARULV
Date: 12/19/2006 6:10:11 PM


pcalc {service}
Calculate the point cost for a service on your current premium alteration scroll.

{service} must be one of:
flare (Add flares to the item)
enchant (Add +5 to the item)
pad (Add heavy crit or damage padding to the item)

>pcalc enchant
You must have a valid alteration scroll in your hands before calculating costs.

>take scroll
You pick up an alterer's scroll for altering your short sword.

>pcalc enchant
You have 1300 points available.
It will cost 500 points to enchant a short sword.
All point costs are estimates until Sadie has a chance to examine the item. Some items may have restrictions that will not allow certain services.

Enjoy, and please post any questions.


This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Benefits. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Solstice Tree Decorating Tonight!

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 12/19/2006 11:54:57 AM

We're decorating the Solstice Tree tonight in the garden niche next to the Small Park in the Landing.

Come at 10:00 p.m. Elven time for merry making and to celebrate the winner of the "CHE SOLSTICE ORNAMENT CONTEST". That winner is... (nope, you have to come tonight!)

Croe, on behelf of the Cooperative Houses of Elanthia

Ninety percent of the game is half mental.
-- Yogi Berra.

This message was originally posted in Cooperative Houses of Elanthia (CHE/Great Houses), Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Wehnimer's Bakery Seeks New Recipes

Date: 12/15/2006 4:56:18 PM

The Fessel family has been making and selling the same food items for generations and they're bored! Not only that, but they've noticed a marked decline in business over the past few years. After a lengthy family conference, much shouting, and a very messy pastry fight, they've agreed it's time for a change.

Following the lead of Mayor Stennis, with the recent contest for redecorating the Thrak Inn, Gert Fessel has decided to jump on the bandwagon. And, opportunist that he is, Gert's even managed to talk the Mayor's staff into handling all the mail for him. Thus, effective immediately, Gert has announced his own contest!

1) Entries will be accepted from Wehnimer's Landing citizenry only. Full citizenship is required and will be verified.
2) Only one entry per "family" (i.e. account).
3) Food suggestions must fit the 15/15/15 (article,adjective,noun) format. If you're unsure about how this works, type ALTER in game.
4) Food suggestions should include an idea of how the item will taste (sweet? tart? sugary? spicy?).
5) Submissions MUST include: a) Character name and b) Game instance (GS4 or Plat).
6) Entries must have a subject line of Bakery Contest and be submitted at
7) All food items should be in genre and contain reasonable ingredients (i.e., no M&M cookies, pizza rolls, PopTarts, etc.).
8) Submissions should be foods traditionally found in a bakery (breads, cakes, pastries, pies, cookies, etc.).

Prime and Plat will be judged separately. Entries will be voted upon by GS4 Staff. The prize for the top five entries will be a standard item alteration (see alteration rules) and a baker's dozen of your food item (to enjoy or share with others) one week prior to it being added to the bakery menu. Entries will be accepted from now through the end of the year (12/31/2006).

Here's a chance to get your favorite baked goods sold right in your own home town!


This message was originally posted in Towns, Wehnimer's Landing. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Re: Do you have website suggestions?

Date: 12/15/2006 12:49:47 PM

Orignally posted on 11/29/06:

>>I'm making a wish list of website updates and I would love to have your input too.


>>~ Kitrina

Okay for real this time...

Tell me your thoughts on what would make the website more functional for you, the experienced user as well as new users. I know you have ideas! :)

Please keep them separated by content vs. layout (content is done by our GMs, while layout is handled onsite).

~ Kitrina

This message was originally posted in Front Ends, Forums and Computer Help, Website Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Raechaer Receives Late Shipment

Author: GS4-TOLLI
Date: 12/10/2006 6:57:16 PM

Archmage Raechaer recently announced that a long delayed shipment of certain magical chalks was received this evening. She is proud to announce that long pieces of chalk, useful for those wishing to attempt planar shifting, are now available for sale to all customers. She vigorously denies the rumors that almost immediately started circulating that she also has a small supply of higher quality chalks that she's saving for her close friends.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Cysaegir. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Elemental Detection and Untempering

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 12/7/2006 12:41:26 PM

Wizards should find that the Elemental Detection (405) spell will now indicate that an enchanting project is in the process of being untempered after having a sarmoc potion applied to it.

Wizards should also note that an application of sarmoc typically requires one to two hours to work its magic, and should check often if they are in a particular rush to remove tempers from an enchanting project.


Jenovadeath playfully swats at the water, splashing Maliku!

This message was originally posted in Wizards, Enchanting. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Drunk Bug Fixing

Author: GS4-ALYIAS
Date: 12/2/2006 5:36:58 PM

A number of the bugs that were plaguing the drunk system have been addressed, namely the ones that had dwarves and others who should be able to drink like a fish be light-weights. ;-) Also fixed were a number of typos, missing phrases, and the like. Feel free to BUG again should you see anything that I missed.


This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, World and Roleplay Improvement. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Date: 12/2/2006 3:11:25 PM

Hear ye, hear ye!

In response to a recent petition, not to mention numerous missives directed to the attention of the Mayor, the following proclamation has been issued:

>Greetings, Citizens of Wehnimer's Landing! The terrible damage done to our beloved Raging Thrak Inn has too long stood as a reminder of the ravages of war. No longer will we allow this sad state of repair to blemish such a fine historical landmark. Effective immediately, the Town Council will be accepting proposals for repairs and renovations of the Trophy Room.

>When submitting said proposals, citizens should bear in mind the overall atmosphere of the Inn, the proud heritage and history of this fine establishment, and the appeal to future guests whose silvers will compensate the town for its redecorating efforts. Each citizen may enter the contest only once. The contest will remain open for a fortnight, at which time all entries will be reviewed by the Town Council and a winner selected. Prizes will be awarded for the five submissions that garner the most votes.

>More information will be announced soon, through the usual sources.

>Signed by me this 2nd day of Eorgaen, 5106,
>Stennis, Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing

OOC: A contest is being held to repair the damage done to the Trophy Room of the Thrak Inn during recent wars. The contest is only open to those individuals who hold primary citizenship in Wehnimer's Landing. Each citizen may submit one entry (that's one entry per account). Entries will be accepted by e-mail, at, for the next two weeks. The contest will close on 12/15/2006. Winners will be selected by staff members and prizes awarded for the top five entries.

Grand Prize: A basic item alteration and your choice of either a) a feature alteration or b) a customized "swear" verb. Normal alteration rules apply.

Runner-up Prizes: A basic item alteration. Normal alteration rules apply.

Things to keep in mind: The room description should be no more than 500 characters in length, including spaces and punctuation. Imagine a photographic snapshot of a room and describe what the room contains or what a person would see in the snapshot, not what they might feel or imagine. The room furnishings should be similar in nature to other furnishings found in the Inn and/or invoke the image of a medieval setting. Tribute can be paid to the past, but ICE age terms should not be used in your submission.

Prime and Platinum entries will be judged separately.

Your entry should include the following information:

Game Instance: (GS4 Prime or Platinum)
Character Name: (Name of the character who will accept the prize, if selected as a winner)
Description: (How you would like the room to look as well as any features you'd like to add, such as a wastebasket, working firelplace, etc.)

Good luck!


This message was originally posted in Towns, Wehnimer's Landing. To discuss the above follow the link below.

New Winter Sport - Corpse Sledding!

Author: GS4-TOLLI
Date: 12/2/2006 1:28:12 AM

We're happy to announce that a new winter sport (or summer sport, since the snow never melts!) has come to Pinefar and Icemule.

Find a nearby corpse, and try your hand at corpse sledding! We recommend PUSHing them down the rocks at the top of Nightmare Gorge for best effect.

See the Icemule Trace topic for a bit of a preview of how the sport came to be.


This message was originally posted in Towns, Icemule Trace. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Simutronics Office Closing Early 30 Nov 2006

Date: 11/30/2006 1:57:32 PM

They are experiencing a severe winter storm in St. Louis. They have had some power fluctuations and with the ice and freezing rain they are experiencing, and could lose power.

The Billing and Feedback Departments will close before 4PM EST, but the games will all remain running through our generator, though storms like this can cause that to fail.

Hopefully they will reopen tommorrow morning on time, depending on the severity of the weather.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


All your cookies are belong to us.

Societies Update

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 11/28/2006 4:06:30 PM

Both societies recently received significant behind-the-scenes updates during this afternoon's game reset. These changes deal mostly with code and data storage optimization, and should be invisible to most players. If you do notice any problems with anything society related, however, please either post them in the appropriate society folder or use the BUG command in game (please use following bug format: BUG OTHER;Societies;[detailed description of the problem]).


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Council of Light - General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Adventurers' Rest Remodeled

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 11/26/2006 1:32:20 PM

Due to the recent inconveniences caused by an abundance of water creatures in Kharam Dzu, town officials have opted to spend a bit of the "town improvement" funds to do some remodeling in the Adventurers' Rest.

Some new items have been added to the menu, as well as jazzing up the recipes for some old items. Chairs have been added to the Deck for your comfort, and drinks may be ordered from that lovely spot, as well!

Please aquaint yourself with Shorga, our new barmaid, who has worked her poor stubby fingers nearly to the bone wiping up after the recent flood.



This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Holiday Scents Around Elanthia

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 11/25/2006 4:18:10 PM

Having arranged a deal during the Festival of the Reunion for special bulk pricing, a nameless merchant will be moving a green pavillion tent around Elanthia selling oil lamps and scented oils for the next several weeks.

The tent will start its travels in Wehnimer's Landing on 11/25 and move around the lands every few days.

This message was originally posted in Towns, General Towns Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Giantkin Gathering!

Date: 11/20/2006 5:19:54 PM

Attention all Giantkin! Have you longed to find out more about your clan or tribe? What do you know about Saramar runes? Do you yearn to learn more about your people, their origins and their cultural practices?

As a player, how do you envision the giantman race? Do you feel existing documents give you enough background to work with when developing your character? What areas of giantman culture would you like to see explored in more depth?

On Friday, the 24th of November, a public meeting will be held to discuss all these things and more! I'll be on hand, as current Giantman Guru, to answer your questions, discuss upcoming projects, and listen to your thoughts regarding these bold adventurers. Tents will appear throughout the lands, around 9:00 PM EST that evening, to take you to the meeting site.

Until then, if you have any specific topics you'd like addressed at the assembly, please be sure to post them in the Giantkin folder within the Races of Elanthia category. If you'd like to send something to me directly, you can e-mail me at


This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Giantkin. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Gemshops Renovated Across Elanthia

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 11/17/2006 10:39:25 PM

Remarkably, the owners of the gemshops in Wehnimer's Landing, Teras Island, Solhaven, River's Rest, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor, Cysaegir and Four Winds Island have all decided to expand their businesses at the same time. Representatives from the Elanthian Modern Merchanting Standards and Practices Society were unavailable to address the issue of possible collusion, but since the changes seem to benefit the consumer, it is unlikely the issue will be pursued.

In the past, treasure items sold to the gemshops never appeared on the open market, apparently being passed to private collectors. Gem merchants are now seeking a larger clientele. From now on all items, except unset gems, will appear for resale on tables found in the shops. The tables will separate items into the magical and non-magical.

Elementalists will be able to investigate the properties of the items with Elemental Detection.

GM Fazli has been hanging out with the gemshop owners recently. Should the Elanthian Modern Merchanting Standards and Practices Society investigate the remarkable coincidence of all gemshop owners simultaneously making the same changes, it is likely GM Fazli will be brought in for questioning.


This message was originally posted in Towns, Town Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.

New Assistant Product Manager

Author: HJ-ERIC
Date: 11/17/2006 3:27:43 PM

Simutronics is pleased to announce that GM Kitrina has been promoted to the newly created position of Assistant Product Manager (APM). In this role, Kitrina will assist the Product Manager in leading the GemStone IV organization.

GM Kitrina, or Kia as she is known amongst both staff and players, was originally hired as a communications liaison for the development team, supporting the transition from GemStone III to GemStone IV. From there, she was promoted to Senior GameMaster of events, leading a team that successfully planned and implemented several large scale events.

Along with her experience as a player and GameMaster, Kia brings over 6 years of project management experience and an advanced degree in communications.

The first task for our new APM will be to work with the staff to create a vision for 2007 and beyond. You can expect this to be announced shortly after the first of the year.

Acting Producer, GS4

Zirconia's Gem Shop/Bounty Tasks

Author: GS4-TOLLI
Date: 11/17/2006 1:17:59 AM

I just wanted to let you all know that Zirconia's Gem Shop got a bit of a face lift tonight. Also, Zirconia has brought in a few employees and she is now overseeing them in the front room of the shop.

Because of that, when you're assigned a bounty task of collecting gems in Icemule, you will need to talk to Zirconia about it in the FIRST ROOM of the shop (the same room where the gems are sold).

If you would like to order custom jewelry, that service is still available in the alcove. Zirconia will simply step into the alcove with you to discuss any custom pieces :)


(cross posted to the Adventurer's Guild/Bounty topic)

This message was originally posted in Towns, Icemule Trace. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Premium Point Web Page Updated

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 11/15/2006 11:12:58 PM

Onsite has updated the Premium Point Web Page for us. This means you can tell at a glance how many premium points it will take to enchant your longsword or put unique actions on your hat. is the place to go!

Thanks to the web wizards in St. Charles!


This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Benefits. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Account Sharing

Date: 11/14/2006 7:49:26 PM

This has been said before, but based on the past two weeks it obviously needs to be said again. Don't share your account. If we find someone using your account who has been terminated or is locked out, youraccount will also be terminated or locked out.

As the account holder, you are responsible for what happens on, and who uses, your account. If they use your account and do something to get the account locked out, it's you who doesn't get to play.

If you are sharing your account, I strongly reccomend changing your password right now. There are going to be accounts that will be barred, and changing the password and not giving it out will be taken into consideration.


Raechaer the Alchemist Opens Shop in Cysaegir

Author: GS4-TOLLI
Date: 11/12/2006 7:22:45 PM

...or ask and ye shall receive?

So, as it turns out, Archmage Raechaer had moved to Cysaegir some months ago and had set about preparing to open an alchemist shop. Seeing as the town lacked such goods, she felt it would be an excellent investment. Unfortunately, just before opening a large boulder rolled in front of the entrance and prevented access to her shop (she knew she shouldn't have built underground anyhow).

After a journey to nearby Zul Logoth, Raechaer returned with a team of dwarven miners who removed the boulder for her, allowing her to open shop. Rachaer is now proud to invite all patrons to her Grand Opening.

You can find the entrance to her shop through an oval-shaped hole in the wall in the Cysaegir Cave area, just down the tunnel from Urgaen's Pawnshop.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Cysaegir. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Player Run Shops: Paladin-bonded Weapons.

Author: GS4-SLEKEN
Date: 11/12/2006 6:13:51 PM

Players will no longer be able to put paladin-bonded weapons up for sale in player run shops.

GM Sleken

"In a time of need he spoke to a rock, not with his lips, but his mind, and the rock wept tears of fresh ale, but his thirst was never quenched."

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Player-Run Shops. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Kharam Dzu Locksmith Shop Cleans Up

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 11/8/2006 6:51:59 PM

The infamous Kniknak Sneakyfeet is proud to announce (well ok, not proud, but we made him do it anyhow) the addition of a BIG EMPTY BOX to his dismal little shop!

Please note, you may want to take the coins and treasures out of your coffers before placing them in said box.


This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Hearthstone Manor's Legend's Bar Recognizes Paladins

Date: 11/5/2006 3:25:46 PM

The proprietors of Hearthstone Manor's Legend's Bar would like to recognize the first Paladin to achieve the "Legendary" title. Displayed in a place of honor upon a new shelf, a goblet has been crafted to reflect the personality and name of this distinguished adventurer. All are invited to visit the Legend's Bar to view this recent addition!

Congratulations to Limper Guardmane in Prime and Oengus McAntrim in Platinum!

Note: The new goblets will be simply decorative in nature, due to the evolution of the game since the first Legends were recognized and the relative ease with which the "Legendary" title can now be achieved. Without demeaning the accomplishments of these paladins in any way, it was felt that the goblets earned by Legendary individuals from the original eight professions should remain unique and special in their own way.


This message was originally posted in Towns, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

When does the festival close?

Date: 11/2/2006 4:58:06 PM

Hey all!

I hope you're enjoying Ebon Gate: The Return of Velathae as much as we've enjoyed putting it together for you!

The festival technically "closes" on Friday night at 9:30pm EST (read: not likely to be merchants after this time), but I will leave it open for you to do your last minute shopping (and digging!) until Sunday night.

Do not forget to pick up your alteration scroll.


~ Kitrina

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Bounty System Updates

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 10/31/2006 11:10:00 PM

The following updates have been made to the Bounty System:

-If there are no creatures within your chosen level band in your current town, you will no longer be automatically assigned tasks in other towns.

-The BOUNTY verb now displays your record of passed/failed tasks.

-Escort tasks to Zul Logoth no longer require you to ride with the NPC in the mine cart - escorting them to mine cart entrance is sufficient.

-Escorted NPCs now move slightly faster than was previously the case.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Creatures - More or Less

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 10/31/2006 10:01:34 PM

GM Mestys has asked me to tell you that:

Over the next few days, a number of changes will be taking place with the creature generators across many of the hunting areas in the game. In addition to taking care of some minor maintenance issues, many of the generation rates will be modified.

In general, the affected generators will exhibit a greater creature to player population ratio in their respective hunting areas. Certain creatures will generate in an expanded range of rooms within their areas, and couple of others will be moved completely from their areas and into others. Additionally, a number of creatures that generate rarely will be removed from the Bounty system as potential kill tasks.

So the next time you are mobbed by a bunch of creatures, Thank Mestys!!!


This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.

EG Auction - Frequently Asked Questions

Author: GS4-GYRES
Date: 10/28/2006 11:21:35 AM

After noticing a lot of people asking the same questions over and over in the EG chat room, we decided to throw up some information here for ease of understanding.

Q: When do the auctions start?
A: Noon EST, saturday and sunday.

Q: Where are the auctions being held?
A: There are two rooms on the first floor the Tower on top of the hill in the center of the festival grounds that have been specifically set aside for the auctions. The token room is the Azure Chamber and is located on the north side of the tower, through the iron-studded door. The silvers room is the Jade Chamber and is located on the south side of the tower, through the iron-studded door.

Q: How long are the auctions going to run each day?
A: As long as it takes to get all the items scheduled for that day in the hands of the players.

Q: Why does it say 'Also here: nobody important'? Why can't I talk in the auction rooms?
A: We've silenced the auction rooms to keep distracting noise down and also to lower the chances of lag due to so many people in a room at once. You can still whisper amongst yourselves.

Q: How do we bid on items?
A: In the tokens room, once bidding on an item has been opened, simply BID to cast your token against the lot. If you change your mind before bidding is closed, simply WITHDRAW and your token will be withdrawn.

In the silvers room, once bidding on an item has been opened, you can BID . You cannot withdraw a silver bid once it has been made.

Q: Can I see what's up for bid? Can I see what's up for bid in the silvers room if I'm in the token room, and vice versa?
A: There's a list posted on the lectern in each auction room. If you LOOK LIST, you'll see a lot of information.

The listing under 'In storage:' is what's currently in a storage chest and pending auction on Sunday. The listing under 'Items currently in the chest:' is what was most recently pulled from today's auction items and will be going out shortly. Immediately after that is the number of items left to go out today in that room.

After these are what's currently up for bid in both the room you're in and the other auction room. Word to the wise - if you have things going in both rooms that you want to bid on, keep a close eye on the end of that list.

You can also look at the items in the storage chest in the room you're in to see what they look like, and look at the item currently on the display table in the room you're in as well.

Q: Where do I pick up my token? I'm confused.
A: Your token is virtual. If you bought an auction ticket, you're assumed to have a token merely by existing. Once you win an item in either room, your token is gone, and you'll no longer be able to bid on an item in either room.

Q: Do I have to have my silver on me to bid in the silvers room?
A: You most definitely do. Notes work, silvers work, but banks, alternate characters, and your friend Joe do not. If you do not have the money on your person when you attempt to bid on an item in the silvers room, you will be unable to bid and may miss your chance.

Q: I won an item! Now what do I do?
A: Your item will be placed under the display table once you've won it. Only you and the auctioneer will be able to pick it up. Take it promptly so things don't pile up, and if you cannot handle the item for some reason (you're too low level to pick up the vultite sword you just won, for instance), whisper to the auctioneer letting them know and they'll put it in a sack for you.


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Unofficial Ebon Gate Chat Reminder

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 10/27/2006 9:25:32 AM

The Ebon Gate event opens tonight in GemStone Prime, and the unoffficial EG chat is waiting!

Need a common place to gather, discuss event happenings, hunt for merchants, or puzzle over merchandise properties? Just want to chat with others while waiting for merchant services or takng a breather? Well, here you are! Don't be afraid to join us, we don't bite! Perhaps we can break 200 people at once, this year!

A web client is available at which requires nothing more than a web browser to use. This client is provided as a convenience, but is known to be unreliable, and the use of a dedicated IRC client is seriously suggested.

For those of you with IRC clients, or a preference for something other than the web client, you may connect to on port 6667 and join the #EbonGate channel. The URL irc:// should also lead you to the chat assuming you have an appropriate client installed which handles the IRC protocol.

For anyone who does have an IRC client, and would like to get one, I could suggest visiting for Windows users, or for Windows, MacOS X or Unix/Linux/BSD users.

As a final note, please remember that this chat is NOT officially supported by Simutronics, and is provided as a convenience by me as a member of this excellent community. Please be courteous to your fellow chatters, be they player or staff, and have an excellent Ebon Gate!


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

A Second Date With SORT

Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 10/26/2006 8:28:41 PM

IOI: 5


- Ildran

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, General Discussion about Gemstone IV. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Ebon Gate: TOKEN Auction

Date: 10/25/2006 2:00:43 PM


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Ebon Gate: SILVER Auction

Date: 10/25/2006 1:58:25 PM


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Expanded Paid Restoral Process Time Limit Reminder

Date: 10/23/2006 12:43:38 PM

Hello everyone. Since the Expanded Paid Restoral rules were released to allow customers to revert their converted Paladin back to their original Cleric/Warrior on August 1, 2006, we have reverted seven characters back to their original professions.

This posting is to remind those who have a character they converted prior to August 1, 2006 and have been contemplating reverting their character back that you only have eight (8) days left (October 31, 2006) in which to submit your request or this option will no longer be available.

- Characters converted prior to August 1, 2006 have until October 31, 2006 in which to submit their request or lose their option to revert.

- Characters converted between August 1, 2006 and October 31, 2006 will have 90 days from their converted date in which to submit their request for reversion else they will lose this option.
- Characters who are converted after October 31, 2006 will only have 30 days from the date of conversion in which to submit their request.

If you've been considering and debating reverting your character back to their original Cleric/Warrior, your time is running short. Once you are outside of your specified cycle, you will be stuck with the Paladin character unless you choose to reroll/retire them and recreate them as the original profession.

If you have any questions regarding this process, feel free to e-mail them to me at Thank you.

Edit - More information about the Paid Character Restoral and Reversion policies can be found at Added due to popular request.

GameMaster Antavian
GemStone IV Feedback Coordinator

This message was originally posted in Help For Players, Policy Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Sorting By Moonlight... And Nouns

Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 10/22/2006 3:52:51 PM

IOI: 5

You come home from a day of rescuing small children and recovering priceless heirlooms. You're tired, but energized. That lovely lady you've been courting has allowed you to take her out to dinner this evening. You quickly get dressed in your best clothes. The cufflinks. The nice shoes. The shirt without bloodstains. You've got the wine. You've got the picnic basket. You've got the Minor Sanctuary scroll. But in the back of your mind, you know something's still missing...

The roses. You need roses. have roses! But you need two dozen of them. Twenty-three simply won't do. How many do you have? You look in your bag...they're all different kinds! Pink roses, red roses, white roses, yellow roses! What if you lose count? Oh, what to do?!?


- Ildran

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, General Discussion about Gemstone IV. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Ebon Gate - Free Gift

Date: 10/20/2006 11:51:15 AM

So everyone doesn't walk away without at least one alteration, I've set up a table of alter scrolls inside the Tower in the Scarlet Chamber.

Every attendee can GET one scroll, and redeem it for one alteration. Please be punctual with with your requests as this list will expire in 120 days (and your scroll will rot away...)

All normal alteration rules apply of course.

If you never used an alter scroll, GET, READ, and WRITE (especially WRITE NEW to make your request) are the important commands.

We hope you enjoy the festival!

~SGM Khaladon

All your cookies are belong to us.

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

*UPDATE* Ebon Gate Auction: Platinum

Date: 10/20/2006 9:11:17 AM


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Ebon Gate: Village of Velathae Map

Date: 10/19/2006 9:22:21 PM

The map to the Village of Velathae has been uploaded. It can be found here:

The advertisement on the front page will be updated shortly.

GM Lothwyn

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Note: Here is a copy of the image just in case.

The Unofficial Ebon Gate Event Chat...

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 10/19/2006 11:06:03 AM up, open and ready for the masses! It's that time of the year, again! Need a common place to gather, discuss event happenings, hunt for merchants, or puzzle over merchandise properties? Well, here you are!

A web client is available at which requires nothing more than a web browser to use. This client is provided as a convenience, but is known to be unreliable, and the use of a dedicated IRC client is seriously suggested.

For those of you with IRC clients, or a preference for something other than the web client, you may connect to on port 6667 and join the #EbonGate channel. The URL irc:// should also lead you to the chat assuming you have an appropriate client installed which handles the IRC protocol.

For anyone who does have an IRC client, and would like to get one, I could suggest visiting for Windows users, or for Windows, MacOS X or Unix/Linux/BSD users.

As a final note, please remember that this chat is NOT officially supported by Simutronics, and is provided as a convenience by me as a member of this excellent community. Please be courteous to your fellow chatters, be they player or staff, and have an excellent Ebon Gate!


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Just In time for Ebon Gate -- ALTER 13 Update

Date: 10/19/2006 12:56:37 AM

Added to ALTER 13: Metals and Materials the following information:

Cloth of gold (and platinum or silver) is created when metal thread is woven into the warp of linen, wool, or silk fabric. Ductible metals that allow threading include vaalin and veniom, although due to its ability to lighten what it is incorporated into, cloth of veniom is a very rare fabric only available in limited quantity and by special merchants.

Basically, what this means is that a merchant will honor clothing alteration requests for:
cloth of gold
cloth of silver
cloth of platinum
cloth of vaalin

Special merchants, those who have the ability to lighten items, may offer a very limited ability to work with cloth of veniom. They will pre-announce the ability to do such work.

This subject was originally announced in Elanthian Fashion. Please visit that top to review discussion.

Bringing tiramisu and key lime pies to the masses everywhere!

"Wisdom is ofttimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar." ~ William Wordsworth, The Excursion


Date: 10/18/2006 4:36:46 PM

This contest is open to all GemStone IV subscribers, Prime, Premium and Platinum.

Design a tattoo for the Adventurer's Guild, suitable to be awarded by the prize NPC! Tattoos will be of the ordinary non-scripted variety. You must supply a 15/15/15 description. You may also include a long description, but it must not be longer than 50 characters in total length. (No "show" descriptions.)

Three winners will be selected, each of whom will receive the top prize of 20,000 Bounty Points, tax free.

Send entries to the address GS4-Strathspey with the subject "Tattoo contest". Entries must be received by 11/3/2006 11:59 pm EST. Be sure to include your character's name. All entries become property of Simutronics Corp. Entries will be judged by Gemstone IV staff, whose decisions are final. Winners will be announced and prizes will be awarded at or before the end of time as we know it.

Good luck!

This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Ebon Gate Auction: Platinum

Date: 10/18/2006 9:43:59 AM

The eccentric collectors that lived in the tower on Tower Hill have opened their family heirlooms and collection to the visitors of Velathae for a glorious auction!

Since they cannot bring their wondrous possessions through the Ebon Gate, they have decided to disperse the collection to those who gain entrance into the Tower for the auctions over the weekend. Some say that this is a means to uncurse the family for their greed and unsavory collection practices. The Tower Hill family collection was extremely well known during its time and for many years after, but it was also filled with whispered rumors of theft and unfair gain.

Each ticket holder will receive a Tower Hill Auction Token to use in the two event areas: Raffle and Auction (silvers). In the raffle area, the items are raffled off to the individuals who submit their tokens for a particular item. The auction area is for those who want to attempt to win the item with silvers by submitting their token for a chance to participate in the auctioning of an item.

The winner will walk away with their high quality item and those that did not win may reuse their token to try their luck again. If for any reason one of the visitors is unhappy with their item, they are able to exchange the item with one of the consolation prizes during the remainder of the event.

Consolation Prizes:
1. Alteration scroll
2. Feature alteration
3. 500 premium points
4. Mayhem tattoo
5. Enhancive item recharging

The auction will take place over the opening weekend of Ebon Gate. Half of the auction items will be released on Feastday (Saturday) and half on Restday (Sunday). The auctioneers will begin each day at 12:00 Elven (noon EST) and cycle through the batch until all items have been auctioned. Items will move quickly, so do not miss out!


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------

Currently, there are 120 auction items listed for Platinum. Each ticket holder is guaranteed to win one item. Due to the fact that there are 108 tickets sold as of today, we may not get through all 120 items listed.

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

New High Level Hunting Ground on Teras Isle.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 10/15/2006 11:23:20 PM

The ruined temple of Nelemar was released this weekend, housing a host of ten new creatures, spanning in level from 92 to 105. Sirens, water elementals, and various tritons creep the halls of the once guardian temple of the Fier'Dracus. Two of the creatures, the spectral triton defenders and ethereal triton sentries, are undead.

The way to the temple can be found down the incline on the south end of the Fhorian Village outside of Kharam-Dzu. A significant number of Swimming ranks is highly recommended to maneuver to and around the area. The creatures themselves have many new unique and varied abilities, so caution is advised.

The efforts of many GameMasters went into the preparation and release of the area, and I would like to thank them all. First off, Warden for the concept and review of the creatures. Secondly, Hadlir and Aiza for the creation of the area itself, as well as Strathspey for the coding behind the sirens and water elementals. I'd also like to thank Gyres, Voraviel, Liia, and Varulv for their parts in the release event. Finally, Croe for her announcements keeping everyone informed of the event.


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Teras Isle Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Search for the Fier'Dracus Leads to Sunken Temple

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 10/15/2006 6:21:42 PM

Erakaya and Sarise, two scholars working to discern the fate the Fier'Dracus from its guardians, have traced the shards of the gem to a temple submerged off the shores of the Fhorian Village.

The two startled scholars, in the company of Mavalgnus and others, drew the notice of Nelemar, greatest of all known water elementals, with their summoning ritual.

Rising from a whirlpool, Nelemar deigned to speak to those assembled upon the beach, telling them the tale of the temple which once harbored the Fier'Dracus.

Nelemar says that the gem has been found, only to be lost again, throughout history. In days past there was a band of people, dedicated to Nelemar who built him a great temple near the sea on Teras Island. These people kept the Fier'Dracus, in their place of worship, guarding it from the fire elementals.

Drawn by its latent power, the elementals searched for the gem, discovering its place of concealment. Fiercely angry, the fire elementals overwhelmed the temple's inhabitants, consuming all they could in a massive inferno.

Nelemar took his now ravaged house of worship and sunk it beneath the seas where it became a favorite haunt of lesser water elementals. Nelemar indicated that he had no objection to Terasian land dwellers exploring his temple, but cautioned that the environment, and the lesser elementals dwelling within, might prove less than hospitable.

Adventurers of even the greatest skill are cautioned to proceed with care.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Fire Elemental Hints at the Fier'Dracus' Fate

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 10/15/2006 9:40:48 AM

An unconfirmed report states the scholar Mavalgnus and his band of researchers recently summoned a massive, blazing fire elemental, seeking information on the fate of the remaining pieces of the Fier'Dracus.

The elemental, under threat of eternal confinement, whispered to Mavalgnus and his band, that the Flame that Never Dies had been reclaimed by the elemental beings and fiery vengeance taken upon those who had held it, burning their halls.

Encouraged by this new information the scholars have returned to their tomes, seeking the location of the conflagration.

The progress of these endeavors is being followed on the boards of Kharam Dzu.

Lumbering Denizens of Greymist Wood Take Up Arms.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 10/13/2006 11:02:54 PM

No longer content with the weapons that nature had given them, many of the fiery residents of Greymist Wood have picked up weapons of their own. Hunters of the area near Kharam-Dzu's logging road should take heed of the creatures' new heavy armaments.

As a more general update, all creatures that generate with weapons should now be able to wield them properly.


This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Shadows Grow More Lively in the Broken Lands.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 10/6/2006 5:26:08 PM

A cold and clammy murk fell over the dark grotto this night, as the shadows roiled and sprung to new life, heralding the arrival of a new breed of dark vortece.

Over the coming weeks, many sweeping changes will be coming to the creatures of Elanthia. One in particular comes to the fore, however, on this most appropriate of nights. The dark vorteces of the Broken Lands have been converted to the Basic Critter System (BCS). In general, this means that they will behave more intuitively and intelligently in their shadowy ways. Brave their chilly onslaught and you may be rewarded.


This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Scholars Seek Ancient Artifact

Author: GS4-Croe
Date: 10/6/2006 5:26:08 PM

For those of you who may have missed it because there was not a Forum Announcement:

Researchers in the libraries of Tamzyr have found a link between the Fier'Dracus and a temple believed to have stood on Teras Island.

The Fier'Dracus, a gem of mysterious origin and ability, was supposedly destroyed. According to legend, loresingers handling shards of the gem have heard a voice declare, "I am the Fier'dracus, The Flame That Never Dies. Shattered I am for now, child of flesh, but dread the day when I am whole again, for you will burn for what you know."

Residents of Kharam Dzu have mixed opinions about the search for the Fier'Dracus. Local miners have warned against excavating the side of the already active volcanic slopes. Barkeepers have hailed the new arrivals, noting that research seems to be thirsty work and scholars are good tippers. Local mothers expressed concern that the Fier'Dracus might prove dangerous. They also declared that scholarship and research are not suitable activities for a family oriented community. "There is no telling what kind of questions children might ask once they are exposed to ideas," exclaimed one anxious mother.

Residents and researchers are conducting their debate in the Kharam Dzu Forums.


This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Adventurer's Guild EnTITLEments

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 10/1/2006 3:06:44 PM

27 new titles have been created for the Adventurer's Guild. Titles for a particular task will appear in your listing as soon as you have completed that task at least once. Type TITLE LIST BOUNTY to see which titles are available to you.

In addition, if you are displaying a bounty title when you ask the treasure master for an upgrade to your guild badge, he will inscribe the title on to it.

>read my badge
In the Common language, it reads:
The Adventurer's Guild ~ Lord Joe, Bodyguard Extraordinaire

As another consequence of these additions, the Rogue professional title of "Bounty Hunter" will change to "Buccaneer".

We have GM Strathspey to thank for these Title-wave!


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Final ticket release for Ebon Gate event auction-level tickets

Date: 9/25/2006 1:20:07 PM

I have accepted a player suggestion and warped it to my own method for addressing the release of the last six tickets. I'm going to be using the suggestion of the raffles set around the lands (and they are set out at this time) but with a twist due to limitations in the system.

The in-game raffle system is not going to determine the winners of the tickets because it has a limitation which requires characters to be logged into the game at the time of drawing in order to be chosen as a winner. However, I will be using the records kept by this system for each individual character which purchases a ticket for the raffle to determine the homes of the last six tickets.

The raffle tables have been set down in each major town in the following locations:

Wehnimer's Landing - Town Square, Small Park
Icemule Trace - Icemule Trace, North Gate
Teras Isle - Dragonspine and Krodera
Solhaven - Solhaven, North Market
River's Rest - River's Rest, Town Commons
Ta'Illistim - Ta'Illistim, Sapphire Gate
Ta'Vaalor - Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court
Zul Logoth - Zul Logoth, Agate Tunnel
Four Winds Isle - Wisteria Crossing

The cost of the tickets is 1000 silvers in-game. Any accounts which already have an auction-level ticket for the Ebon Gate event will be disqualified and forfeit their 1000 silver entry. Only one character upon an account can win a ticket, so if you enter with multiple characters upon your account and multiple characters are randomly drawn as a winner, only the first character will be listed as a winner and the other characters removed from contention. The tables are set to close down at approximately 1PM Central time on Friday, September 29, 2006. The winning accounts will be responsible for the cost of the ticket, as these are not free tickets. The winners will be contacted via e-mail and have until the end of business (8PM Central) on Wednesday, October 4, 2006, in which to respond back with their intentions to purchase the tickets or they will be released and no further contests will be provided for them.

Good luck everyone.

GameMaster Antavian
GemStone IV Feedback Coordinator

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

More Variety in Gold Rings

Author: GS4-SINDEN
Date: 9/22/2006 10:32:38 PM

Gold Rings created by the treasure system will now appear with one of 21 different adjectives. This is intended to help players sort their various rings as well as add a bit more flavor to the world.

Please report any problems to Game Design Discussions, Treasure Systems

- Sinden

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Treasure System. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Remaining Ebon Gate Event Auction-level ticket sales for September 22, 2006

Date: 9/21/2006 7:24:36 PM

Hello again everyone.

As promised, this post is to let you all know that, as of this time, there are guaranteed to be 16 tickets going on sale at random times tomorrow, Friday, September 22, 2006, starting anytime after 1PM Central time. These tickets will be first come, first serve when released. All open tickets will be released before Midnight Central time. There may be additional tickets that show as being reserved after all tickets are sold. This intended as other tickets using alternate billing await clearing or failure notifications (usually prevelant with Electronic Funds Transfers). If any of them do happen to fail and require releasing, they will be released without prior notification of their release and at the earliest convenience of the system (and myself).

Good luck tomorrow everyone.

GameMaster Antavian
GemStone IV Feedback Coordinator

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Bounty System Reward Change

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 9/21/2006 3:11:37 PM

Due to the recent release of the Chronomage Teleportation system and the subsequent removal of gold rings from NPC shops, the gold ring bounty system has been removed. In its place, black crystals (2 charges of Floating Disk) are now offered.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Chronomage Travel System Released

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 9/17/2006 10:22:27 PM


Wandering Elanthians should be please to hear of an agreement, signed this week, between representatives of the mysterious Chronomages and Town Magistrates. This accord provides an opportunity for swift and carefree travel between towns.

For a mere 100,000 silvers Chronomage travel clients will receive an orb good for a single trip to the town of their choice. Citizens purchasing a orb in their home city will receive a discounted price.

Travel will occur within ninety minutes of booking the trip, and if you decide to leave at another time, no problem. READ your orb to see when the next transport leaves. GAZE at your orb to see your destination. Simply stand in the transport area at the appropriate time and the trip, once begun, will be over before you know it.

If you log off in the Transport Area, with the orb in your hand, and log back on after the designated travel time, you will awaken at your destination.

As part of the agreement with the town magistrates, travelers will need to wait 48 hours before using the Chronomage Transport again. Whispers have been heard that the Chronomages are willing to bend these travel time restrictions, but the cost is steep and citizens will not receive any discount for participating in dubious transactions.

Although town officials seem confident that these arrangements will "help facilitate travel and commerce between the far flung towns of our land," one Icemule halfling remains unconvinced. Cymballina Stackenhay, of Barley Lane, queries, "What do we really know about these Chronomages? We know they misplace gold rings at an alarming rate. What if they are equally careless with their clients?" The worried halfling also characterized the Chronomages as "shakedown artists and chronic petty theives" and declares she intends to "use my hairy feet" when moving from one town to another.

GM Akaydar gets credit for brokering the deal between the Chronomages and the town magistrates. Way to go, Akaydar!



Web Witch Croe

This message was originally posted in Towns, Town Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Ebon Gate Ticket Sales

Date: 9/14/2006 9:53:11 AM

Tickets will go on sale tomorrow, starting with premium subscribers, approximately around 12:00pm (noon) CST. That is the time we're aiming for.

The $100 tickets, for the event and auction, will be limited. The $40 tickets, for the event, will be unlimited.

The detailed information for the event will be up at the time of ticket sales.


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.;amp;category=12&topic=5&message=6395

Scroll Books

Author: GS4-NILVEN
Date: 9/12/2006 11:55:37 PM

A change was made tonight to the GM auction scroll combiner books. There was a bug in them that, when used in conjunction with Scroll Infusion (714), was allowing spells on scrolls to be infused and kept in-game indefinitely. The books were originally released as a way of consolidating spells from many different scrolls onto a single scroll. When Scroll Infusion came out, these began to operate with Scroll Infusion in an unintended way. These books were able to take spells off of scrolls that could no longer be infused and put them on fresh scrolls, which were not locked or deteriorated, which was not the original design intent of these books.

As a result of this change, spells that are transferred off a scroll that is no longer unlockable will cause the destination scroll to become unlockable. Any spells already unlocked on the destination scroll will remain infusible (subject to normal deterioration). The new spells will not be able to be unlocked. If spells are transferred from an unlocked scroll, the destination scroll will remin unlockable. If anyone has any questions, please direct them to the Sorcerer Spells discussion topic in the Sorcerer category.


"I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I've said." -- Alan Greenspan

This message was originally posted in Sorcerers, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Bounty System Changes

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 9/11/2006 3:43:03 PM

The following changes to the Adventurer's Guild have been implemented:

- Experience rewards from successfully completed tasks will no longer continue stacking after the player has reached the saturated experience level. Reaching saturation is still possible, but until enough field experience has been absorbed to bring the player back down to the normally obtainable field experience levels, completing further bounty tasks will no longer result in further experience being added. Bounty points, fame, and silver will continue to accrue as normal.

- Players who have been assigned the Procure Gems bounty tasks will now receive a modifier that increases their chances of finding the particular gem that they have been tasked. This modifier is temporary, it only lasts until enough gems have been found to complete the given task and is only applicable if the player can learn from the creature being searched.

- Players are now able to request the possibility of being assigned easier or harder tasks than normal (i.e. tasks that may involve creatures outside of the standard [Level +/-5] band). Asking for easier tasks can modify the lower end of the band from -5 to -9 (in increments of -1). However, each level that the minimum level is lowered results in a 15% penalty to all bounty system task rewards (i.e. 15% at -6, 30% at -7, 45% at -8, and 60% at -9). Asking for harder tasks can modify the higher end of the band from +5 to +10 (in increment of +1). There is no reward adjustment for asking for harder tasks. You cannot ask for both harder tasks and easier tasks at the same time. Syntax for requesting harder/easier tasks is: ASK [taskmaster] FOR [EASIERHARDER] TASKS.

- The Escort NPC task has been modified to significantly reduce the number of times that the player will be asked to escort their NPC clear across the continent. Such trips are still possible, but it is more likely that the NPC will want to go to a neighbouring town than not.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Lockshops of the Lands Renovated

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 9/11/2006 10:47:02 AM


The Lockshop Owners of Elanthia have collectively decided to renovate their shops. These renovations will mostly affect Stormfront users who can now use the Point and Click option to purchase lockpicks and other merchandise.

Lockshop discounts will henceforth be figured the same way other town merchants calculate their discounts. This means some people may find they pay less, others (Dark Elves without any Trading skills, for example) will pay more.

GM Fazli is proud to announce this Lockshop upgrade is his work, unless you are a Dark Elf without Trading Skills. If you are a Dark Elf without trading skills, GM Fazli would like you to know he had nothing to do with this at all.


~ Croe ~

This message was originally posted in Rogues, Locksmithing and Traps. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Further Minor Speech Updates

Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 9/8/2006 12:25:26 PM

IOI: 5

The spelling problems with -ically tones have been fixed.

The tones terse and tactful have been removed, as it was pointed out that those tones really describe a message's content rather than its delivery. Instead of terse, it's recommended that players use abrupt or quick, or the new tones brusque or curt. Instead of tactful, the tones careful, gentle, kind, understanding, or warm are options.

In addition to the above mentioned brusque and curt, the new tones decisive, incredulous, and whimsical have been added.

SPEAK now shows what language you are currently speaking at the bottom.

- Ildran

This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Roleplaying Verb Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.

New Instrument Release

Author: GS4-TAIVEN
Date: 9/7/2006 9:33:10 PM

Originally Posted in Bards, Instruments.

There will be two new instruments released as part of the Ebon Gate festivities. A lot of care went into making these instruments. I hope you guys enjoy!

One from the Tehir culture:


The ayr is a small, pear-shaped, stringed instrument. Unlike many
other plucked stringed instruments, it does not have a fretted neck.

The ayr features a pear-shaped sound box, a peg box which is bent back
at a 45-90 degree angle from the neck, five pairs of strings which are
paired in courses of two (except the lowest string which is usually
just a single string), a shorter neck, at least one sound hole, a
bridge, and keys for tuning the strings.

Each pair of strings is tuned by the same key, creating a distinctive
sound. The pairs of strings are tuned in unison, like the pairs of
strings on a mandolin. The bridge and the strings are attached to the
instrument in a similar fashion to the classical guitar, i.e. knotted
at the bridge.

The strings of the ayr are always made of gut and the bridge and neck
of the instrument are often inlaid with small pieces of ivory or bone.
Otherwise, the ayr is usually void of ornamentation or decoration. The
ayr is never to be painted, carved or the wood otherwise disturbed for
fear of changing the faint, haunting sound it produces.

The ayr is famous for its easy improvisation, unlike other instruments
which either require accompaniment or are too complex to play.

One from the Erithian culture:


The enshai is an aerophonic instrument which is thought to bring good
luck, and as a result, it is widely used by Erithians during wedding
ceremonies and festive occasions.

The enshai employs two sets of double reeds, making it a quadruple
reed woodwind. By controlling the breath various tunes can be played
on it. The term "quadruple reed" comes from the fact that there are
four pieces of dried palm leaf vibrating against each other, in pairs.

The enshai is created from a wooden tube that gradually widens towards
the lower end. It usually has eight holes. The instrument is made of
ebonwood or rosewood and has a brass or copper bell fixed to the end
and tied together internally with string. The length of the instrument
is one and a half to two feet.

The reed mounts in the mouth piece, the upper end, on the outside.

This instrument has a sealed air chamber. When playing, the lips are
placed on the upper end, this places the reed inside the mouth. The
mouth is now part of the instrument and acts as an air chamber. Prior
to playing the reed must be soaked to soften it. The fingers of the
right hand cover the four bottom holes. The fingers of the left hand
play the upper four holes. Some players adjust the instrument's sound
by partially or completely filling some holes with wax.

The enshai is a very sensitive instrument and requires a great deal of
skill on a musician's part. It is actually the way in which the lips
and tongue play upon the reed mouthpiece and the manner in which the
holes are opened and closed with the fingers which render the
semitones and quarter tones effectively and attractively. The enshai
is considered one of the most difficult instruments to play.

The body of the enshai is always made of a dark hard wood, most
commonly ebonwood, rosewood, black ash, and black willow. The bell is
always made of either brass or copper. As the enshai is most commonly
used during festive occasions and wedding, it is often highly
decorated. The bells are often etched and polished, while the wood of
the body is often carved and adorned with jewels.

- Brought to you by GM Taiven, with support from the letters B(ernt), C(roe), and O(zias)!

Update to WHISPER.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 9/4/2006 4:41:29 PM

The WHISPER command has been updated to allow for use while in roundtime.

Further, those with the Whispering Willow spell (605) active may WHISPER while immobile or webbed.


This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Roleplaying Verb Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.